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Turkey Runs, Turkey Hides, Turkey Is.........guilty Of Genocide

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  • Turkey Runs, Turkey Hides, Turkey Is.........guilty Of Genocide

    "A throat slit in Paris is called a murder, 50,000 throats slit in the Eastand it is a question"--Victor Hugo

    On the evening of January 26th the Portland Art Museum's "Sultan's Ball," --a $250 black-tie affair celebrating the opening of Khalili's Ottoman exhibit "Empire of the Sultans"--was treated to hours of demonstrations by local descendents and survivors of Turkey's Genocidal campaign in the Eastern Mediterranean.Greeks from Cyprus and Pontus in a brotherhood of sorrows with the other maligned and dismembered Ancient Peoples of the East--the Armenians, the Assyrians, and the Kurds chanted and tweaked the faded consciousness of Portland's elite collaborator exhibit patrons. "You can afford a conscience" screamed an Armenian- American from Salem, Oregon.

    "The Legacy of the Turks and the Ottoman Turks is slavery, torture and the race extermination of Greeks and Armenians. I hope you enjoy your evening: it's on the dead Greeks and Armenians," cried a Greek- American PSU student. The exhibit is supported by deep pockets: the American Turkish Council, the American Friends of Turkey (a depository of Death Merchants and retired American military officers and CIA Operatives), Fred Meyer, and Portland State University's Turkish Studies Program (funded directly by the Turkish government). The exhibit and brochures and lectures accompanying the exhibit exalt Ottoman Turkish "multiculturalism," a historical timeline in the published brochure has the gall to caption the American Declaration of Independence directly above a portrait of Turk autocrat Selim the Grim. The historical record of the true legacy of the Turks and their Sultans is in direct contradiction to this exhibit's attempt to sanitize Turkey's rap sheet of transnational Crimes Against Humanity. Don't take my word for it. Simply ask the Kurds, ask the Greeks, ask the Assyrians, ASK THE ARMENIANS!

    The Ottoman Empire was commandeered by a nomadic tribe originating from Central Asia whose armies steamrolled, and through forced assimilation of conquered subjects, destroyed indigenous cultures and depleted indigenous populations from the mountains of Kurdistan in Eastern Asia Minor to the Greek and Serbian homelands in the Balkans. For the Turks human slavery was protected until the 20th Century. Christian minorities in the occupied lands lived in enclaves and were subject to a head tax that literally was enforced with the Turkish punishment of decapitation. Pre-teen boys were considered basic human commodities that fulfilled the lustful desires of Ottoman tax collectors, taken away from their parents and forced into a life of servitude in the sultan's praetorian guard (the Janissaries).

    The printing press was officially outlawed in Ottoman Turkey until the 19th century and endures brutal official censors to this very day (some recent examples include the arrest and detainment of Turkish author Nadire Mater for "insulting the military" and the Kurdish daily OZGURLUK, now published in exile); and Turkish newspapers are subject to police raid and state terror (1). By the19th Century internal revolutions by oppressed enclaves in mainland Greece, Serbia, Kurdistan and Bulgaria led to some attaining nominal independence from the Ottoman political system. The Greek revolution of 1821 was dearly won by revolutionary Greek guerrillas--the KLEPHTS--who from their mountain steadfasts liberated the Ancient Greek city of Athens and the Greek lands of Peloponnesus and Attica from 400 years of Ottoman political oppression.

    The Bulgars paid a heavy price for their independence--thousands of dismembered and mutilated peasants were left in macabre human hillsides by their Turk oppressors. By 1912 and 1913 the whole of the Balkans had won its right to self-determination. From the Macedonian region there came two Turks who went on to eliminate forever the pesky minorities and build a Turkey for the Turks--- Talat Pasha, and Kemal (later to be named Ataturk: the so-called "father of the Turks")--the founder of the "Republic of Turkey."

