Should a nuke land *anywhere* it is both a threat and a problem for all of us, and it is irresponsible in the extreme to assume that Saddam, who has stated openly that he's in the market for nukes, won't use them to bully his neighbors, and if the bullying doesn't work, won't let one of them fly to get his way.
I can think of quite a few countries that I trust less than Saddam with nukes. F'r instance North Korea and Pakistan. If the Hindu ultra-nationalists gain much more power, India also.
Saddam has showed that he's relatively politically astute and not suicidal (why didn't he attack us with chemical weapons during the Gulf War?).
Should the UN fail to enforce its own mandates, then perhaps it's time they got out of the business of writing them. If they're only good for toilet paper, then I am sure less expensive alternatives for toilet paper can be found.