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$300 speeding ticket

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  • Originally posted by Boris Godunov
    And you're wrong, as excessive speed is a frequent cause in many accidents.
    I don't believe this is the case, unless coupled with recklessness. And the problem is that "excessive" doesn't usually equate "above the speed limit." I think the drivers in the fast lane usually mututally agree to speed between 10 and 20 mph above the limit, and we do just fine with it.

    Well, if you don't want to discuss why, that's your choice, but I think it just makes your views look nutty.
    If you think I'm just nutty than we don't have much to talk about. I have a great deal of respect for you, Boris, and I think you'll agree that without mutual respect there can be not mature arguments. So do you really think that?

    Laws protecting public safety are perfectly legitimate within reason so long as they do not violate the constitution.
    The example you were bringing up is something I consider a violation of property rights. I don't condone any laws that are meant to save us from ourselves.

    And as to your statement that the Constitution doesn't prohibit the government from making speeding laws, which I accidentally erased, the Consitution enumerates positive powers to the goverments, and I don't believe it says anything about Congress having the authority to restrice the manner in which we travel. But this really isn't about the national government, is it? It's about the states. A right doesn't have to be in the Constitution to be a right, and I believe that human beings do have a right to travel.
    If playground rules don't apply, this is anarchy! -Kelso


    • 65


      • I've done stuff wrong... BUT I ADMIT IT.

        You knew where your exit was long before you got there. You MADE A MISTAKE by not being in the right lane when the time came to get off. Any thinking person should be able to judge what they need to do to be in the proper lane at the right time... You left it up to the last minute... but as you so nicely admit, with your half brain, I guess all you could do was drive as fast you could and pray things worked out for you

        Keep on Civin'
        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • I think most of the people that have given you a hard time, would have probably done the same thing you did. But I think those same people would have cursed when they got pulled over, but taken the ticket admitting that they had broken the law after telling themselves they should have been paying attention and not gotten into that situation in the first place.
          It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
          RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


          • Excuse you? I did what anyone would have done, and I sincerely don't appreciate the harsh 'holier than thou' criticism I've gotten. Not only that, but attempts to belittle me.... ?? What's up with that?


            • 97 in a 65 is pretty bad It is possible the cop was a *****, but honestly, ya got caught. The better thing to do would have been to slow down, and further advise, stay in the right lane when you are nearing your exit, and slow down, go below the speed limit if you want, you are in the slow lane, people will pass you if they have to. It is very unsafe to miss your exit, so you should relax and take it easy in these stressful situations.

              If you read some of my earlier posts, I have empathized with you, and agreed cops can make a speeding ticket stab harder. But realistically, he probably saw you driving a little eradically. If you want to try and fight the ticket, you can find a plethora of information on how to win your case.... in fact, the three wheeler to your side could be enough to get it thrown out, due to some problems with radar, but you'll have to be incredibly calm about it, and be prepared to have a judge, well, tell you how it is. Basically, you can't fight city hall.

              And I speak from experience. I have a little bit of a past in these things, and it took a serious mistake involving speeding the police, and a felony arrest, before I realized how irrational I was being.

              Go to sleep and have a better day tomorrow.
              Pentagenesis for Civ III
              Pentagenesis for Civ IV in progress
              Pentagenesis Gallery


              • Hmmm... you are trying to belittle a cop who was just doing his job... and defending your actions with a holier than attitude...

                Can't we do the same...
                Keep on Civin'
                RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • Originally posted by DinoDoc
                  Originally posted by Provost Harrison
                  'all roads should be private'? tandeetaylor? How on earth is that supposed to work?

                  that's a whole 'nother thread.
                  Yes it is, I'll just say this. To Boris and PH, I'm willing to assume that you haven't considered this matter very seriously, which is fine, you know, I understand that it certainly doesn't fit with most peoples' paradigms. I'd like to find some of the articles I've read about it and give you a chance to read what people who are more able reasoners than I have said about it, and maybe I'll start another thread, if you'd really be interested. Or, I'll just go back to bed.

                  <---- tired extremely pregnant woman
                  If playground rules don't apply, this is anarchy! -Kelso


                  • I never belittled the cop. I was very respectful. I obiviously didn't post what I said to the cop, I posted what I felt. The cop disrespected me several times, I SHOULD have been an @$$, but I truely wasn't.


                    • Originally posted by tandeetaylor

                      Yes it is, I'll just say this. To Boris and PH, I'm willing to assume that you haven't considered this matter very seriously, which is fine, you know, I understand that it certainly doesn't fit with most peoples' paradigms. I'd like to find some of the articles I've read about it and give you a chance to read what people who are more able reasoners than I have said about it, and maybe I'll start another thread, if you'd really be interested. Or, I'll just go back to bed.