    Both Talat and Kemal Ataturk were instrumental in implementing the program of the Young Turk Party (Ittihad ve Terrakk), the so called "Party of Union and Progress." The party was formed in 1908 with the slogan 'equality and fraternity' but by the dawn of WW 1 it was transformed into a racist terror network ultimately becoming the undisputed government of Turkey and bent on creating a "Turkey for the Turks." The first step involved the extermination of the indigenous people of the region who traditionally followed the Christian faith--- Greeks, Armenians, Assyrians--through the clever use of Islam and collaborator muftis and hodjas to incite hatred among their beleaguered Turks who owed their misfortunes to this ruling Young Turk Party. Backroom deals sealed with the German government dragged Ottoman Turkey into WW I. The second phase was implemented during the dictatorship of General Kemal Ataturk, and it involved the slow-motion genocide of the proud Kurdish nation (soon after 'the Republic of Turkey' was formed the Kurds officially became "mountain Turks" and began active rebellions, 29 in all with the PKK-led rebellion as the most recent).

    On April 24, 1915, behind the smokescreen of WW I, the Turkish government arrested over 200 Armenian community leaders and intellectuals in Constantinople and speedily deported them into the Turkish interior. This day marks the Day of Remembrance for the victims and survivors of the Armenian Genocide. In May of 1915 the Allied powers warned Turk leaders that they would be held accountable for "Crimes Against Humanity and Civilzation,"thus coining a new term in International Law. (2) The Armenians were deported from the length and breadth of Ottoman Turkey, and promised that they would be resettled in "in a safer place." Agents of the Young Turk Party oversaw these death marches which led this sea of humanity, 1.5 million in all, into the ravines and valleys of Anatolia, where they were ruthlessly butchered by government-organized Turkish death squads. The U.S. ambassador to Ottoman Turkey Henry Morgenthau said in his memoirs that "When the deportation order was given it was clear that a death warrant was issued for the Armenian race."(3) After the war, coded telegrams ordering the genocide sent by Talat to Turkish provincial administrators were read in court and Talat was sentenced to death in absentia (Germany had granted him political asylum). Even more ironic is the fact that immediately after K. Ataturk solidified his rule in Turkey, the denial of crime of genocide by Turkish officialdom began in order to create the boundaries of the new Turkish state. In 1942, Nazi Germany exhumed Talat's remains in a state ceremony and shipped them back to Turkey. Today, there stands a grand mausoleum in Ankara memorializing Talat and a major thoroughfare named in his honor. Nazi leadership knew all too well the international impunity granted to the perpetrators of the Armenian Genocide. Adolf Hitler told his SS generals in 1939 before embarking on the Holocaust: "Kill without Mercy. After all, who now remembers the annihilation of the Armenians?"

    It may be instructive at this point to refer to Ziya Gokalp..chief propagandist and ideologue for the Young Turks and the intellectual influence for Talat and K. Ataturk. Uriel Heyd, Gokalp's British biographer, has noted that "He laid in his writings the foundations of the national and modern state which was eventually established by General Kemal Ataturk." Gokalp glorified a distant and mystical Turkish past when the Turks were led out of the fogs of Central Asia by a Grey Wolf. The Grey Wolves are a racist paramilitary secret society that permeates all levels of Turkish society akin to the influence of the KKK in the USA during the 1920's. Ziya Gokalp also claimed conquerors such as Attila and Genghis Khan as Turkish cultural heroes. Following this frame of reference "Greeks [and] Armenians who lived in Turkey would remain a foreign body in the national Turkish state" (Heyd). (4)

    Greeks in the Black Sea littoral of Asia Minor called Pontus (meaning "sea" in Greek) were exposed to the worst treatment of Turkey's Genocidal mentality. K. Ataturk had a thing for Greeks; he was born in the Greek city of Thessaloniki, and had been commandeer of Turkish military units defeated by Greek guerillas in Macedonia during the Balkan liberation from Ottoman Turk rule. Kemal hid in the shadows during Talat's reign in 1915-1918; however he proved himself a worthy ghazi (war chief) in the years following WW I. His close associates named him Bozkurt (Grey Wolf). K. Ataturk landed at Pontus in the Black sea port of Samsun on May 19, 1919---a day of mourning that is commemorated as the Pontic Greek Genocide every May 19th. Pontic Greeks have existed in their native region since the days of Jason and the Argonauts pre-dating the 3rd Century B.C. K. Ataturk and his Turkish armies systematically destroyed PONTUS. Some 700,000 Greeks were ousted from their ancestral homes by orders of General Kemal Ataturk and marched into oblivion--their bones litter the mountain pathways of the Pontus mountains. Greek owned properties were stolen by their Turk murderers and have laid the financial base for least one contemporary Turkish family of economic power. After a systematic campaign of race extermination the Greeks were also destroyed in Smyrna (renamed Izmir in 1930) by Turkish armies under the command of Kemal Ataturk. Over a hundred thousand Greek civilians were massacred in September 1922 under the watchful eyes of a 27 ship armada from the USA, Britain,Italy and France. Smyrna was burned to the ground save for the Standard Oilcompound. Admiral Bristol, the U.S. State Dept. man on the ground in Smyrna,had little regard for the lives of Greeks: he had said that "The Greeks are the worst race in this part of the world."(5)

