Originally posted by MichaeltheGreat
Well, it is.
Whatever the issue, just remember that half the electorate has a two-digit IQ.
Well, it is.

With an unsophisticated electorate, perceived leadership hinges more on slogans, spin, sound bites and charisma.

A more sophisticated electorate would have the ability to burn through a lot of the BS and see how much of the projected image of leadership is based on real leadership, and how much on typical political campaign tools.
Unfortunately, most of it is still in the Gary Cooper and John Wayne (or Stallone, if that's the generational preference) vs. the dirty ragheads vein. More people know what continent Afghanistan is on than did before, yes, but background like how the Taleban-NA ****fest was really an extension of Indo-Pakistani rivalry, or the relative precariousness and double-dealing by our purported allies are still beyond the scope.

To negotiate effectively, you need to know how the other guy perceives things, and what he believes his interests to be. How much do we know (or care) about the Saudi's national interests (whether the man in the street, the royals, the mullahs) or the Pakistanis'?
Besides, who else would be suitable to decide these things?