Originally posted by Willem
Bush has this distinct knack for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Same with Rumsfeld. If the two of them had been the least bit adroit at dealing with other nations throughout this situation, they wouldn't find themselves in nearly as big of a mess as they are now. Much of the resistance from other nations has more to do with the way they've handled things, than with the issues themselves.
Bush has this distinct knack for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Same with Rumsfeld. If the two of them had been the least bit adroit at dealing with other nations throughout this situation, they wouldn't find themselves in nearly as big of a mess as they are now. Much of the resistance from other nations has more to do with the way they've handled things, than with the issues themselves.
He should have started with a demand that the inspectors return with a toughened mandate. That would have be universally supported, I beleive. Saddam then would have pissed the world off with his defiance. France would have then been leading Europe to ask the US to lead a coalition, etc., to disarm Saddam.
Yeah, it could have been handled better.
The more Bush listens to Blair and to Powell, the more effective he is.