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Rugby - The game they play in heaven

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  • Now come on, NeoStar, have a crack at the opera reference in my earlier post. What line am I paraphrasing and from which opera? In fact, I'll throw this open to everyone! 10 Civ Gold to the first with the correct answer!


    Phantom of the Opera? The only other one I know is the 'Ring' by that Wagner fellow.

    If you're making the margin yourself Finbar - the Springbok are unchanged as of present...
    Last edited by NeoStar; August 13, 2002, 02:47.
    "Show me a man or a woman alone and I'll show you a saint. Give me two and they'll fall in love. Give me three and they'll invent the charming thing we call 'society'. Give me four and they'll build a pyramid. Give me five and they'll make one an outcast. Give me six and they'll reinvent prejudice. Give me seven and in seven years they'll reinvent warfare. Man may have been made in the image of God, but human society was made in the image of His opposite number, and is always trying to get back home." - Glen Bateman, The Stand (Stephen King)


    • Originally posted by NeoStar



      Phantom of the Opera?
      Sorry, that doesn't count in any way, shape or form as opera. Or even music, if it comes to that. Okay, I'll concede this much - it counts as bad plagiarisation of music that was very ordinary in the first place.

      The only other one I know is the 'Ring' by that Wagner fellow.
      " ... and the following morning I should see the Boks wallop the Wallabies again?" - Havak
      "The only thing worse than being quoted in someone's sig is not being quoted in someone's sig." - finbar, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.


      • But then NZ will have the coveted "underdog" status.
        You already have it. As far as I know seedings are based on the placings in the last RWC so you are third seeds behind Australia and France if that is the case. I’m fairly sure current world rankings are ignored.

        shhhhh! Im trying to win some of my gold back...
        Ah okay, mums the word.

        But no I don't think at all the SH referees are better than ours, far from it.
        Pleased to hear it. For a short moment I thought you had gone over to the ‘enemy’.

        And pud?
        Do we want a light pud or a substantial one? I offer “great Bok matches of the last decade without fisticuffs” and “why are Wales so dire these days” respectively.

        Or alternatively “the failings of Jonno” and “the failings of Plod” also in that order?

        Hmm I seem to be in a non too serious frame of mind this week.

        With the utmost respect to the Dutch, it's not a terribly interesting country
        I have to say I really enjoyed my tour there. But then that might be because you can hardly tell you are outside the UK. Or it might be because I always enjoy my tours – witness Australia.

        You can speak English anywhere and to anyone and get by in Holland. The Dutch are really nice people as well of course, which helps. Spot on about the language though.

        It could however have been much worse – you could have been Fin-yakky da-bar given you reside in NSW (which is far better than OSW IMO)

        All I can say is that the rugby writer's eyesight is better than mine. I wish I could see through the tangles of arms and legs and torsos as well as he can.
        Now come on – we all know that you simply can’t bring yourself to agree with praise of an English referee?

        I've already noted Tamerlin's later clarification. I'd also already assumed he'd erred. I let it pass. I'm a big person.
        Bigger than me – I would have pounced.

        *finbar awaits Havak's post to the effect that: "Sorry, I'm the last chap in the universe with a Beta VCR"*
        I really must find where you put that spy camera!

        I read in the paper today the mad supporter who tackled McHugh is getting quite a bit of support from people. It seems even a SA law firm is offerring to defend him in court for no fee
        Yes I’ve seen some very strange “he had it coming” feedback from the lunatic Bok fringe too. It reflects very badly on the Boks that they have any fans who think like that. What is the suggestion from them here – next time a Bok is carded for a punch send on security to duff the ref up? Ludicrous.

        The matter still has to go in front of the IRB, though.
        Who are considered, by the ARU, to be anti-ARU of course?

        Therein lies the conundrum.
        Should be a great game for the ‘neutral’.

        Havak lives there, doesn't he?
        North East of Old South Wales. No Reds here thank you very much.

        I am off again tomorrow. No this is not a sicky either. Pre-season training trip (right arm strengthening). Hopefully you guys will be happy with a spread come Thursday?

        By the way it seems the penalty try was awarded under a solid 'interpretation' of the laws - check here
        Last edited by Havak; August 13, 2002, 05:08.
        It is better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt


        • Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Rugby - The Game They Play In Heaven - Bank A/c at 11/8/02

          Originally posted by NeoStar
          I can imagine. Just how is the rugby union coverage for Euorpeans with all the other sports around?
          The Rugby coverage is very bad in France and the channel which is scheduling the SH matches is a private one, this channel is even reducing its coverage of the french championship. My father in law is a Rugby fan and has an access to those cable private channels. As his appartment is under reconstruction I can't see all the games scheduled on cable TV until november.

