Originally posted by Ted Striker
But again, your argument is placing all of the blame squarely on the immigrants, and that those violations are completely their fault, when I know for a fact and have seen many examples personally where that is never the case.
But again, your argument is placing all of the blame squarely on the immigrants, and that those violations are completely their fault, when I know for a fact and have seen many examples personally where that is never the case.
If a policeman sees me, after losing my keys, breaking my window and then entering into my own building, they will still arrest me even though I'm legally allowed to do so and completely innocent until they can verify that I wasn't doing anything wrong.
So even though the paper work has been approved, "technically" Ed in LA hasn't received it yet so therefore it's the immigrants fault that he is considered "illegal."
Most of these people:
1) Took the necessary steps to do the proper filing procedures
1) Took the necessary steps to do the proper filing procedures
2) VOLUNTARILY went to the INS when asked
The INS needs serious overhaul.