    The international community through its silence has pardoned the perpetrator of this crime. The classical Pontic Greek city of Trapezounta has been renamed Trabzon and its cultural heritage is thoroughly destroyed. The Pontic Greek diaspora which was sent to the four winds has settled throughout the world and is entering its second and third generation. Pontic Greeks have begun to publish their memoirs-Sanho Halo, a survivor of the Pontic Greek Genocide, is beautifully memorialized by her daughter Thea in the current bestseller, NOT EVEN MY NAME. (6) An old man in Queens, NY, where over 40,000 Pontic Greeks now reside, told me once that "The Turks stole our face,defaced our beautiful Pontic culture; their time will come and they will pay either in money or in blood." The despair of poor tattered Pontic Greeks who settled as far from the Pontus homeland as North America, Australia, and Northern Europe, is being answered by their grandchildren who are reacting to the nightmares of their ancestors with calls to action.

    The Armenian Genocide is now recognized by the U.N., the Europarliament, and the French government. Despite persistent protest by the State Department, the U.S. Congress was set for a vote of the Armenian Genocide resolution on the House floor only to be shelved by Bill Clinton at the midnight hour through the personal plea of intervention by Israel's Shimon Peres. Perpetrators of the Jewish genocide have delivered over $60 billion in reparations to Israel while the peoples of the genocide in Asia Minor--Armenians, Assyrians, and the Greeks of Pontus---have gotten a kick in the ass. The genocide of the Assyrians (some 500,000 who were exterminated in waves that swept away the Armenian nation) is still not well known. Assyrians were also massacred when Turkey, in a precedent for the later Attila '74 invasion of Cyprus, invaded the province of Alexandretta in Syria during the 1930's. The slow-motion genocide of the Kurds is ongoing and steadily aided and covered-up by the USA and the descendents of another genocide, the Israelis. Cyprus endures a brutal Turkish military occupation to accommodate Anglo American bases in northern Turkish occupied Cyprus. Greek demonstrators are slaughtered by Turkish Grey Wolf terrorist operatives. This same Grey Wolf organization is responsible for the "disappearances" and outright lynchings of Kurdish activists and intellectuals through Turkey. These same Grey Wolf terrorists are behind acts of arson which devastate the Greek islands every summer.

    An International Industry of Denial is being financed by Turkey with the support of Israel and the U.S. State Department. The services of top-notch K street lobbyists are enlisted including the million- dollar arsenals of Phillip Morris Inc., a long list of arms merchants, and B'nai B'rith (parents of the "Anti-Defamation League"). So far, the Turkish Embassy supported by its front organization Institute for Turkish Studies (I.T.S.), has funded over 20 Turkish Studies programs in various American universities. Chair of Turkish Studies at Princeton, Heath Lowry, resigned after being exposed as a ghost- writer for Turkish ambassador Nuzhet Kandemir. The letter he was busted ghostwriting specified verbatim classic genocide denialist propaganda intended for distribution to a New York publisher.