          Of course, if you are a soccer fan and as soon as the season has started, you can see at least two matches every week on the public channels.
          "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


          • Finbar : as Italy is your spiritual home, there is a great chance the opera you are speaking about is originating from this country and from Verdi.

            Am I right ?
            "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


            • Originally posted by Havak
              Do we want a light pud or a substantial one? I offer “great Bok matches of the last decade without fisticuffs” and “why are Wales so dire these days” respectively.

              Or alternatively “the failings of Jonno” and “the failings of Plod” also in that order?

              Hmm I seem to be in a non too serious frame of mind this week.
              Top choices! You're an apt pupil!

              You can speak English anywhere and to anyone and get by in Holland. The Dutch are really nice people as well of course, which helps.
              Well, yes, but that's sort of the problem with the place, IMHO. Really really really nice.

              It could however have been much worse – you could have been Fin-yakky da-bar given you reside in NSW (which is far better than OSW IMO)
              As I've always said about Wales - take away its green hills and valleys, the singing, the drinking, and what have you got? Bugger all really.

              Now come on – we all know that you simply can’t bring yourself to agree with praise of an English referee?
              As I've always said about English refs - take away their whistles, their pig ignorance, their pallid complexions, their pot bellies, and what have you got? Bugger all really.

              Bigger than me – I would have pounced.
              As I've always said about ... hmmmm .... the device seems to have run out of steam.

              Yes I’ve seen some very strange “he had it coming” feedback from the lunatic Bok fringe too. It reflects very badly on the Boks that they have any fans who think like that. What is the suggestion from them here – next time a Bok is carded for a punch send on security to duff the ref up? Ludicrous.
              Did you go to Brisbane? If so, you only went to Brisbane. You didn't venture any further west or north. The further west and north you travel from Brisbane the more you strike exactly the sort of thing you're talking about with the lunatic Boks fringe. Ugly stuff. Particularly when you realise it ain't a fringe thing. Which, I suspect, is the case over there.

              Who are considered, by the ARU, to be anti-ARU of course?
              I don't think it matters. I expect the IRB will come to the same conclusion - Ben Tune was the least culpable person involved in the mess. It's a pity action can't be taken against the nongs who covered it up. In fact, I wonder if action can be taken against them?

              I am off again tomorrow. No this is not a sicky either. Pre-season training trip (right arm strengthening).
              Here he goes with the tautology again!
              " ... and the following morning I should see the Boks wallop the Wallabies again?" - Havak
              "The only thing worse than being quoted in someone's sig is not being quoted in someone's sig." - finbar, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.


              • Originally posted by Tamerlin
                Finbar : as Italy is your spiritual home, there is a great chance the opera you are speaking about is originating from this country and from Verdi.

                Am I right ?
                Half right, Tamerlin. But it's Puccini. From Act 1 of the opera.

                Come on, you could use 10 Civ Gold, couldn't you?
                " ... and the following morning I should see the Boks wallop the Wallabies again?" - Havak
                "The only thing worse than being quoted in someone's sig is not being quoted in someone's sig." - finbar, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.


                • Originally posted by Havak
                  By the way it seems the penalty try was awarded under a solid 'interpretation' of the laws - check here
                  Only in the opinion of the writer of that piece. And given their last paragraph (the emphasis is mine) -

                  Presumably the referee believed that Marius Joubert's tackle on Umaga was not enough to prevent the scoring of a probable try - if indeed he had time to weigh up the balance of probability.
                  - I really have to wonder about the point of the article. There's no question the tackle was high and should have been penalised. There's no question the high tackle was the reason for the penalty try. The debate concerns Joubert's tackle. And as for the last statement that I emphasised - for crying out loud, if a ref is going to award a penalty try, he's obliged to take the time to weigh up the balance of probability.
                  " ... and the following morning I should see the Boks wallop the Wallabies again?" - Havak
                  "The only thing worse than being quoted in someone's sig is not being quoted in someone's sig." - finbar, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.


                  • Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Rugby - The Game They Play In Heaven - Bank A/c at 11/8/02

                    Sorry, that doesn't count in any way, shape or form as opera. Or even music, if it comes to that. Okay, I'll concede this much - it counts as bad plagiarisation of music that was very ordinary in the first place.
                    Bit of an opera critic, eh? Who says us rugby types are uneducated brutes

                    You already have it. As far as I know seedings are based on the placings in the last RWC so you are third seeds behind Australia and France if that is the case. I’m fairly sure current world rankings are ignored.
                    Is this the Zurich thing again? Doesn't matter - when it comes to top teams you just cant rank them, way too much to consider. That's why it only works in Tennis.

                    Wait a sec - what the hell am I talking about?Hewitt just lost!

