Very fast map about whatever you know/comes to your mind.
Let's get to know them!
Cyprus was liberated from the turkish yoke sometime but I dont remember/know when. Then it was a british colony. The brits hanged a teenager cyprus boy who fought for its independence sometime in the '50s!
Then it got its independence. There was always a lot of friction between turkey and greece about cyprus.
turkey always believed that cyprus constitutes a danger in its "tender underbelly". greece and turkey almost went to war for it.
in '67 a dictatorship takes power in greece and tries foolishly and without any kind of preparation to realize the "enosis". the unification of greece and cyprus.
many of the cypriotes didnt want it themselves. others did. the dictatorship has full faith in NATO and doesnt take into account the fact that turkey has moved the bulk of its forces next to the island (also called Megalonissos = the big island in greek).
turkey invades, greece wholly unprepared and with its army in decay due to the dictatorship rushes to its aid and stops the turks one the 1/3 of cyprus. thousand of casualties, attrocities and rapes from the turks.
international community freezes arms sales to turkey and promises a diplomatic solution. meanwhile greek dictatorship crumbles and democracy is reinstituted.
UN resolutions for the past 20 years call for the removal of the turkish troops. the island is de facto devided in two.
the original turkish cypriotes want to join the EU alongside the greek cypriotes but ankara and the dictatorship of the north part of the occupied island doesnt let them. ther occupied part is not recognised by the international community and its extremely impoverished.
cyrpus (the legal entity) is very prosperous and a financial center of the region.
like greece it is vulnerable to inflitration from middle eastern elements due to its close proximity to that region.
estonia,latvia, lithuania, got their independence frm the soviet union pretty recently. have good relation with the scandinavian countries and finland. propably had to go through painful economic reforms. they are small and cute.
estonian girls rock and lithuania kicks ass in basketball.
poland. americans make a lot of jokes about polish being dumb. i have met some of them and we have become good friends. their country is big but retarded economically. it suffered a lot in WW2. it provides cheap labor for germany. germany really wants poland in.
bulgaria. was liberated sometime after the greeks and serbs liberated themselves from the turkish yoke. was one of the participants of the first balkan alliance against turkey in 1 balkan war. (greece, serbia, montenegro, bulgaria). then the alliance broke down and fought against greece and serbia.
it has a poor economy, provides unfortunately slave sex trade and we must do more to stop it from all over eastern europe. has maintained reasonably good relations with greece even though it sided with the axis in WW2. a good country.
slovenia. the richest of the ex-yugoslav republics. small, 2 million people. westernized and beaytiful. i think it has a vibrant creative youth. got spared the pain of the ygoslav war thanks to croatia which is between her and serbia. even though it is technically, it is not really a balkan country.
romania, after tsaouseskou things got better. big but a bit backward in economy. does its maximum of efforts to enter the EU. heavy greek investements there. (telecommunications, ship industry etc)
slovakia, the provence of the chech republic
nah, not really although it always was a bit behind it. divided peacefully from chech republic. had dire violations of human rights in respect the the hungarian and other ethnicities that lived there. its government was under supervision. glad to see it overcame.
bored to write about the others.
Let's get to know them!
Cyprus was liberated from the turkish yoke sometime but I dont remember/know when. Then it was a british colony. The brits hanged a teenager cyprus boy who fought for its independence sometime in the '50s!
Then it got its independence. There was always a lot of friction between turkey and greece about cyprus.
turkey always believed that cyprus constitutes a danger in its "tender underbelly". greece and turkey almost went to war for it.
in '67 a dictatorship takes power in greece and tries foolishly and without any kind of preparation to realize the "enosis". the unification of greece and cyprus.
many of the cypriotes didnt want it themselves. others did. the dictatorship has full faith in NATO and doesnt take into account the fact that turkey has moved the bulk of its forces next to the island (also called Megalonissos = the big island in greek).
turkey invades, greece wholly unprepared and with its army in decay due to the dictatorship rushes to its aid and stops the turks one the 1/3 of cyprus. thousand of casualties, attrocities and rapes from the turks.
international community freezes arms sales to turkey and promises a diplomatic solution. meanwhile greek dictatorship crumbles and democracy is reinstituted.
UN resolutions for the past 20 years call for the removal of the turkish troops. the island is de facto devided in two.
the original turkish cypriotes want to join the EU alongside the greek cypriotes but ankara and the dictatorship of the north part of the occupied island doesnt let them. ther occupied part is not recognised by the international community and its extremely impoverished.
cyrpus (the legal entity) is very prosperous and a financial center of the region.
like greece it is vulnerable to inflitration from middle eastern elements due to its close proximity to that region.
estonia,latvia, lithuania, got their independence frm the soviet union pretty recently. have good relation with the scandinavian countries and finland. propably had to go through painful economic reforms. they are small and cute.
estonian girls rock and lithuania kicks ass in basketball.
poland. americans make a lot of jokes about polish being dumb. i have met some of them and we have become good friends. their country is big but retarded economically. it suffered a lot in WW2. it provides cheap labor for germany. germany really wants poland in.
bulgaria. was liberated sometime after the greeks and serbs liberated themselves from the turkish yoke. was one of the participants of the first balkan alliance against turkey in 1 balkan war. (greece, serbia, montenegro, bulgaria). then the alliance broke down and fought against greece and serbia.
it has a poor economy, provides unfortunately slave sex trade and we must do more to stop it from all over eastern europe. has maintained reasonably good relations with greece even though it sided with the axis in WW2. a good country.
slovenia. the richest of the ex-yugoslav republics. small, 2 million people. westernized and beaytiful. i think it has a vibrant creative youth. got spared the pain of the ygoslav war thanks to croatia which is between her and serbia. even though it is technically, it is not really a balkan country.
romania, after tsaouseskou things got better. big but a bit backward in economy. does its maximum of efforts to enter the EU. heavy greek investements there. (telecommunications, ship industry etc)
slovakia, the provence of the chech republic

bored to write about the others.