Originally posted by The Andy-Man
As to 'not being bought up as jews'. Thats a very medieval view on things, most christian couples don't bring their kids up christian, which means more liberal views, the kids may still be christian affiliated but not in an extreme sense,
As to 'not being bought up as jews'. Thats a very medieval view on things, most christian couples don't bring their kids up christian, which means more liberal views, the kids may still be christian affiliated but not in an extreme sense,
The same thing can be said about children from mixed marriages in Israel. So the mother can be Russian, but the child will grow as a Jew, the holidays in school will be Jewish, etc, etc.
But minorities, like the Jews in the US, face a problem. Every mixed generation will drift more and more towards the mainstream, which in the American case is still Christianity.
and to be honest (and i am not anti semetic or anything) othordox Judeaism is another very medieval situation, for example, not being allowed to use eecrical stuff on the sabbath, what electrical stuff was around in 500BC not to be used?
Versions of Judaism are irrelevant, following these or another rules is also irrelevant. The decline in the number of Jews in the US is not because more people die that are born, but because people who were born to Jewish or mixed families no longer define themselves as Jews. This is the problem in my opinion.