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Bush Speech Thread

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  • Originally posted by ThePlagueRat
    Now the retorics in Washington are ranting about ending a dictatorship.

    Why did not USA condemn the Chilean abduction of civilians during the regime of dictator Pinochet? Do people forget so soon?
    good point Plague Rat
    We're supporting Saudi Arabia, an oppressive regime that isn't a Democracy. SA and Syria both support terrorists much more than Saddam does. It goes back to how far Bush is going to go to get Saddam. Me, personally, I wouldn't give one red cent to those Saudi f***ers.

    Getting Saddam is a just and worthy goal. But the price we're going to pay isn't worth it, IMO.
    To us, it is the BEAST.


    • Originally posted by Sava
      There are always going to be retards and flamers on both sides of an issue.
      And if they continue... they will be sitting this war out.

      Again... we aren't putting up with crap this time around.

      Heck, MtG wants to start right now.

      Keep on Civin'
      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • Good thing you are trying to be reasonable Sava.
        But why do you think the US administration got to the
        EU2 rating equivalent "Hated throughout the whole world"

        Concerning this idea of hate and fear, you should all watch the documentary 'Bowling for Columbine', and start to think...

        BTW, you should also try out EU2.
        My words are backed with hard coconuts.


        • ahhh I know Mingy... I'm not insulting anyone. please don't ban me!
          To us, it is the BEAST.


          • Originally posted by UberKruX

            let me make an analogy that'll probably get flamed by someone.

            some guy walks up to you and says, "if i had a gun, i'd blow your f*cking head off".

            he then starts looking for a gun (or, developing a projectile weapon of some sort).

            you'd get the f*cker arrested for assault, right? you'd call the cops and wait for them to arrest him / rectify the suitation. before he got the gun with which he threatened to shoot you.

            so the cops show up but do nothing for 12 years, while this dude continues to build a gun, saying things like "i think you should check over there!", and "sorry, you can't check my garage right now, get the hell out."

            he's going to get a gun and blow your f*cking head off.

            so, do you let the bumbling cops keep trying? maybe your neighbors want you to. or do you do what you have to do for the interest of self preservation, and beat the guy senseless, until he dies or runs the hell away.

            it's the same concept with large scale implications.
            Except that you gave him the gun in the first place.
            I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


            • Exactly, alexnm. And gave a gun to Bin Laden, and to Pinochet, and the rest of the psychopats...
              My words are backed with hard coconuts.


              • Funny how those facts are omitted from the American news media reports.
                To us, it is the BEAST.


                • Originally posted by Alexnm

                  Except that you gave him the gun in the first place.
                  Bullsh1t, most Iraqi weapons are Russian-built. T72s, T62s, T54s, MIGs, etc.., they are not American stuff.

                  Oh yes, Iraqis had some Mirage, too. You should know who built those things.


                  • Lord Merciless, their heavy machinery, maybe, but what you don't see on CNN is the billions that was given to Saddam, as late as 1989. He invaded Kuwait with US weapons and ammo. And we gave him the money with which to buy his Soviet equipment.
                    To us, it is the BEAST.


                    • Originally posted by Lord Merciless

                      Bullsh1t, most Iraqi weapons are Russian-built. T72s, T62s, T54s, MIGs, etc.., they are not American stuff.

                      Oh yes, Iraqis had some Mirage, too. You should know who built those things.
                      we did give them the beginnings of a chemical weapons system, and ignored them when they used them against iran, it is a valid point.
                      "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                      - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


                      • Originally posted by Sava
                        Lord Merciless, their heavy machinery, maybe, but what you don't see on CNN is the billions that was given to Saddam, as late as 1989. He invaded Kuwait with US weapons and ammo. And we gave him the money with which to buy his Soviet equipment.
                        What US weapons was Saddam using when he invaded Kuwait? Could you name any?

                        Yes, we did give him billions, by buying his oil. Did we give him weapons directly? I doubt it.


                        • Originally posted by UberKruX

                          we did give them the beginnings of a chemical weapons system, and ignored them when they used them against iran, it is a valid point.
                          Then it's more compelling to undo the mistakes we had done.


                          • Originally posted by Sava
                            Funny how those facts are omitted from the American news media reports.
                            Yeah, funny thing.
                            As I said, you should watch 'Bowling for Columbine' or read the book Michael Moore gave out. There you can see how the media is responding to certain issues and omitting them from their reports. And in Times Magazine you can read about the ongoing information war. The press is so selective and divided, it's really alarming how they influence lots of people.
                            My words are backed with hard coconuts.


