Originally posted by Sava

GePap - not 20 years, and not 200. The ideology of the Greens and Libs is too fringe, and there's no particular advantage to being both centrist and independent.
Sava's the personification of what's wrong with the Democratic party - blame flag waving propaganda, those evil Republicans, a vast right-wing conspiracy, whatever, and never mind that your world view, ideology, and approach to governance is out of touch.
The Democrats should have had a field day with the economy and the latest revelations about Bush's buddy Harvey Pitt and his fun and games with William Webster's nomination.
18 years ago, Mondale undid Gary Hart with "Where's the beef?" Right now, the Democratic party has undone itself with "Where's our balls?" The touchy-feely party is afraid to offer any vision or any sense of leadership, because that's just soooo white male. Ooooh.
Hey John - were you callin' me whiny?
