Originally posted by Edan
A number of us did offer advice and I repeatedly pointed oput that those that were charged with trivial offenses were released soon afterwards once the details could be verified. I see nothing wrong in not being suprised that people that have commited illegal acts (no matter how sympathetic the situation may be) should have to face the consequences of those actions. Should detainees whos details have been verified and whos transgressions are trivial be released? Yes, IMHO, but not before theose details are verified.
A number of us did offer advice and I repeatedly pointed oput that those that were charged with trivial offenses were released soon afterwards once the details could be verified. I see nothing wrong in not being suprised that people that have commited illegal acts (no matter how sympathetic the situation may be) should have to face the consequences of those actions. Should detainees whos details have been verified and whos transgressions are trivial be released? Yes, IMHO, but not before theose details are verified.