And, I'm glad you came back to continue the discussion.
I know I can be abrasive as hell (well, me and most of my American compatriots), but by God, we mean well.

Anyway, the basics of your plan sound okay (enough to warrant a

First, we set a potentially dangerous precedent by giving the UN the power to mandate who can, and who cannot govern a particular nation (and enforce it *as* a unified, global body). You realize that by taking this approach, the next nation they dictate such terms could be the Canadian PM? (unlikely in the extreme, but you see the door it opens).
Second, this position has now steered the conversation entirely away from your former position, which was one of PROVING absolutely that Weapons of Mass Destruction were inside Iraqi borders, to one of ousting the current leadership. That's okay, so long as you make the conscious choice to shift the argument.
Third, if we go this route, and assuming Saddam defies this resolution as well (which we have every reason to believe that he would, given his track record, and the UN's track record wrt enforcement), are you prepared to risk Canadian lives to oust him by force? True, Canada won't need to make a large troop committment, because the US already has forces built up in the area sufficient for the job, but if called upon to commit troops, what would Canada's position be? (I ask this, because IMO, if you are not willing to share in the risk of the operation, the you should have little or no say in the way the resolution shakes out....this may not be a universally agreed upon conviction, but in general, him that risks the most, gains the most).
(who chimes in his agreement 'bout the server!)