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Anyone up for a D&D adventure?

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  • "Let's see what you've got, mister boney."

    *Rinses sword with holy water*


    • Anybody know what the Aid spell does?

      Edit: Never mind, found it on the Priest list that Vlad put up.
      <p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures </p>


      • Well we haven't actually seen the guy yet did wee?
        Fire and ice and death awaiting. But he was steel, he was steel.


        • Sphere: Necromantic
          Range: Touch
          Components: V, S, M
          Duration: 1 round + 1 round/level
          Casting Time: 5
          Area of Effect: Creature touched
          Saving Throw: None

          The recipient of this spell gains the benefit of a bless spell (+1 to
          attack rolls and saving throws) and a special bonus of 1d8 additional hit
          points for the duration of the spell. The aid spell enables the recipient
          to actually have more hit points than his full normal total. The bonus hit
          points are lost first when the recipient takes damage; they can not be
          regained by curative magic. Example: A 1st-level fighter has 8 hit points,
          suffers 2 points of damage (8-2=6), and then receives an aid spell that
          gives 5 additional hit points. The fighter now has 11 hit points, 5 of
          which are temporary. If he is then hit for 7 points of damage, 2 normal
          hit points and all 5 temporary hit points are lost. He then receives a
          cure light wounds spell that heals 4 points of damage, restoring him to
          his original 8 hit points.
          Note that the operation of the spell is unaffected by permanent hit
          point losses due to energy drain, Hit Die losses, the less of a familiar,
          or the operation of certain artifacts; the temporary hit point gain is
          figures from the new, lower total.
          The material components of this spell are a tiny strip of white cloth
          with a sticky substance (such as tree sap) on the ends, plus the priest's
          holy symbol.
          Fire and ice and death awaiting. But he was steel, he was steel.


          • and on that note, I must leave. Feel free to use my character as you see fit, but please try to keep him in one piece.
            Fire and ice and death awaiting. But he was steel, he was steel.


            • Next round I'll put up a Protective Aura (free action) and continue casting Holy Smite (centered so as to affect the maximum number of undead), and my sword will focus its attacks first on the Death Knight, next on the Wraiths, and next on the Wights (the skeletons ought to be toasted by my Holy Smites by the time the sword gets a chance to attack them).

              Everybody in the party: get within 20 feet of me so that my Protective Aura covers you.

              How're everybody's hit points going? Anybody need healing?
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              • Everyone: Doing first-round of battle now.
                oh god how did this get here I am not good with livejournal


                • Battle, round 1

                  Right, everyone's at full HP.

                  So, rolling initiative:

                  Kass- 8, -3 modifier from 2h sword-- 5
                  Che- 3, -3 modifier from long sword-- 1
                  Rand- 1
                  Loin- 9
                  Sandman- 10, -3 modifier from 2h sword-- 7
                  Lorizael- 3
                  UR- 9, -3 modifier from long sword-- 6
                  Imran- 3, -4 modifier from two short swords-- 1
                  Felch- 6, -2 modifier from short sword-- 4
                  Loin's Sword- 5

                  Death Knight- 9, -3 modifier from 2h sword-- 6
                  Skeletons (3 groups of 6)- 8, 3, 9, 6, 7, 4
                  Wraiths (3)- 6, 5, 10 ()
                  Wights (2)- 4, 10 ()

                  So battle order is:

                  Skeletons (3)/Loin
                  Skeletons (3)
                  Skeletons (3)/Sandman
                  Skeletons (3)/Death Knight/Wraith/UR
                  Wraith/Kass/Loin's Sword
                  Wight/Skeletons (3)/Felch
                  Skeletons (3)/Lorizael

                  Wight 1 goes after Kass, Wraith 1 after Sandman.

                  Wight 1: Rolls 3 on attack roll, misses
                  Wraith 1: Rolls 12 on attack roll, hits, 6 damage, one level drained from Sandman (now 4th-level paladin)

                  Skeletons 1 go after UR, Loin casts Holy Smite. Skeletons go first.

