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China launches new stealth fighter project

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  • Originally posted by Lancer
    US military power vs anyone else in the world is greater than it was 50 years ago. We didn't have a tech edge back then. Now we are far ahead in tech and WAY ahead in applied tech. We have the force and the ability to project it anywhere, augmenting the forces deployed around the globe. No enemy could stand for long vs the US today. That couldn't be said back then.
    Arrogance and ignorance both are virtues....
    for your future enemies.
    The power of the United States is at its highest point ever.

    Regarding applied tech, we have stealth aircraft, everyone else has either abandoned or scaled down their programs...which are years down the line. We have super night vision...hundreds of thousands of units, in US troops hands now. I believe we have advanced densitometers that can see enemy troops through walls. This may come out after the Iraq war is over. We have satalites that can tell the brand you smoke from the butt in your mouth, bombs that are smart...and getting brilliant...the world's best aircraft carriers all over the world, carrying the best aircraft ever goes on and on.

    Nothing short of divine intervention can stop the US military.
    *THROW UP*


    • Originally posted by Lancer
      Actually the 'how' is all important. The plane was built to not show up on radar, but all planes show heat. If you fill the sky with heat seeking missiles 24 hours a day you might shoot down lots of 117's. Or, if you launch one heat seeker at engine noises there's always the chance you'll get happened w/ the Serbs.
      Yeah sure They launched their heat seekers 24hpd. IIRC your staelth was shoot down by S-75, damn old Soviet SAM. If there were dozen of S-300, I doubt you had balls to launch an air war.

      The 117 played a part in that, doing a great job dessimating the military of the enemy with the loss of only a single plane.
      Yeah, sure A gang of dozen of most industrialized countries of the world who had ten times more and MUCH modern planes spend few months to defeat small country and only after you've start to bomb civilian targets. Great victory, you should be proud.


      • When's the last time Russia won a war, Serb? More importantly, when was the last time Russia won a war without US help? You guys are our *****; just admit it.
        KH FOR OWNER!
        ASHER FOR CEO!!


        • Originally posted by David Floyd
          Military conquest, no, but then again, look at which country is still around
          We were talking about butt kicking, remember?

          As of this moment, the US is militarily invincible, from the context of any CONCEIVABLE war. Sure, you can fantasize a scenario of a land war where China charges with 60 million soldiers, but that isn't conceivable. Any conceivable Sino-US war would be fought on or near mainland China, and that in itself is a huge advantage for the US and corresponding disadvantage for China.

          There are no invincible countries, armies as well as kickboxers for example. Sooner or later some one will kick your as$ on the ring and later this guy will be beaten by next guy and so on. Thinking that you are invincible is really stupid. When you think so, you start to understimate your enemy which is damn big mistake. Such thinking leads only to much sooner defeat.

          You're misquoting - "Never fight a ground war in Asia" is the real gist of it.
          Ground, sea, air, big difference- just don't fight there that's the meaning


          • Originally posted by Serb

            Yeah sure They launched their heat seekers 24hpd. IIRC your staelth was shoot down by S-75, damn old Soviet SAM. If there were dozen of S-300, I doubt you had balls to launch an air war.

            Yeah, sure A gang of dozen of most industrialized countries of the world who had ten times more and MUCH modern planes spend few months to defeat small country and only after you've start to bomb civilian targets. Great victory, you should be proud.

            This takes me back...
            I should start another "US vs. Russia" thread, those are always fun
            "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
            - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
            Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum


            • Originally posted by Drake Tungsten
              When's the last time Russia won a war, Serb?
              Three years ago- Chechnya. Anyhow during its history Russia won hundreds of times more wars then USA ever saw.
              More importantly, when was the last time Russia won a war without US help?
              Vietnam and a couple of times in Africa.
              You guys are our *****; just admit it.
              Huya lysogo
              Attached Files
              Last edited by Serb; January 30, 2003, 02:00.


              • Originally posted by Kramerman

                This takes me back...
                I should start another "US vs. Russia" thread, those are always fun
                Enjoy the show


                • Three years ago- Chechnya.

                  I meant real wars, not internal conflicts.

                  Vietnam and a couple of times in Africa.

                  Since when did Russians fight in Vietnam and Africa? Proxies don't count...

                  Anyhow during its history Russia won hundreds of times more wars then USA ever saw.

                  Prove it. I'm having trouble remembering many non-assisted Russian victories; it's hard to remember them amongst all the losses...
                  KH FOR OWNER!
                  ASHER FOR CEO!!
                  GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


                  • btw, Serb, Lancer speaks the truth. The US military is all but untouchable nowadays, adn the gap continues to grow.

                    Check out Popular Science's recent Hard cover special adition, entitled "21st Century Soldier". It basically details stuff that should be coming out in the US arsenal over the course of the next quarter century.

                    Some cool stuff to note:

                    Fully wired, full body 'smart armor', carbon fiber and ceramics give protection against all but the most powerful of small arms. Also might be able to automatically form casts over broken bones and apply pressure to gunshot wounds, as well as apply medicine and drugs.

                    OICW guided grenade launcher/assault rifle (coming out in a few years)

                    Space based and high altitude aircraft based microwave and conventional laser weapons.

                    guided artillery shells (already out in small numbers and for certain weapons)

                    supercavitating torpedo - speeds of around 15km/ 10seconds (really cool)

                    naval based rail guns (coolest of all) which could fire projectiles over 500 miles with a speed of Mach 10 (the planned leviathan battleship on which a couple of these will be mounted is really cool in itself...)

                    and much, much more, especially in the realm of automation.

