Originally posted by Akka le Vil
The mind is the spirit. The thing that allows us to think and to feel. Sentience is a work made by the mind, just like running is a work made by your body.
Sentience is a level of thought, and the thoughts comes from the mind.
Mind is the essence.
The mind is the spirit. The thing that allows us to think and to feel. Sentience is a work made by the mind, just like running is a work made by your body.
Sentience is a level of thought, and the thoughts comes from the mind.
Mind is the essence.
How do you determine that someone or something has a spirit or essence? What do you define as thought? Is it possible to have a mind in the absence of the ability to think?
Clearly not all brain activity is thought. To most people thought is an internal mental activity that takes the form as complex symbolic statements. Thought to a person who has had the ability to hear and speak woukld obviously be different than that of someone who has never had hearing or speech, but the ability of the person to think can be clearly infered from that person's ability to process visual language.