                  Skeletons roll 8, 10, 17. One hit, 5 damage dealt to Urban Ranger.
                  Loin dispels 3d6=15 skeletons. Only Skeletons 6 survives. Wights, Wraiths, and Death Knight unaffected. (Death Knight just grins )

                  Sandman attacks the Death Knight. Rolls a 10, misses.

                  Death Knight casts power word, kill on Felch. Felch fails save, dies.
                  Wraith 2 attacks Loin. Rolls a 5, misses.
                  UR attacks Wraith 2. Rolls an 8, misses.

                  Wraith 3 attacks Loin. Rolls an 11, misses.
                  Kass attacks the Death Knight. Rolls 17, hits! 7 damage.
                  Loin's sword attacks the Death Knight. Rolls a 20, critical hit! 26 damage.

                  Wight 3 attacks Kass. Rolls 16, hits, 4 damage dealt to Kass, 1 level drained from Kass (now 4th-level paladin)

                  Skeletons go after Sandman. Two hits, 5 damage dealt to Sandman.
                  Lorizael casts a fireball at the Death Knight. 5 damage dealt. (No, you weren't unlucky. This thing has a LOT of MR!)

                  Che attacks the Death Knight, hits, 4 damage.
                  Rand casts prayer. Prayer successful.
                  Imran attacks Wight 1. Misses both times.

                  Round 1 results:

                  Sandman-- Down to 4th level, dealt 11 damage.
                  Kass-- Down to 4th level, dealt 4 damage.
                  Felch-- dead
                  UR-- dealt 5 damage

                  Death Knight-- dealt 38 damage
                  Wights-- Dealt no damage
                  Wraiths-- Dealt no damage
                  Skeletons-- 15 dispelled, 3 active

                  Need combat decisions for next round...
                  oh god how did this get here I am not good with livejournal


                  • So, here's the list:

                    Sandman-- attacking again
                    Rand-- Bless
                    Loin-- casting Monster Summoning VII
                    Kass-- attacking again
                    UR-- attacking again
                    Lorizael-- Melf's acid arrow
                    Loin's sword-- attacking Death Knight
                    Imran-- attacking again
                    Che-- attacking again

                    Anyone differs, post new commands here.

                    What I'm planning on having the Death Knight do next round won't be good for you guys. Trust me.
                    Last edited by Vlad Antlerkov; June 24, 2002, 21:02.
                    oh god how did this get here I am not good with livejournal


                    • My initiative sux.
                      Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


                      • Will do second round shortly.

                        If anyone wishes to change what they do in this round, please do so before 9:30 EST (230 GMT, IIRC).
                        oh god how did this get here I am not good with livejournal


                        • I'm a Solar, so casting Protective Aura is a free action for me.

                          For my full round action I'm going to cast Monster Summoning VII.

                          BTW, do any of the monsters attacking us have +4 or better weaponry?
                          <p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures </p>


                          • updated

                            Loin-- can you refresh my memory on what Protective Aura does, exactly? (I can't find a spell by that name in my list.) And do you know any spells below 7th level?

                            And yes, the Death Knight's 2H sword is a two-handed sword +4. Why?
                            Last edited by Vlad Antlerkov; June 24, 2002, 21:08.
                            oh god how did this get here I am not good with livejournal


                            • Originally posted by Vlad Antlerkov
                              Loin-- can you refresh my memory on what Protective Aura does, exactly?
                              Protective Aura (Su): As a free action, solars can surround themselves with a nimbus of light having a radius of 20 feet. This acts as a double-strength magic circle against evil and as a minor globe of invulnerability, both as cast by a sorcerer whose level equal to the celestial’s Hit Dice. The aura can be dispelled, but the celestial can create it again as a free action on its next turn.

                              And do you know any spells below 7th level?
                              Oh sure, but I'd rather use my spell-like abilities. They're cheaper.

                              And yes, the Death Knight's 2H sword is a two-handed sword +4. Why?
                              I wanted to see if my damage resistance was going to be effective or not, since solars get damage resistance 35/+4.
                              <p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures </p>


                              • Right, so you can block 4 spell levels worth of spells, get +4 AC/saves... gotcha.

                                And if I allowed an all-Vaati campaign, I'll allow a Solar.
                                oh god how did this get here I am not good with livejournal

