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Most evil American political leader ever?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Chris 62
    You need to read more , especially about Johnson, the first president ever impeached.
    And his impeachment was as politically-motivated and out of line as Clinton's was. Look who impeached him, for pete's sake!

    As for Reagan being a puppet, your WAY off.
    He was the puppet master, just look at his history for proof of that.
    Yeah, whatever. Even his supporters have admitted that he surrounded himself with handlers committed to protecting him and to scripting him. He had a gift for charm and getting people to like him, but making governmental decisions? Mr. "I Don't Recall?"

    commenting on somthing isn't a whine
    You who accuse anyone who disagrees with you on anything a whiner,

    Second, did I post in that thread?
    I haven't even read it, and your making a comparison and value judgement based on that???
    You who claim to read every thread here.

    Not at all on #2, as a writer and historian, FACTS are all that matter, which is why I find constant Bush Carping so ridculous, since it isn't based on fact.
    Facts matter? Like that "fact" you purported that it was the Natives who first attacked the Spanish in the New World?

    You don't have a monopoly on facts, Chris, as much as you may like to think so. And your instantly hostile responses to anyone you disagree with don't support this air of objective rationality you try to claim. Just admit you're as biased and emotional in your thoughts as everyone else...we don't care if you're human.

    An unfounded accusation, as has been proven numerous times.
    That's just sour grapes, dear Boris.
    Proven? No way. There's a raging debate, perhaps unsettled, but nobody's proven it didn't happen. And again, not relevant to the thread.

    I'd love it, but it's hardly needed.
    However, a dose of objectivity for you might be in order.
    And again, you are no more objective than anyone else, despite how unassailable you think your pedastal might be...
    Tutto nel mondo è burla


    • #47
      Hadn't heard that - source?

      But either way, the Zimmerman Note was not a provocation at all, even if real - it was a defensive mechanism for Germany in case the US waged war against Germany. It was turned into a provocation by propaganda. Either way, my original point stands.
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      • #48

        There isn't really any evidence the Lusitania was carrying munitions, is there? The massive explosion that ripped her apart, which was the major point of "proof" she had them on board, has been logically and scientifcally explained as an ignition of coal dust in a near-empty bin.

        I'm not saying there wasn't munitions on board, just that there's no evidence there was.

        At any rate, the Lusitania sinking, while it enraged American sentiment, wasn't what did it. It was Germany's resumption of such tactics in 1917 that triggered the real drive to enter the war.
        Tutto nel mondo è burla


        • #49
          Originally posted by David Floyd
          Out of the list, I'd say it's probably Truman, for dropping the atomic bomb on civilians.

          To me, though, the worst presidents - not necessarily evil, but worst - were FDR, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, Woodrow Wilson, and of course Harry Truman. Most of the rest were pretty bad too, mind you.
          Okay, I'll try and not insult you following this blatant post of stupi_____ WAIT AHHH I stopped myself.... okay...

          #1 Without FDR, you'd be speaking German now, son.

          #2 Without Abraham Lincoln (probably our best president), North America would be no different than a war-torn land populated by 3 or 4 different "American countries" instead of one grand Union. But I'm sure your loyalties lie with the republic of Texas .

          #3 Teddy Roosevelt was the most instrumental president in preserving capitalism by helping to break up the oil monopoly.

          I've seen some dumb posts, but that one takes the cake David. Truman saved American and Japanese lives by bringing an end to WW2, and ushering in the end of massive infantry ground wars with the beginning of the nuclear age. Mutually Assured Destruction is the only thing that has saved the world the carnage of a third world war. As for FDR, he is only responsible for saving freedom, and a masterpiece called the Marshall Plan, which created the strong economy America enjoys now.

          You should be ashamed of yourself David. You have insulted two of the greatest presidents ever, while still showign support for the boob in office now. It's obvious you are a bigot, and not worthy of any more of my flames.
          To us, it is the BEAST.


          • #50
            Sava...PLEASE...posts like that don't make you look good.
            Tutto nel mondo è burla


            • #51
              I'm sorry Boris, sometimes you've got to call idiocy by its name.
              To us, it is the BEAST.


              • #52
                Originally posted by David Floyd
                Hadn't heard that - source?
                The inevitable publication of the telegram on 1 March (with Wilson's permission) was initially met by stunned disbelief in American quarters, its contents widely considered implausible. Unfortunately Zimmerman inexplicably confirmed the authenticity of the telegram two days later.
                I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
                For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


                • #53
                  At any rate, the Lusitania sinking, while it enraged American sentiment, wasn't what did it. It was Germany's resumption of such tactics in 1917 that triggered the real drive to enter the war.
                  It certainly was. But unrestricted submarine warfare was no more evil than normal warfare. If German submarines surfaced to warn the ship, there were instances of the merchant vessel trying to ram the submarine.
                  Further, unrestricted submarine warfare had nothing to do with the US - it was British and French vessels which were sunk, not American ones. If they were American vessels, which weren't actively supplying weapons to a belligerent in a warzone, you might have a point.
                  Now, American civilians who died on those vessels are another matter. Yes, they were killed by Germany. But when Germany tried to warn them against it - the Lusitania issue - Wilson suppressed the warnings. There's no reason to assume we wouldn't have suppressed other warnings, either.


                  #1 Without FDR, you'd be speaking German now, son.
                  Yeah, because Germany had the naval power to invade the US, and they were also close to an atomic bomb. Oh wait, I'm sorry, neither of those statements are correct.

