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Anarchists chant pro-terrorist slogans at Athens rally

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  • Anarchists chant pro-terrorist slogans at Athens rally

    ATHENS, Greece - Demonstrators at an anarchist march Tuesday chanted slogans in support of Greece's deadly November 17 terrorist group but avoided confrontation with police.

    More than a thousand people joined the central Athens rally, held to protest the police's alleged abuse of power since it cracked down on the once-elusive terrorist group and arrested 17 suspected members.

    The far-left organization killed 23 people — including officials from Britain, Turkey and the United States — between 1975 and 2000.

    Members of anarchist groups and supporters took part in the march which ended without incident. The city's main streets were closed to traffic for more than an hour, while more than 400 police officers in riot gear stood by.

    Youths wearing black hoods and crash helmets sprayed slogans on the walls of Athens University and other downtown buildings. One said: "Respect for November 17," while another read: "Freedom for the fighters who never give up."

    Police said the French companion of Alexandros Giotopoulos, the alleged November 17 leader, who is in prison custody, joined Tuesday's rally.

    The arrests of November 17 suspects were triggered by a bungled bomb attack on June 29.

    Anarchists groups have voiced protest against police Greece's news media since the crackdown started and have on several occasions attacked journalists and TV camera crews.

    Government, political parties condemn pro-terrorist demonstration
    Wed Oct 2,12:19 PM ET

    ATHENS, Greece - The Socialist government and political parties on Wednesday condemned a demonstration by about 1,500 people who marched through Athens in support of Greece's deadliest terrorist group and chanted insults about some of its victims.

    "We disagree ideologically and politically and ... felt some particularly bad feelings from some of the slogans that were heard," said government spokesman Christos Protopappas.

    But he conceded the marchers had the right to voice their support for the November 17 group, which is blamed for killing 23 people — including 4 American officials — since 1975. The group's latest victim was British defense attache Stephen Saunders, gunned down in June 2000.

    Although there have been some small gatherings in support of November 17, it was the first such rally to be held in Greece. Many demonstrators in Tuesday's march chanted slogans in favor of November 17 suspects in jail pending trial.

    The group carried a mix of Marxists and ultra-nationalist outlooks. It is named for the day in 1973 when military rulers crushed a student-led protest.

    Demonstrators also spray-painted pro-November 17 messages on the walls of Athens University and chanted slogans ridiculing November 17 victims.

    "What is right is that Saunders is alone and needs another two," some of the demonstrators chanted.

    Conservative deputy Dora Bakoyianni, a leading candidate for mayor of Athens in Oct. 13 elections, condemned the march. She is the widow of Pavlos Bakoyiannis, a popular conservative deputy, was killed by the group in 1989.

    "It causes me rage, rage and repugnance," Bakoyianni said. "I must say that it is inconceivable for the birthplace of civilization to present such an image ... With the desecration of innocent victims and monuments of this city."

    A public prosecutor ordered police to examine video tapes of the demonstration in an effort to identify the people who spray-painted the university. He asked for their arrest on charges of "celebrating criminal activity."

    Now I am disgusted by these people but in a democracy averyone has the right to let his voice be heard.

    I wonder if this would be allowed in other allegded "democratic" countries like the UK and the US.

    We are really the best.

  • #2
    Go N17!
    Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


    • #3
      I wonder if this would be allowed in other allegded "democratic" countries like the UK and the US.
      We allow pro-Klan marches all the time. I wonder if Europe can make a similar claim.

      Anarchists chant pro-terrorist slogans at Athens rally
      Considering the history of the anarchist movement, does this really suprise you?
      I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
      For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


      • #4
        Blow up paiktis!
        Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


        • #5
          Re: Anarchists chant pro-terrorist slogans at Athens rally

          Originally posted by paiktis22
          I wonder if this would be allowed in other allegded "democratic" countries like the UK and the US.
          Luckily the founders of the American republic based our society on the ideals of Roman organized and structured civility, not the Greek reliance on mobs and tyrants.