                    Yes I’ve seen some very strange “he had it coming” feedback from the lunatic Bok fringe too. It reflects very badly on the Boks that they have any fans who think like that.
                    SA can be crazy but that surprised me. But you know what? They're all talk - I didn't see anyone else from the crowd joining in on the attack (thank God)

                    North East of Old South Wales. No Reds here thank you very much.
                    Say it ain't so ... Say it ain't SO!!! Just kidding Havak. If you we're over there, I could understand your bad impression of Australia.

                    Originally posted by Tamerlin

                    The Rugby coverage is very bad in France and the channel which is scheduling the SH matches is a private one, this channel is even reducing its coverage of the french championship. My father in law is a Rugby fan and has an access to those cable private channels. As his appartment is under reconstruction I can't see all the games scheduled on cable TV until november.
                    That's a downer - at least you'll be ready for the WC and any practice games. You'd think we here in Australia are surrounded by televised rugby because of the culture here but in terms of Super12 you have to pay.

                    We get most prominant tests free to air (for some reason not the Europe tour), albiet with horrible commentary.

                    Originally posted by Tamerlin
                    Of course, if you are a soccer fan and as soon as the season has started, you can see at least two matches every week on the public channels.
                    Replace soccer with that other form of rugby (which I wont mention for fear of the Havak chat room ordeal ) and that's all free to air has in terms of a regular comp.

                    One cant complain too much - there are increasing tests these days and not seeing a season comp makes them more special. I'm betting your French comp gets little coverage too ... rugby as a world sport is growing but it still has a way to go
                    "Show me a man or a woman alone and I'll show you a saint. Give me two and they'll fall in love. Give me three and they'll invent the charming thing we call 'society'. Give me four and they'll build a pyramid. Give me five and they'll make one an outcast. Give me six and they'll reinvent prejudice. Give me seven and in seven years they'll reinvent warfare. Man may have been made in the image of God, but human society was made in the image of His opposite number, and is always trying to get back home." - Glen Bateman, The Stand (Stephen King)


                    • As I've always said about ... hmmmm .... the device seems to have run out of steam.
                      Oh there was plenty of mileage left if you wanted it.

                      The further west and north you travel from Brisbane the more you strike exactly the sort of thing you're talking about with the lunatic Boks fringe
                      I made it up to Cairns. I thankfully must have missed this. I even survived the local rugby club who hosted us the night ACT went down to the touring side. You know that night someone danced around Harrison so often and so easily that Justin then knee dropped the lad, starting the whole media circus…

                      In fact, I wonder if action can be taken against them?
                      Interesting point. They certainly deserve it.

                      I hadn’t even registered that latest tautlogy btw.

                      Only in the opinion of the writer of that piece
                      Which in all fairness applies equally to every post in this thread as well of course. In fact to every written comment ever. I just thouight it worth noting that a 'reputable' (see below) rugger site had 'published' the opinion?

                      I really have to wonder about the point of the article
                      I think it is a case that the site in question has a readership that is not the best informed on the details of the beautiful game. It is kind of the equivalent of a tabloid. Clearly it is trying to educate the masses a little.

                      A very nice spot on the authors disclaimer by the way.

                      Tennis? Can anyone feel a sin-binning coming on for Neostar?

                      I didn't see anyone else from the crowd joining in on the attack (thank God)
                      Hopefully most were true rugger fans and understood a general pitch invasion would end their involvement in international rugby for some considerable time?

                      Just kidding Havak. If you we're over there, I could understand your bad impression of Australia.
                      I did Queensland, Victoria and NSW. So strictly an eastern tour. But I haven’t got a bad impression of Australia at all. Specific issues around the Wallabies and the Australian sporting psychology maybe – but outside of those niggles I really enjoyed my Australian experience.
                      It is better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt


                      • Originally posted by Havak

                        Oh there was plenty of mileage left if you wanted it.
                        My theory is to quit while I'm ahead. Which is why I'm not entering into any more debate about that travesty of a penalty try awarded by that out-of-condition, follically-challenged Paddy, not to mention the farcical obstruction ruling.

                        I hadn’t even registered that latest tautlogy btw.
                        Too busy limbering up the right elbow. BTW, how does the left elbow hold up when it's drummed into action after the right one seizes up?

                        Which in all fairness applies equally to every post in this thread as well of course. In fact to every written comment ever. I just thouight it worth noting that a 'reputable' (see below) rugger site had 'published' the opinion?

                        I think it is a case that the site in question has a readership that is not the best informed on the details of the beautiful game. It is kind of the equivalent of a tabloid. Clearly it is trying to educate the masses a little.
                        Of course an opinion's an opinion. It just struck me as very oddly written, even for a "tabloid". It was, ultimately, inconsequential. The piece on the "obstruction/disallowed try" was totally inconsequential.

                        A very nice spot on the authors disclaimer by the way.
                        I didn't see it. I'll go back for a look.

                        Tennis? Can anyone feel a sin-binning coming on for Neostar?
                        Put it this way, if he were born a couple of hours East of me, I'd dub him Sean Fitzpatrick for his deliberate flouting of the rules.
                        " ... and the following morning I should see the Boks wallop the Wallabies again?" - Havak
                        "The only thing worse than being quoted in someone's sig is not being quoted in someone's sig." - finbar, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.


                        • My theory is to quit while I'm ahead
                          Eminently sensible. (I somehow missed the rest of that paragraph)

                          BTW, how does the left elbow hold up when it's drummed into action after the right one seizes up?
                          Lets just say it is one hell of an impact player.

                          The piece on the "obstruction/disallowed try" was totally inconsequential.
                          And third party analysis outside the games authorities is inconsequential is it not? Or do I miss the reference you are making?

                          I didn't see it. I'll go back for a look.
                          I phrased that poorly – I meant the way that you picked his “but that only holds true if…” rider at the end of the point he was making on the penalty try.

                          Put it this way, if he were born a couple of hours East of me, I'd dub him Sean Fitzpatrick for his deliberate flouting of the rules.

                          He could be in your time zone and called George Smith maybe??

                          It is better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt


                          • Originally posted by finbar
                            To be honest, I don't know what Marshall's doing in the team. I haven't seen anything from him of real quality for a long time. I suspect it's the Mehrtens/Canterbury connection that's keeping him there.
                            Mitchell probably considers him to be part of a "working formula", but I really think he should get Kelleher more involved. I dont think Kelleher has started a single All blacks game this year.

                            It was a puzzle, wasn't it? It was also particularly interesting that Jonah didn't get a run. If ever there were a game that suited his style, that was it.
                            I remember watching all those fresh bok players jogging on and thinking "ok now Mitchell has to bring some fresh legs on". A couple of minutes went by, the All Blacks took the lead with their try, and I thought "ok now that we are ahead Mitchell will surely bring some fresh players on to protect this lead", but all we got was Kelleher. Jonah was seen warming up on the sideline, and I really thought he would be brought on for the last few minutes, but no....

                            I wonder what Mitchell was thinking?

                            It will be the miracle of all times. But one thing's for sure - with that many points required, it's going to make for an entertaining match. Death or glory.
                            Yep, and I think the Boks are as desperate to win as the Wallabies are desperate to get those 26 points. They have the talent to do it too.

                            Mmmm. It's hard to know how much to factor in the fact that the Wallabies need all those points. And they're going to be trying for them, of that there's no doubt.
                            They will try for them, but with the Boks being in possession of such fine backs, I think SA will score plenty also.

                            Havak, when are you heading over to NYC? I could tape the Umaga tackle and play it for you when you get over here...
                            ...people like to cry a lot... - Pekka
                            ...we just argue without evidence, secure in our own superiority. - Snotty


                            • Tennis? Can anyone feel a sin-binning coming on for Neostar?
                              Hmm - I better stop even making reference to other sports

                              Put it this way, if he were born a couple of hours East of me, I'd dub him Sean Fitzpatrick for his deliberate flouting of the rules.
                              Im innocent, I tells ya!

                              They will try for them, but with the Boks being in possession of such fine backs, I think SA will score plenty also.
                              If that happens, that'll be the end of that. All Blacks win. The defense will have to be as tip top as the attack. Winning the Tri Nations will be hard but the main thing is that the Bledisloe is ours.
                              "Show me a man or a woman alone and I'll show you a saint. Give me two and they'll fall in love. Give me three and they'll invent the charming thing we call 'society'. Give me four and they'll build a pyramid. Give me five and they'll make one an outcast. Give me six and they'll reinvent prejudice. Give me seven and in seven years they'll reinvent warfare. Man may have been made in the image of God, but human society was made in the image of His opposite number, and is always trying to get back home." - Glen Bateman, The Stand (Stephen King)


                              • Originally posted by Havak
                                Lets just say it is one hell of an impact player.
                                I can hear the commentary now:

                                POIDO: "And there we see Havak's left elbow warming up on the sideline. It's carrying some scar tissue from its tangles with the ribs of boofheads who have stupidly tried to beat Havak to the bar - but, all in all, it's in pretty good shape. And on he goes in place of the totally exhausted right elbow now being stretchered off! Listen to the crowd roar!"

                                BUDDHA: "Go you good thing!".

                                And third party analysis outside the games authorities is inconsequential is it not? Or do I miss the reference you are making?
                                No, I just meant that the writer didn't seem to come down one way or the other on the obstruction question before ending with the irrelevant - to the point in question - note about nothing warranting attacking the ref.

                                He could be in your time zone and called George Smith maybe??
                                I'll call him George Smith in about 7 years time. When George catches up to Sean.
                                " ... and the following morning I should see the Boks wallop the Wallabies again?" - Havak
                                "The only thing worse than being quoted in someone's sig is not being quoted in someone's sig." - finbar, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.