    The indigenous people of Asia Minor are experiencing a second killing. Denial and erasure of memory is the final phase of genocide, as genocide scholar Israel Charny has so eloquently expressed in his landmark book, IS THE HOLOCAUST UNIQUE? (I.Charny 2000). Abdullah Ocalan, the leader of the Kurdish rebellion, has told of his unnerving anger as a young man when confronted with the physical and spiritual ruins left behind from the precious victims of Turkish criminality-Armenians, Assyrians, Pontic Greeks. The Diaspora of this collective genocide has come back to haunt the Turkish racists. Turkey's National State Security Council (Milli Güvenlik Kurulu - MGK) recently issued a 14-page document detailing the grassroots activism of the Assyrian nation in exile. Assyrian hunger strikes have taken place in Sweden and the Netherlands, along with demonstrations outside Turkish diplomatic posts spanning the globe. In June 2000, Assyrian protesters occupied the Lausanne Municipal Building in Switzerland to highlight Turkey's Crimes Against Humanity. Internet activism, spearheaded by the heroic grassroots American Hellenic Media Project AHMP and the Assyrian International News Agency AINA, have drawn attention to the plight of Father Yusuf Akbulut (an Assyrian priest imprisoned in Turkey for affirming the historical reality of the Armenian, Assyrian, and Greek Genocide). Thanks to the campaign, the courtroom was packed with international observers, much to Turkeys embarrassment. AHMP volunteers successfully convinced actor Antonio Banderas to decline the film of Ataturk in a $65 million film hagiography of the late ethnic cleanser financed by B'nai B'rith. Incidentally,B'nai B'rith is also the major Jewish lobby sandbagging the Armenian Genocide resolution and is a major promoter of Ataturkism (the Jewish organization paid for a full page ad in the NY Times congratulating the fascistic Turkish state on the occasion of its 75th anniversary). Genocide is born of racism, bigotry, and absence of the fundamental principles of human rights and civil liberties. The diaspora created by the Genocidal Mentality of the Turks now begins to confront Turkey head-on to face its past in order to save the present and to create a future of real democratization. Democracy is not possible when the Turkish state continues the oppression of Greeks in Cyprus, perpetuates the slaughter of Kurds, and denies Turkey's genesis in genocide.

    Nicholas Tanery.

  • #2
    Errr, paik, we commited atrocities during the Mikrasiatiki Ekstrateia too, my friend. We just do not want to talk about it. Even though we had a fully tactical army (while Kemal had mostly "ataktous tsetes"), we managed to pillage and burn enough villages in our wake. Also, since we lost the war, the Turks had a better capacity to kill us than we to kill them. I don't say that we are "as bad as they are" - since obviously Greece has never had a systematic policy of ethnic cleansing, but think about what might be our policy if we hadn't ended up in a state with 99% Orthodox Greek population in 1923.
    "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
    George Orwell


    • #3
      I have an Armenian friend who tells me all about this stuff. Turkey happens to be in a fortunate strategic location and Armenia does not have much influence in the world so the history is conveniently forgotten. Shows the hypocrisy of a lot of people.


      • #4
        And we also massacred 30.000 Turks during the War Of Independance too. Somewhere in Peloponese...

        About The Mirkasiatiki Ekstrateia you should see some films made by Turkey about us.. in the Archives of Papahelas!

        But come on Turkey has committed genocides of 2 millions of people and is not getting any wiser (Kurds).

        Did you know that Turkey has killed more Kurds than Saddam? (all with american and european weapons)


        • #5
          Yea but the Greeks use too much oregano in their food...


          • #6
            Did you know that Turkey has killed more Kurds than Saddam? (all with american and european weapons) [/QUOTE]

            Kurds took advantage of Assyrian and Armenian tragedy, however. They claim for the lands that before the Armenian holocaust were inhabited by Armenians.
            "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
            I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
            Middle East!


            • #7
              Sometimes I wish the Constantinople Tribunal had not collapsed. Then I wouldn't have to deal with these repeated threads.
              I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
              For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


              • #8
                I'd look cool as a Byzantine Knight.


                • #9
                  That isn't what I was refering to.
                  I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
                  For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


                  • #10


                    • #11
                      Paiktis, your avatar looks cool, too. Who is she ?

                      Your sister ? Have you her phone number ?


                      What ? Your girlfriend ? Oops ...
                      Zobo Ze Warrior
                      Your brain is your worst enemy!


                      • #12
                        i never thought of byzantine knights as hairy..
                        "The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.

                        "The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton


                        • #13
                          says the gay brit


                          • #14
                            english have sick skin, bad teeth and they are gay. it's all there in themost reknowned german papers.


                            • #15
                              Zozo, ne mets pas des idees dans la tete

