Originally posted by LoneWolf
Of the nations opposing us, there is not a single one that does not receive significant aid from us (yes, including France and Germany). Again I ask, why do we continue this?
Or maybe the lack of response is answer enough.
Of the nations opposing us, there is not a single one that does not receive significant aid from us (yes, including France and Germany). Again I ask, why do we continue this?
Or maybe the lack of response is answer enough.
Lets see, the US aid budget is about 10 billion: 3 billion goes to israel, 2 go to Egypt, the rest here and there, but of course, Germany (GNP about 2 Trillion+) and France (GNP about 1.5 trillion) sure need that aid money from the US's 10 trillion GNP.
No, Germany and France , and certainly China, do not recieve any aid money form the US governemnt, and France and Germany do not get any US aid money even inderectly thorugh UN programs (in the way china might).
Hope that response is answer enough.