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Turkey Runs, Turkey Hides, Turkey Is.........guilty Of Genocide

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  • #91
    Why? Wasn't there an explotion of nationalism with FYROM? Havent you seen the maps with half Greece in FYROM's claws?

    or Croatia or Serbia? Every new born country has to go through that phase (or re-born, ok? )


    • #92
      Originally posted by paiktis22

      I suppose they'll have to live somewhere too, no?

      There can be common borders between Greece and Armenia without having to wipe out Turkey completely.
      They should be transported to Turkmenistan.
      Though I have a better idea. GERMANY!!!!
      "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
      I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
      Middle East!


      • #93
        They already are in Germany


        • #94
          I dont get info about greece from media much, because they dont care about greece much here

          but I visited web pages of Greek Helsinki Watch or simmilar. every country has those, and I wont do a link here because its a wealth of antigreek trolls there I dont want to hurt your feelings

          And I beg to diagree. Situation is far better in Greece than other EU countries. Just look at Spain and ETA. Or the UK and IRA. Really there is no comparison in the tranqquility of Greek society in comparison with other EU states. I mean that.

          we are talking about state terrorism here. 99% greek country, but about a million foreigners in it. how? new greek math?

          or how you dont allow macedonians to express themselves as such, or albanians, or turks. they cant register an organization, their children cant have their names... etc

          better then the rest of europe?


          • #95
            Originally posted by paiktis22
            They already are in Germany
            Not enough of them. I think that a partition would be a good thing; eastern Germany for Poles, western for Turks,
            Arabs and Veietnameese in the middle, France for Germans.
            "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
            I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
            Middle East!


            • #96
              Why? Wasn't there an explotion of nationalism with FYROM? Havent you seen the maps with half Greece in FYROM's claws?
              you take those too seriousely. I have seen maps of slovenia with half of croatia, italy and austria in it its a balkan habit to make such silly maps, you know something to talk about with your neighbours over dinner, or over gunpoint, depends


              • #97
                they are just jealous and have been beaten up by my trolls too many times before. they are just funny.

                and yes. the helsinki observatory has damning stats about every european country including scandinavia (and boy indeed about croatia too ) .

                the issues you mention are non existant


                • #98
                  Originally posted by VetLegion

                  you take those too seriousely. I have seen maps of slovenia with half of croatia, italy and austria in it its a balkan habit to make such silly maps, you know something to talk about with your neighbours over dinner, or over gunpoint, depends
                  the party which made these maps was in power...

                  it was our duty to make sure than not one soldier would have to die because of those people's rampant nationalism.

                  i'm glad that FYROM is in tatters, we can control it much more easily now. and it does need controlling until it matures (dont worry we'll mature too alongside


                  • #99
                    and yes. the helsinki observatory has damning stats about every european country including scandinavia (and boy indeed about croatia too ) .

                    damn finns why cant they keep their noses in their own buissiness

                    the issues you mention are non existant


                    • about the slavs of the former serb part of the area known as macedonia

                      yeah they were asimilated, but they were not a lot of them anyway.

                      about the muslim minority, yeah they cant be turks untill there is peace with turkey. (and they are liked, the muslim minority, thrace is multicultural in the REAL sence of the word

                      still better than the civil war in FYRmacedonia and the slaugters and massacres of greeks ('20 asia minopr smyrna, '50s - constantinople) and kurds (rightnow) and armenians (2 millions for ****s sake early 20th century) in turkey wouldnt you say?

                      well I say, and the EU is saying and the UN is saying and NATO is saying so piss off
                      Last edited by Bereta_Eder; September 20, 2002, 20:58.


                      • plus the 1 million of immigrants are of course there. noone's saying any different.

                        and yes greece is 99% orthodox and homogenious, and you know that in the balkans homogenity is strength.

                        i think you're just jealous cause we benefited from that.

                        you should on the contrary press for the development of multicultural and multiethnical TOLERANCE in the balkans, if you are a supporter of whats good and fair and humane


                        • jesus, you ethnically cleansed croatia,practically yesterday, and you have the cohones to speak?


                          • Originally posted by GePap
                            Hatred is always greatest when the relations are the closest: I wonder how many Greeks can 'prove' they have to turkish blood in thier background?- I wonder how many Turks can prove they have no Greek blood? My guess, not many- you can live next to each other for almost 1000 years and not have gotten 'busy' with each other in all that time.
                            Heh. Us humans like to mate with each other, oftentimes regardless of one's ethnic, religious or national background. After all, beauty and intellect surpass all those things, IMHO.

                            "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll die defending your right to say it." — Voltaire

                            "Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart." — Confucius


                            • What I wanna know is, if Greek move to the US, why do they force their children to learn Greek and to marry Greeks? If you want to stay Greek, stay in Greece. If you want to move to the US, become American.
                              Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


                              • Gatekeeper, no matter the humanitarian will of what you qouted it has both the historical as well as the societal facts wrong.

                                Che, where did you learn that? in By big fat greek wedding?

                                I dont know what my brethern do or dont do in the US but i find what you say strange.

                                at least in Greece you can marry whoever the hell you want.

                                but granted, there might be complications in the family (the conservative ones )if the chosen bride/husband is from some ethnic backgrounds. I wont lie to you