                  #2 Without Abraham Lincoln (probably our best president), North America would be no different that a war-torn land populated by 3 or 4 different "American countries" instead of one grand Union.
                  First of all, you can only prove two - the USA and CSA. But however many, I don't see a problem wtih this. If the people of the South no longer consented to rule from Washington, and decided to secede, and then form their own nation, there is certainly nothing in the Constitution stopping them, and for a nation founded on self-determinism and democracy, it seems that any attempt to prevent this is hypocritical, at best.

                  #3 Teddy Roosevelt was the most instrumental president in preserving capitalism by helping to break up the oil monopoly.
                  I'm not making a capitalism argument, I'm making an argument that he had no right to interfere in the economy. I'm also making the argument that beefing up the military was unjustified.

                  Truman saved American and Japanese lives by bringing an end to WW2, and ushering in the end of massive infantry ground wars with the beginning of the nuclear age.
                  What he did was to murder Japanese civilians in order to save the lives of US military personnel. Intentionally killing civilians is known as a war crime, and also known as mass murder. Mass murder is certainly an evil act.

                  Although I admit Roosevelt and Churchill and especially Stalin did plenty mass murder of their own in the war - Dresden, Katyn Forest, Hamburg, firebombing Japanese cities, etc.

                  Mutually Assured Destruction is the only thing that has saved the world the carnage of a third world war.
                  I have no problem with the MAD concept, necessarily. I have a problem with killing civilians.

                  As for FDR, he is only responsible for saving freedom,
                  Actually the opposite is true. He massively increased the size of the federal government, massively increased taxes, and reduced individual rights (and if you don't believe this is true look up, for example, a case called Wickard v. Filburn, which was decided by his appointees). Not to mention the draft, which is totally antithetical to freedom.

                  and a masterpiece called the Marshall Plan, which created the strong economy America enjoys now.
                  Actually he was dead when the Marshall Plan came around. Although I will admit that it became our responsibility to rebuild German cities after the unrestricted bombing we inflicted upon those cities and their civilians.
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                  • #54
                    Sava, while I disagree with a lot of Floyd's rationales, he didn't present his opinions in a hostile way, and it didn't merit such an insulting, hostile response. And much of your response was riddled with errors and false assumptions anyway.
                    Tutto nel mondo è burla


                    • #55
                      You have insulted two of the greatest presidents ever, while still showign support for the boob in office now. It's obvious you are a bigot, and not worthy of any more of my flames.
                      Since when have I shown support for Bush? I just don't (yet) consider him as bad as the ones I mentioned.
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                      • #56
                        Zimmerman inexplicably confirmed the authenticity of the telegram two days later.
                        It is certainly inexplicable why he would do so, but I would submit that if the British can fake one document, they can certainly fake another.
                        And a source such as seems, at first glane, to be nothing more than a survey site that doesn't delve very deeply into the issues or question very much.
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                        • #57
                          True, I'll give you that...

                          Sorry for that outburst though... I hope I just misinterpreted your motives behind your belief that FDR and Lincoln were two of the worst presidents.
                          To us, it is the BEAST.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by David Floyd
                            And a source such as seems, at first glane, to be nothing more than a survey site that doesn't delve very deeply into the issues or question very much.
                            It was the first one I could find on a net search. If you can find a better source with evidence that the note was faked, I would enjoy reading it and I'll be the first to admit error.
                            I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
                            For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


                            • #59
                              If you can find a better source with evidence that the note was faked, I would enjoy reading it and I'll be the first to admit error.
                              I'm sure I can find a source, but what it comes down to is no one knows for sure - valid cases can be made either way, I'm certain. I just happen to believe that the British were more likely to manufacture something to get the US into a war it appeared they were losing (not on the ground, but at sea, as one of their own admirals admitted to a US naval officer), than the Germans were to draw the US into a war they believed was winnable.
                              Follow me on Twitter:
                              Read my seldom updated blog where I talk to myself:


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Boris Godunov
                                And his impeachment was as politically-motivated and out of line as Clinton's was. Look who impeached him, for pete's sake!
                                Actually, both were correct, but blocked by cronies.

                                Yeah, whatever. Even his supporters have admitted that he surrounded himself with handlers committed to protecting him and to scripting him. He had a gift for charm and getting people to like him, but making governmental decisions? Mr. "I Don't Recall?"
                                Your lack of understanding of Reagan is astounding.

                                You who accuse anyone who disagrees with you on anything a whiner
                                making it up as you go along again, eh?
                                You who claim to read every thread here.
                                I did?
                                News to me.
                                You must tell me more about myself, such as how your quoting things I never said.
                                Facts matter? Like that "fact" you purported that it was the Natives who first attacked the Spanish in the New World?
                                Your showing your ignorence again, it was Europeans, as in Vikings, and it's documented.
                                Also, the first English colony, Roanake Island, was completely wiped out as well, just for your edifaction.

                                You don't have a monopoly on facts, Chris, as much as you may like to think so.
                                Never said I did, Boris, but I never make it up, as you so love to do.
                                And your instantly hostile responses to anyone you disagree with don't support this air of objective rationality you try to claim.
                                I only get hostile with extreme stupidity, which is often displayed here.
                                Just admit you're as biased and emotional in your thoughts as everyone else...we don't care if you're human.
                                More nonsense.
                                The whole world sees things from it's own point of view, the difference is I refuse to distort history, and I won't comment on things I don't know about.

                                Proven? No way. There's a raging debate, perhaps unsettled, but nobody's proven it didn't happen. And again, not relevant to the thread.
                                You yourself said he STOLE the election, now you say it's a debate.
                                You just called yourself a liar!
                                And again, you are no more objective than anyone else, despite how unassailable you think your pedastal might be...
                                It really annoys you that people realize your take on everything has an agenda, doesn't it?
                                You should try talking too people, instead of at them.
                                I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
                                i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG

