Military conquest, no, but then again, look at which country is still around 
As of this moment, the US is militarily invincible, from the context of any CONCEIVABLE war. Sure, you can fantasize a scenario of a land war where China charges with 60 million soldiers, but that isn't conceivable. Any conceivable Sino-US war would be fought on or near mainland China, and that in itself is a huge advantage for the US and corresponding disadvantage for China.
You're misquoting - "Never fight a ground war in Asia" is the real gist of it.
Stalemate in what sense? Sure, China has the capability to field a 10 million man army, but so what? They wouldn't be able to equip or supply it, nor would they even be able to field it against the US. Sure, the US couldn't invade China, but that doesn't matter - what happens when the most economically productive area of China - the east coast - becomes a major aerial battleground? Do you think that maybe that would hurt China's economy and manufacturing output any?
Yes, the US would be foolish to send carriers into the Straits of Taiwan during wartime - at least 1 or 2 at a time. But so what? US submarines could sink any and every Chinese warship that put to sea, with few to no losses. And the first Chinese ship to go, by the way, would be the Xia-class SSBN - the only significant force projection asset their navy has.
If you want to argue that the entire Chinese air force (PLAAF) could defeat 4 or 5 US naval air wings, I don't doubt that's accurate. But could they defeat several hundred US fighter aircraft (F-15C and, in only a couple of years, F-22) based in the region? Certainly not.
Oh, and to answer the anti-stealth argument now, the S-300 isn't all that relevant in an air war over the Straits of Taiwan, unless and until you deploy an aerial version. Of course, that would require China deploying a decent AWACS aircraft, which they don't have. Once the US wins the air war, it doesn't matter what the S-300s can see, because US bombers, warships, and submarines can just launch stand-off weapons from hundreds of miles away. And that's where China's starts hurting, once they start taking heavy damage to major economic centers and manufacturing targets along the coast, which, again, is their richest region by far.
el freako,
All that shows is that in an infantry war, China was able to use human wave tactics to stop the US advance, and stabilize the line in the mountains. But, if you want to argue population, the US can afford 38,000 deaths vs. over 1 million Chinese - the population differential isn't that extreme, and in any case, the US is much better able to supply and equip large armies with modern technology than is China.
For example, China might have the theoretical ability to put 200 million men under arms. But your economic and industrial stats should tell you that China could not even BEGIN to supply and equip a force even one tenth that large - and remember, also, that by your own statistic the US possesses a manufacturing capacity 4 times greater. This is as things stand NOW, not as things stand in the middle of a war fought very close to China's economic center, and correspondingly far away from that of the US. I suspect that the economic and industrial gap would only widen in favor of the US.
That's fine, but are you arguing that an air war between US F-22s/F-15s and Chinese J-6s, J-7s, J-8s, and a few Su-27s would be anything other than one sided in favor of the US? Sure, the US couldn't operate stealth aircraft with impunity over mainland China or Russia, but this doesn't mean that Russia or especially China could win an air war over the Straits of Taiwan.
Like USA was ever able to do the same with SU.

You are so sure that you’re invincible.
"Never fight war in Asia."
-Don’t remember who.
-Don’t remember who.
Sure, the US is great at aerial bombardment, but China could put together a ground force greater than 2X the population of the entire US. Any war between the two would end in a bitter stalemate.
First of all, carrier groups are blind without AWACS, and a bunch of countries are fielding long range anti-radiation missiles developed specifically to kill off AWACS. Without these, carrier groups make very good targets for enemy planes and land based missiles. Oh, and those Russian Sunburn missiles. They are quite deadly.
If you want to argue that the entire Chinese air force (PLAAF) could defeat 4 or 5 US naval air wings, I don't doubt that's accurate. But could they defeat several hundred US fighter aircraft (F-15C and, in only a couple of years, F-22) based in the region? Certainly not.
Oh, and to answer the anti-stealth argument now, the S-300 isn't all that relevant in an air war over the Straits of Taiwan, unless and until you deploy an aerial version. Of course, that would require China deploying a decent AWACS aircraft, which they don't have. Once the US wins the air war, it doesn't matter what the S-300s can see, because US bombers, warships, and submarines can just launch stand-off weapons from hundreds of miles away. And that's where China's starts hurting, once they start taking heavy damage to major economic centers and manufacturing targets along the coast, which, again, is their richest region by far.
el freako,
Do you really think the Korean war is a good example to throw around, considering that when the Chinese entered the war the US controlled almost all of the peninsular and at the end of the war you controlled only half of it?
For example, China might have the theoretical ability to put 200 million men under arms. But your economic and industrial stats should tell you that China could not even BEGIN to supply and equip a force even one tenth that large - and remember, also, that by your own statistic the US possesses a manufacturing capacity 4 times greater. This is as things stand NOW, not as things stand in the middle of a war fought very close to China's economic center, and correspondingly far away from that of the US. I suspect that the economic and industrial gap would only widen in favor of the US.
Russia and China both have the technology to track American stealth planes. Hell, Yugoslavia even managed to shoot one down.