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Anarchists chant pro-terrorist slogans at Athens rally

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  • So 'Catholic' Great Britain, Catholic Netherlands, Catholic Germany... oh, no, sorry, I meant Protestant Great Britain, Protestant Germany and the Protestant Netherlands. Which other 'Catholic' Protestant countries did you have in mind? Sweden? Norway? Finland? Estonia? Latvia? Denmark? And that's without including people who would say they hold no 'political' allegiance to either the Catholic or Protestant confession.

    right to the point

    and paiktis, Britain, France and even USA were strongly against the breakup of yugoslavia. no only that, but when conflict issued, they took a pro-serbian stance. british and french especially

    they were all proven by facts that serbs were agressors.


    • about jews and ww2, I wasn there (heh) but I read that thessaloniki had a large jewish population and greeks didnt really mind germans 'cleaning' the city.. true?


      • I know what I want: Bring back Yugoslavia!

        in what form?

        - one Nation?

        perhaps, and this is huge speculation, but if you greeks werent so fussy back in 1054 croats and serbs would today be one nation. culturaly differentiation started with the split of churches, and since church was very important for the last 1000 years, we end up with different culture

        as it is, each nation is formed and self-aware, so thats not it..

        - one capital city?

        we wont pay any more taxes to belgrade, or spend our time and money developing and pacifying kosovo

        - one state?

        But what kind of state? we had a kingdom, and it didnt work because croats were oppressed. we had a federation, and it didnt work because it was not democratic (and croats were opressed)

        so we will all end up in EU, do we need a state?

        100 years ago, the Balkan socialist parties were working together for a uninted socialist balkan state. This vision was shattered by the balkan wars of course.

        50 years ago, Tito held consultations with albanians, bulgarians, maybe greeks? about simmilar thing. stalin wouldnt alowed it though


        • 50 years ago, Tito held consultations with albanians, bulgarians, maybe greeks? about simmilar thing. stalin wouldnt alowed it though
          The Greek communists perhaps...
          Of course Stalin wouldn't let it be, one because he had the Yalta agreement to keep and two because the balkan confederation would be big enough so that it's policies would be fairly independent of the USSR.
          "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
          George Orwell


          • Originally posted by axi

            I don't know what Greece and Serbia want, I know what I want: Bring back Yugoslavia!

            100 years ago, the Balkan socialist parties were working together for a uninted socialist balkan state. This vision was shattered by the balkan wars of course.
            Axi, But, since that won't happen, what do we do about Kosovo and Macedonia?


            • I think Greece will invade if Macedonia actually calls itself by its chosen name offcially.
              I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
              For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


              • the catholic coutnries of europe doh. i thought it was so obvious it didnt need explanation.


                thse countries are catholic.

                if one is supposed to be affected by his religious affiliation then serbia had only russia dn greece while croatia had virtually half of europe which could ibnfluence decisions.

                you are dumb.


                • now of course this is rediculous (or is it?) then ridiculous is also the thought orthodox countries. after all FYROM is orthodox. and orthodox dont have one leader Pope. so solidarity nomatter how subtle should exist between catholic countries which explains why croatia got off the loop while it did exactly the same things as serbia (croatia burned villages of albanians and serbs ethnic cleaning etc)

                  but as i said you are dumb and cant make the differantiatition. you read "europe" and your mind cant tell europe apart. but thats your problem to solve.


                  • Originally posted by paiktis22
                    the catholic coutnries of europe doh. i thought it was so obvious it didnt need explanation.


                    thse countries are catholic.

                    if one is supposed to be affected by his religious affiliation then serbia had only russia dn greece while croatia had virtually half of europe which could ibnfluence decisions.

                    you are dumb.
                    Utter crap

                    The intervention by Western europe had **** all to do with religion. Ireland are neutral,Portugal and spain IIRC didn't care. France were secretly helping the Serbs and the last time the Italians took offensive action they were wearing leather skirts and spoke latin
                    Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.
                    Douglas Adams (Influential author)


                    • my dear little vetlegion

                      in ww2`500.000 greeks died of whom 80.000 were jews.

                      we tried to save greek lives while you massacred anyone who wasnt a catholic croat and slaughtered serbs and jews alike while "your people" got off the loop.

                      baaad, dont visit croatia for hollidays


                      • oh and


                        • Hi Paiktiss !

                          How are you today ?

                          I'm very interrested, by the poem you have next your avatar.
                          I've Argentina friend and it could be good that I know more about this poem or song. He !
                          Zobo Ze Warrior
                          Your brain is your worst enemy!


                          • tiens zobo

                            ca vient d'un chanson d'iggy pop. voici les paroles

                            Her skin is copper and her voice is Spanish red
                            Her vibe is golden ЎÂ®till her anger kills it dead
                            She wants the world to see
                            A body rich in harmony
                            A mouth cruel as death

                            She rides a fantasy she hasnЎЇt tested yet
                            She looks in every mirror to check her silhouette
                            The turning heads
                            The honking horns
                            Gave proof to her
                            Since she was born
                            That love is her game

                            She loves me, Miss Argentina
                            Though she hides behind her smile
                            She runs free, Miss Argentina
                            Dripping blood
                            With lots of style

                            She loves to stay in bed and watch the movies play
                            She wants a husband who will worship and obey
                            The moods that she enjoys like childrenЎЇsЎЇ games and football toys
                            She laughs without shame

                            She likes the military and the Rolling Stones
                            Her little brother has a T-shirt from Ramones
                            SheЎЇs shy and sensitive and doesnЎЇt know the tougher games
                            But boy can she love

                            SheЎЇs easy, Miss Argentina
                            A masterpiece without a frame
                            She runs free, Miss Argentina
                            But Venus is a dangerous game

                            She saves my spirit with a humanistic light
                            SheЎЇs greedy, lazy and impossible to like
                            She dresses sexually
                            And sheЎЇs afraid of many things
                            Like being alone

                            SheЎЇs back with mother now
                            SheЎЇs over twenty-five
                            I tried to keep her, but she buried me alive
                            In love and birth and jealousy
                            And every emotion totally freed
                            Screaming at once

                            But she loves me, Miss Argentina
                            While she hides behind her smile
                            She runs free, Miss Argentina
                            Dripping blood with lots of style
                            SheЎЇs lovely, Miss Argentina
                            A masterpiece without a frame
                            SheЎЇs easy, Miss Argentina
                            But Venus is a dangerous game

                            c'est un chanson maginifique a mon avis. un des meillieurs que j'ai jamais ecouter


                            • Album: Avenue B
                              le titre du chanson: Miss Argentina

                              (tu peus le trouver chez winMX aussi )


                              • In absence of a response from our Greek friends, I suggest anwer to Kosovo is this:

                                [IMG]C:\Documents and Settings\epheller\My Documents\My Pictures\greateralbania.gif[/IMG]

