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Tell me about where you live.

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  • Tell me about where you live.

    I live in the same city where I grew up the city of San Diego on the southern coast of the state of California in the United States. I must confess I really love it here. The city is cosmopolitan, the weather is wonderfully Mediterranean, and the people are warm and friendly. The suburb where I live has ample open spaces, two nearby lakes, a county park, and is just minutes away from Downtown San Diego (the beating heart of our city). Plus there the United States International University is nearby so there are a number of cute European girls walking the streets (UC San Diego isn't far either). The geography is idealic with the beaches and the warm waters of the Pacific Ocean being cast against the nearby mountains and ski resorts of the California Coastal Mountain range. While the hot desert sands are to the east of us at Anza Berrado Desert State Park.

    Just to the north of us is the noted Temecula wine growing region and the coastal plain near us is known for its decorative flower harvests and its abundant citrus crops. The economy is good with biotech, mobile telecom, defense, tourism, and shipbuilding making up most people's employment. I really love it here and wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

    Now I would like it if other people would tell me about the city where they live. What do you like about it and what would you change? Would you recommend others move there and do you see yourself remaining there for the rest of your life? I can't wait to hear from you guys.
    Try for discussion and debate.

  • #2
    I live in Las Vegas. 'nuff said


    • #3
      I'm guessing no one wants any more details. My city is notorious. Many people already know much about my city. Although mostly inaccurate info. though . I could go into detail about my city. I drive a lot, and know my city very well.


      • #4
        Do you want to live in legas for the rest of your life?
        Try for discussion and debate.


        • #5
          I most likely will. If I could find a job in a small town outside of Las Vegas- or anywhere in Nevada for that matter, I would move there. But finding decent jobs in small towns is no easy matter. Plus I might get too bored.

          The only other place I can see myself reaslistically is the town of Pahrump- when I retire.

          I left the military so I can live in Las Vegas. So I imagine I will stay for a very long time. Living in places like conservative Virginia is hell after living in Las Vegas.


          • #6
            I spent six weeks working as a geologist in the town of Ely, NV. If I wanted to live in a small town then Ely would be amoung my top choices. With mountains near by and a friendly small town atmosphere it had a lot going for it. Unofrtunately, the only thing to do on a friday night was to drink, gamble, or go to the whore house. There were several nice alcohlic girls living there but they weren't my type. Still the land was dirt cheap and the people were friendly. I dare say a guy who wasn't a jerk could screw half the girls in town with no problem.
            Try for discussion and debate.


            • #7
              yeah I been through there. Good place to stay if you want to see Great Basin National Park. Our only national park. Cold in the winter though . I've thought about northern Nevada, but towns like that one, and many others are so far away from major cities. If you needed something from a major city, you are hurting. You are literally in bum****egypt (BFE)

              Pahrump is just a hop and a skip from Vegas. Although in 40 years crime could be bad there . Already kids are acting up over there. One kid hijacked a school bus with a machete or something like that.

              Crime in Vegas really sucks, but no worse than other big cities I guess. Mostly minor stuff. But kids here have less respect for personal property than cities back east I've noticed. Expect someone to try to steal your car while you are here . Or vandalize it.


              • #8
                I like where I live

                I love my city!
                Attached Files
                The only reason I was gone for so long was because I hate you people!!!


                • #9
                  looks a bit wonky.
                  Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                  "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                  • #10
                    And where is the city?!?!?!
                    Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
                    Then why call him God? - Epicurus


                    • #11

                      in Texas
                      Attached Files
                      The only reason I was gone for so long was because I hate you people!!!


                      • #12
                        that is a winter sky where I live!
                        The only reason I was gone for so long was because I hate you people!!!


                        • #13
                          I live just north of Cincinnati, Ohio, (or maybe it's Cinncinatti. Or Cinncinnatti. Whatever), having moved here from outside of Chicago about three years ago. It's pretty quiet, and aside from the absolutely pathetic pro football team (which is made up for in spades by the college football teams), and the fact that all of the Ohioans insist on driving ten miles under the speed limit and making turns at two miles per hour, and the fact that it seems to be sunny for about two weeks a year and cloudy the rest of the time, it's actually a pretty nice place to live. The single greatest improvement over Chicago is that if I need to drive someplace that's forty miles away, it takes me an average of thirty-to-forty minutes to get there (as opposed to back in Chicago, where it would take three hours to drive forty miles, and cost four bucks besides) -- for the most part the slow-ass Ohioans know enough to stay in the slow lane so I can drive unimpeded in the fast lane.
                          Attached Files
                          <p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures </p>


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Dissident
                            Pahrump is just a hop and a skip from Vegas..
                            You mean, Pahrump--White Trash Capital of the World?
                            Whatever for?

                            I don't want to live here for the rest of my life, but I can see why someone would. Mostly I want to move because I like trees, and I know what it's like to live in a place where you really and truly don't have to lock your door. I still would, though.
                            If playground rules don't apply, this is anarchy! -Kelso


                            • #15
                              I currently live in Toronto - one of the more uninspired concrete jungles around. Having moved here from Vancouver about two-and-a-half years ago, it's hard to find much in the way of natural beauty out here. Plus the snow sucks. But, if you want to live in Canada and work in non oil related finance, you don't have much choice but live here.
                              "The French caused the war [Persian Gulf war, 1991]" - Ned
                              "you people who bash Bush have no appreciation for one of the great presidents in our history." - Ned
                              "I wish I had gay sex in the boy scouts" - Dissident