          We do not view the right to vandalize buildings as fundamental, nor do we view the right to chant slogans of support for criminals to be commendable.

          However, we would freely allow people to march and say whatever they like, so long as they don't riot, or incite riots.
          John Brown did nothing wrong.


          • #6
            In other words you're a regime, a parody of democracy. Just as I though.

            Luckily the founders of the American republic based our society on the ideals of Roman organized and structured civility
            And thanks for the laugh


            • #7
              Re: Re: Anarchists chant pro-terrorist slogans at Athens rally

              Originally posted by Felch X
              Luckily the founders of the American republic based our society on the ideals of Roman [...]
              Oh no ... Are you saying that there troubling links between Nero and W Bush ???

              Bad boy !
              Zobo Ze Warrior
              Your brain is your worst enemy!


              • #8
                Oh no, two people from countries with histories of absolutes monarchs, unstable democracies, and military regimes are telling me I don't come from a free society.

                Gee, they sure are good judges of such matters. I'd better take their unsolicited and ignorant opinions seriously.
                John Brown did nothing wrong.


                • #9

                  Felch is dumb witted. He sees "riots" where riots do not exist.

                  And he thinks America is a well organized civilized society... (based on the roman and NOT greek model if you please) (like he can tell the difference)


                  • #10
                    Not only you dont come from a free society felch but you have no social care either and you live in a crime infested hellhole.


                    • #11
                      Felch, what the hell are you talking about? The US allows protests/rallies, so long as they are peaceful, even if they are offensive to the majority.

                      Neo-Nazis, the Klan, etc. have marches and parades. They're morons, but they have the consititutional right to be morons so long as they don't break things or hurt people.

                      Please note the following public service notice:

                      PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE TROLL!

                      grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                      The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                      • #12
                        To respond seriously is a waste of time, but since I have nothing to do, I'll do it anyways.

                        Democracy was not what the framers of the Constitution wanted. You are correct. They didn't want anarchists rioting in the streets of our capital. They didn't want to have five different republics in less than two hundred years, punctuated by military dictatorships and imperial coups. They wanted a stable society where the will of the people would be considered, but where the rule of law was supreme.

                        And I'm not kidding about Rome being more important to them than Greece. They read Cato and Cicero, not Pericles or Herodotus.
                        John Brown did nothing wrong.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Arrian
                          Felch, what the hell are you talking about? The US allows protests/rallies, so long as they are peaceful, even if they are offensive to the majority.

                          Neo-Nazis, the Klan, etc. have marches and parades. They're morons, but they have the consititutional right to be morons so long as they don't break things or hurt people.
                          When did I say anything to contradict this? All I said is that we don't view vandalism as a right, and that people who support criminals are not commended.
                          John Brown did nothing wrong.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by paiktis22

                            Felch is dumb witted. He sees "riots" where riots do not exist.

                            And he thinks America is a well organized civilized society... (based on the roman and NOT greek model if you please) (like he can tell the difference)
                            If a mob of people are chanting slogans in support of murderers, and committing crimes while the police stand near by and watch, I would call it a riot. Unless it's legal to vandalize in Greece (Maybe it is, in that case I'm wrong about the rioting).

                            America is based on the Roman model. I have lived here for close to twenty years, and know the history of my own country and its founding. Furthermore, it's hardly a crime infested hellhole, and I would consider myself a better judge of that than someone who doesn't live here.

                            It's funny, everything I've said can be supported by historical evidence, while everything you've said is just pure silliness and slander.
                            John Brown did nothing wrong.


                            • #15
                              Cato and Cicero read Plato and Aristotle.

                              In anycase to compare your country with Rome is ridiculous to say the least.

                              you have a crimerate that makes you equal to latin america. no social security and around 38 million living below poverty homeless and dying.

                              you are the hell Europe tries not to be and has succeded so far.

                              to state that america is a well organized and civilized no less society is laughable at best.

                              unless you compare yourself with uganda.

