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Feeling the need to boycott? Don't worry about France... Boycott this!

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  • #16
    it is correct Adam, it doesnt conflict the stimulation of 'domestic' oil. Enhancing the capacity of oil production in your own country is only a savegaurd for situations like this, where oil prizes get extremely high.

    When oil is cheep --> use foreign oil.
    When oil gets expensive --> make war.
    If that doesnt work: --> use own supplies


    • #17

      That is a remarkably uninformed view, and I would hope it is not widely held.

      If imported oil is less expensive than domestic, it is natural that oil imports would rise. This happens in every country in the world.

      Any country which refuses to use our own oil when it is less expensive costs itself real money now for a "maybe" benefit later. Why do that?

      And if we do start wars in response to higher oil prices, who did we attack when OPEC raised oil prices to record (real) levels in 1974 and 1978, and why are we attacking Iraq when prices have recently been fairly low in real terms?
      Old posters never die.
      They j.u.s.t..f..a..d..e...a...w...a...y....


      • #18
        you are right. its not market working. what i explained is a strategy, to save energy for extreme situations. to make war when oil gets expensive was a silly statement. I should have said: war in order to save the storage of your own oil for later use. everyone knows that oil reserves are depleted in 50 years. after then what? since america doesnt do sustainable energy, they will need their own reserves.


        • #19
          Originally posted by MikeH
          You know that the US imports about 50% of the oil it uses anda large percentage of those imports come from the gulf right?
          The biggest foreign sources of oil to the U.S. are Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Venezuela, & Nigeria. Russia is moving up fast but existing pipelines mean it's going to be easier for the Russians to ship to western Europe.

          The Europeans are the ones buying most of Libya & Iraq's oil. BTW oil companies and refineries cross sell to each other all the time so it is almost impossible to tell where your oil came from. The best you can do is buy a fuel efficient car thus using less gas. That's wy I drive a four cylinder (that and it was cheap).
          Try for discussion and debate.


          • #20
            Good insight Oerdin...

            In the end, Oerdin is right. Fuel efficiency is the way to go. I suggest the government stop its oil subsidies to the government. That would free up a lot of money to help the ailing economy via decreasing the deficit. Sure, have gas around 5 bucks a gallon would suck. But it would sure force the car companies to get with the program. The oil market in the US is being held afloat by these subsidies. Hopefully, most of the capitalist 'Poly members will agree with me that this government support of business needs to stop.
            To us, it is the BEAST.


            • #21
              Originally posted by BeBro
              We should build solar driven cars only
              Seriously, either produce electric cars running on electricity from nuclear plants, or cars running on hydrogen.

              In fact, any method of reducing oil consumption is good.
              veni vidi PWNED!


              • #22
                Another way is heating efficiency, but the biggest is nuclear electricity.
                Statistical anomaly.
                The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.


                • #23
                  I second slowwhand.

                  BUY CANADIAN

                  All the oil,
                  None of those Saudis.
                  Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
                  "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."

