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Bus exploded in Haifa

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  • #16
    32 people evacuated to hospitals via ambulances (more people are often brought by private vehicales.

    11 Israelis are dead.

    1 Terrorist (apparently) is dead.


    • #17
      so oerdin, you cut the head of the hydra off and what are you left with? angrier palestinians without a homeland and no political clout. possible outcome from this?
      "I hope I get to punch you in the face one day" - MRT144, Imran Siddiqui
      'I'm fairly certain that a ban on me punching you in the face is not a "right" worth respecting." - loinburger


      • #18
        Originally posted by Oerdin
        Arafat is a war criminal who should be executed for his crimes.
        So are half our government and military brass. Although I'm more in favour of eternity in a small prison cell with a roommate named Spike.
        Brought to you by Firelad, AKA King of the Fairies


        • #19
          Unfortunately you cannot be sure about this.

          I can be sure about the people I know, and the people they know.
          I can be sure that the Israeli media monitors such cases and so does the IDF.
          I can be sure since soldiers and civilians are being prosecuted.

          Just a week ago, an Israeli woman who lost her brother in a terract, tried to kill several palestinians by driving her car at them, putting 3 in hospital. She is already being prosecuted, and is charged with attempted murders.

          Soon there will be a retaliation to this retaliation of the retaliation that was due to the retaliation of the retaliation... It all seems like a broken record.

          The only thing Arafat has done as of lately, was a meager attempt to reduce the number of mortars fired from the Gaza strip onto neighbouring Israeli cities, inside Israel proper.

          And frankly, the IDF had much more success (actually destroyed several large mrotar factories in Gaza).


          • #20
            Originally posted by MRT144
            oerdin, dont give arabs reasons to put bombs on busses
            Yes, but the Arab militant feels that as long as Israel exists then they must work to destroy it. I am fearful that the miltantancy of Arabs will reach a point where the two sides will never be able to live together. Population exchange and permanent separation will become necessary if such an event comes to pass; that will mean ethnic cleansing of the sort not seen since Soviets pushed ethnic Germans out of Prussia and the Sudetenland.
            Try for discussion and debate.


            • #21
              So are half our government and military brass. Although I'm more in favour of eternity in a small prison cell with a roommate named Spike.

              what the heck are your cretarions?
              being in uniform?
              hoding a gun?
              performing urban combat?

              the silliest thing is that urban combat has now become a war crime, according to lefties.

              when the palestinians will have enough courage to stop hiding among civilians - then we'll leave their cities. and don't bull**** about them having no other way.

              by that logic, i also have no way of acting against the palestinian terror except by hurting israeli arabs who consider themselves palestinians. but i don't do that. and i live in a neighbourhood where about 50% of the population are israeli arab citizens, most of whom probably feel palestinian.


              • #22
                Well, actually I don't know this to be the exclusive truth and neither do I believe it to be.

                then instead of acting all gimpy - why don't you draft to the IDF, and go see for yourself.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Sirotnikov
                  when the palestinians will have enough courage to stop hiding among civilians - then we'll leave their cities. and don't bull**** about them having no other way.
                  I wish that was true. Problem is, that IOF sometimes fires simply at civilian population, or at suspected militants being just militant enough to ride a car in a civilian neighborhood... You know.

                  by that logic, i also have no way of acting against the palestinian terror except by hurting israeli arabs who consider themselves palestinians. but i don't do that. and i live in a neighbourhood where about 50% of the population are israeli arab citizens, most of whom probably feel palestinian.
                  Brought to you by Firelad, AKA King of the Fairies


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Sirotnikov
                    Well, actually I don't know this to be the exclusive truth and neither do I believe it to be.

                    then instead of acting all gimpy - why don't you draft to the IDF, and go see for yourself.
                    What's gimpy?

                    And no, I won't enlist to a terrorist organisation. Neither IDF/IOF or Hamas or whatever.
                    Brought to you by Firelad, AKA King of the Fairies


                    • #25
                      In any case - firelad - every action (that is planned intrusion, not general policing) taken by the IDF is filmed and archived.

                      My school for instance, has adopted an IDF unit - paratroopers "crow" unit.

                      Their representatives for instance, came and talked and showed their actions in the territories, and talked about cases when people step over red lines.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by aaglo
                        hmmm... Oerdin:

                        A Palestinian kills Israeli children = war crime
                        An Israeli kills Palestinian children = ?
                        Aaglo, as with many matters of the law it is based upon intent. Did they intend to kill innocents or did they accidentally kill innocents? One side clearly intends innocent civilians to die while the other side takes all possible precautions to prevent innocents from being harmed. That is why Palestinians are far more at fault then Israelis.
                        Try for discussion and debate.


                        • #27
                          I wish that was true. Problem is, that IOF sometimes fires simply at civilian population, or at suspected militants being just militant enough to ride a car in a civilian neighborhood... You know.

                          no - i don't know.

                          and please don't compare warning shots, to sniping at civilians.

                          and also please don't compare an army to a terrorist organization. it doesn't show any smarts. only a failure to understand the difference between police and criminal.

                          and you infact choose to stay blind - you base your statements on rumors you get from the territories, but then you decide that you won't see the action yourself, but rather rely on second hand sources for the rest of your life.

                          if you actually go to the IDF and see these things for yourself - then maybe you'll have credence. currently you have none.

                          and niether do btw, the claims of the "siruvnikim". they again in their idiocy compare sporadic hotheads in the army, to an organized israeli policy to harrass.


                          • #28
                            Any news on Azazel and Taurus yet?
                            If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


                            • #29
                              I am ok.


                              • #30
                                14 dead.
                                "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.