                      <---- tired extremely pregnant woman
                      Sounds like another person who has eaten a bowl of Libertarian propoganda.....

                      Good, they are falling in line, soon, with the victory in 2008, and my death ray gun... mwahaha, MWahaha MWAHAHHAHHAHA!!!!

                      Theyz a gonna legalize in Nevada too, from what I here. Yay Nevada!
                      Pentagenesis for Civ III
                      Pentagenesis for Civ IV in progress
                      Pentagenesis Gallery


                      • Thank u Neo, I'm glad someone listens to reason


                        • Hmmm... you were complaining in your original post that you got pulled over yet you were doing 30 mph over the limit. In some states, that's an automatic reckless driving charge... I'm not that surprised the cop had an attitude with you... that can be a very serious charge...

                          And you keep making it sound like the cop was a jerk for pulling you over, and that you were doing nothing wrong.

                          WAKE UP... YOU WERE SPEEDING... DEAL WITH IT like a man.
                          Keep on Civin'
                          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                          • Originally posted by tandeetaylor
                            I don't believe this is the case, unless coupled with recklessness. And the problem is that "excessive" doesn't usually equate "above the speed limit." I think the drivers in the fast lane usually mututally agree to speed between 10 and 20 mph above the limit, and we do just fine with it.
                            Excessive can be in and of itself reckless. There comes a certain point where you will be travelling fast enough that you will not have the control over the vehicle needed to avoid an accident should something unexpected arise. Where it simply a matter of your own personal safety, that would be wone thing, but it is clearly not, as you share the road with others, and it is THEIR safety that matters most. While you make think you are capable of reasonably determining at what rate you may safely, and you may be, I don't think that's something to be entrusted to each individual to decide.

                            If you think I'm just nutty than we don't have much to talk about. I have a great deal of respect for you, Boris, and I think you'll agree that without mutual respect there can be not mature arguments. So do you really think that?
                            I never said I thought you were nutty, I said that, without justification, your views come across as being nutty. That's not the same thing.

                            The example you were bringing up is something I consider a violation of property rights. I don't condone any laws that are meant to save us from ourselves.
                            That's not how those laws I mentioned are meant. They are meant to save us from OTHERS. How could you NOT have laws that make it illegal to exceed the safe level of occupancy of a building or elevator? People are selfish, and they would cram into a place they wanted to go until it was a disaster. Should it be okay to have 16 people living in a studio apartment? Absolutely not. It is not only a health hazard from a disease standpoint, it's a safety hazard due to fire.

                            And as to your statement that the Constitution doesn't prohibit the government from making speeding laws, which I accidentally erased, the Consitution enumerates positive powers to the goverments, and I don't believe it says anything about Congress having the authority to restrice the manner in which we travel. But this really isn't about the national government, is it? It's about the states. A right doesn't have to be in the Constitution to be a right, and I believe that human beings do have a right to travel.
                            By government, I was referring to all that make speed limits, from municipal to Federal (if the Federal does, I have no idea). As David Floyd and other libertarians have mentioned, a state can pass any law so long as it does not conflict with the Constitution. Nothing in the constitution prohibits speed limits.

                            Speed limits do not infringe on the right to travel, as they do not prohibit anyone from traveling. They protect the rights of travellers to drive down the highway in relative safety from recklessness.
                            Tutto nel mondo è burla


                            • Originally posted by NeOmega
                              Sounds like another person who has eaten a bowl of Libertarian propoganda.....
                              Well, I don't go around sceaming "I'm a libertarian! I'm a libertarian!" like you do, but that doesn't mean I'm not one. And I'm not criticizing, by the way, it's probably a good idea, if that's your style.

                              Theyz a gonna legalize in Nevada too, from what I here. Yay Nevada!
                              Welll, I like to hope so (it's very competitive, at best). Unfortunately there are also some very bad popular initiatives, like the "Protection" of Marriage and the local govt taking over the power company, etc...
                              If playground rules don't apply, this is anarchy! -Kelso


                              • Does anyone else find this never-ending dialog funny?

                                Ming seems bent on drilling it into 1's head that he was speeding, and 1 seems bent on rationalizing why he was speeding, but both have wasted all too much time bickering about it.

                                Yes, 1 was speeding. Yes, he broke the law. Yes, he paid for it.

                                Yes, I can see where he's coming from when he gets pissed off about some of the attitudes of people on here who do act holier-than-thou, but on the other hand I can understand that a lot of people would pay it and not complain.

                                Then again, not everyone has as much disposable income as you do Ming.
                                "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                                Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "

