Originally posted by Oerdin
You are "forcibly creating a country" when five armies invade land that is, internationally recognized, as yours?
You are "forcibly creating a country" when five armies invade land that is, internationally recognized, as yours?
Isreal said the Arab refugees would only be allowed to return if the Arab states signed a Peace agreement.
Actually, part of Israel's agreement to be allowed into the UN was that they allow the refugees to return. Israel agreed to this but has never implimented it.
The Arab states refused saying they would "drive the Jews into the sea" so the refugees stayed in the camps.
The Arabs states never said this. The leader of one insignificant Arab militia did, and despite that leader's lack of influence, this statement has been blown far out of proportion. It's as if some captain in Iraq's army made a statement about getting revenge against the US and that was then conflated with Iraq's official policy. It's ludicrous.
If you want, I'll even look up the leader and his unit.