                    When our enemies will be fighting as they did in 1970, we will be ever applying the latest of technologies to military use. The US has an achilles heel tho, but I can garuntee it isnt in our military now, or anytime soon.

                    "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
                    - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
                    Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum


                    • Originally posted by Drake Tungsten
                      I meant real wars, not internal conflicts.
                      Well, if we are talking about REAL wars, then our last real war was Great patriotic war (you call it WW2).

                      Since when did Russians fight in Vietnam and Africa? Proxies don't count...

                      Don't you know?
                      Watch Rambo2 and "Red Scorpion", dude.

                      btw, when was the last time when USA won a war without Russian help? Never heard that ammo for your troops during Afghanistan campaign were delivered through Russian territory? Not to mention air bases. And in general, when was the last time USA won a war ALONE? I don't remember such victories in recent times....hmm war for independence perhaps? Hmmm....strange....French comes to mind.

                      Prove it. I'm having trouble remembering many non-assisted Russian victories; it's hard to remember them amongst all the losses...
                      This list is too long. Wars vs. Hitler, Napoleon, Mongols, Turks, Swedes, Poles, etc. This list contains war vs almost all our neighbors. Oh...and also intervention of 14 foreign countries (including your own) during Russian civil war after Boltshevick's revolution etc.


                      • Well, if we are talking about REAL wars, then our last real war was Great patriotic war (you call it WW2).

                        Don't forget Afghanistan. You got your butts kicked by the guys we Americans waxed with ease.

                        btw, when was the last time when USA won a war without Russian help?

                        Kosovo wasn't very long ago.

                        This list is too long. Wars vs. Hitler, Napoleon, Mongols, Turks, Swedes, Poles, etc. This list contains war vs almost all our neighbors.

                        You needed our help to beat the Nazis. You didn't beat Napoleon or the Mongols. I'll give you the Turks, Swedes and Poles, but I wouldn't be too proud of those. Russia seems to fall a little short when facing real competition...
                        KH FOR OWNER!
                        ASHER FOR CEO!!
                        GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


                        • Originally posted by Kramerman

                          Some cool stuff to note:

                          Fully wired, full body 'smart armor', carbon fiber and ceramics give protection against all but the most powerful of small arms. Also might be able to automatically form casts over broken bones and apply pressure to gunshot wounds, as well as apply medicine and drugs.
                          This thing exist only as concept art

                          OICW guided grenade launcher/assault rifle (coming out in a few years)
                          Ok, educate me what the heck is OICW?

                          Space based and high altitude aircraft based microwave and conventional laser weapons.
                          Big deal
                          guided artillery shells (already out in small numbers and for certain weapons)
                          Already have them, more probably you've stole it from us.

                          supercavitating torpedo - speeds of around 15km/ 10seconds (really cool)
                          Really? No kidding? 10*6*15*60=5400 Km per hour? Faster then planes?
                          At this moment the fastest torpedo is Russian "Shkval" which travels at speeds 300 Km per hour. Pentagon wasted years to stole it and create something eqaul, since "Shkval" was created in 80s. Last attempt was not so long ago, when mr. Pope was trying to steal blueprints of this weapon. Now you claims that you have ten times faster torpedo. Where did you get it? How it works?

                          naval based rail guns (coolest of all) which could fire projectiles over 500 miles with a speed of Mach 10 (the planned leviathan battleship on which a couple of these will be mounted is really cool in itself...)
                          At current moment the largest battleship is Russian Peter the Great of "Kirov" class. I doubt that on distances about 500 miles accuracy of rail guns could be somewhere near the accuracy of Peter the Great missiles.

                          The US has an achilles heel tho,
                          These are the words of wise man
                          Last edited by Serb; January 30, 2003, 03:00.


                          • Originally posted by Drake Tungsten

                            Don't forget Afghanistan. You got your butts kicked by the guys we Americans waxed with ease.
                            Not real by our standarts. Anyhow, we weren't beaten there. we withdrawn from there only SU started to fall apart, untill this moment we controled largest part of this country for ten years and lost 14500 soldiers during this. Compare this with American perfomance in Vietnam- 60 000 KIA. As for last Afghan campaign, don't be ridiculus these two wars have nothing common aside theater of war. And Northern Alliance (equiped with Russian weapons and tanks btw) did all dirty work for you (fought in ground battles, while your pilots just drop bombs or launch missile from safe distance like...nevermind).

                            Kosovo wasn't very long ago.
                            And you was alone there, sure Great victory- the gang of thugs vs. single guy.
                            You needed our help to beat the Nazis.
                            At the same scale as you needed our help to defeat Japan Ipmerial Army.
                            You didn't beat Napoleon or the Mongols.
                            Sure, Russian winter did it.
                            I'll give you the Turks, Swedes and Poles,
                            Thank you very much, what about intervention during civil war when you- Yanks, Brits, French, Japanese and many others were running from my country with your tails between your legs?
                            but I wouldn't be too proud of those. Russia seems to fall a little short when facing real competition...

                            Real competition? What could you know about this? I don't remember a single case when America engaged in war vs. real competitor. All you can do is to bully weak, small countries and even for this you always gather wide coalition (iow, don't have balls to fight alone).

                            Have a nice day.
                            Last edited by Serb; January 30, 2003, 03:03.


                            • Originally posted by Serb
                              Sure, Russian winter did it.
                              WRT Napoleon, it certainly wasn't the Russian army that beat him.
                              I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
                              For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


                              • Yearh, sure St. Claus did it.