                            • alright, just go back to russia and shut up now. if you really love russia so much, and hate america with enough passion to compare it to a tolitarian regime bent on genocide, we don't really want you here. thank you.
                              I love this country enough to care. I love Russia enough to care.

                              Too bad they are both going down the tubes

                              Even though Uber seems to like our mentally-handicapped, evil president; he does make a good point. Despite objecting to the war, I still support our troops. They're the home team. And if you don't want to root for the home team, then get the hell out.
                              Whoa sava, back off. I support our troops, I support the fair and democratic UNITED STATES OF AMERIcA. I want out troops to come back home to their families instead of being captured and tortured, killed, or having to make the decision of pissing off the military or killing innocent civilians. I don't believe our troops actually want to kill people, they want to "defend" what they believe is just (or are being forced to defend it.).

                              However, that does not excuse the actions of America. What they are doing has chilling similarities to both the former Nazi regieme in Germany and the former Stalinist regieme in my home country (Trust me, I've seen it. I can tell when its beginning to break out).

                              Sava, you of all people I would expect to understand that blindly rooting for the home team can mean suicide. If I were to do it, I'd be cheering Stalin on and hoping Russia goes all over the world to kill non-pure Russians.

                              What Nazi Germany did was evil. What Stalinist Russia did was evil. And what America is doing now is evil. I support our troops, but I dont support the government.

                              Enough said.

                              I'm probably the biggest Bush-hater around,
                              Not quite.......

                              but I've also got two buddies in the Marines.
                              1 in the marines, 1 in the army, and 2 in the navy.

                              when we start systematically killing the Iraqi people for no reason, come back and yell at me
                              Maybe not systematically, but we can prevent it.....And still have regieme change.

                              And I never will. The Taliban was an evil regieme as well and I'm glad they were removed from power.

                              People who usually make such stupid comparisons have no idea what Nazi Germany was like.
                              Ok, I may not know what Nazi-Germany was like (because I didnt live there) but trust me, I know what muderous regiemes are like. Probably moreso than you do. Your not one to be lecturing ME on it

                              Tass never said that he hated Americans,
                              No I didnt, and I dont. I'm disappointed, but I don't hate them.

                              he implied that he could no longer support the actions of his country,

                              bashing the president, bashing Republicans, being against war... and being anti-American.
                              The swastika is a hindu symbol for spiritual purity. That symbolism is a good one. The german version of it is for the death of "unpure ones" (Jews). Thats bad.

                              The symbolism of the American flag is one of freedom and democracy. Thats good. But it also symbolizes the nation and its actions, and trust me....It is one murderous country.

                              but the whole "America SuckS!!" thing gets old real quick.
                              Yes. But seeing on the news how America continues to defy the rest of the world, more civil liberties weakened, etc....That gets old real quick as well. But it never stops. It probably wont stop for another 6 years.

                              If Tass gave a reasoned argument, people would have no problem. Instead he talks **** about our country every chance he gets,
                              I've stated numerous times I love this country. But its fallen so low it disgusts me to no end.

                              praises Russia,
                              Yep. Though as of late Russias actions have been a

                              , calls us Nazis,
                              Not the American people. they've been brainwashed. But your government......

                              trolls, trolls, trolls.
                              When in Rome.......

                              So let me clarify one more time to prevent from getting flamed again: I LOVE AMERICA!!! **== It is one of the greatest nations on Earth. Or at least it WAS. Now we have a truely evil regieme in power and the American people have become brainwashed sheep.

                              THIS DOESNT MEAN I HATE AMERICANS. THIS DOESNT MEAN I HATE OUR TROOPS. But it does mean I hate our government. They've destroyed our image, and have gone against everything America stands for. And that is why I "bash this country" so much.

                              Once a democrat is in power (or a better republican), you'll see me praise the country more and bash is less.

                              Edit: Is it just me, or did sava just troll me?
                              Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
                              Long live teh paranoia smiley!


                              • Originally posted by Urban Ranger
                                AFAIK, what GWB did - demanding a regime change - is illegal. That is, it violates international law.
                                Not really. The UNSC authorized the same thing in 1994 wrt Haiti.
                                I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
                                For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio

