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Anyone up for a D&D adventure?

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  • Wait, there isn't even a cure moderate wounds in the PHB! The cure spells heal xd8+y (x is either 1, 2, or 3, dependent on the spell being cast; y is the caster's level). So cure light wounds would heal 1d8+5...

    And the DK started with 9 HD. Sandman has around 5 HD (being 5th-level).

    I'll post the third round around 10:30. Current actions are:

    Rand-- [need new action, otherwise cure light wounds on Sandman]
    Che-- attacking
    Sandman-- attacking
    Loin-- [need new action, otherwise another holy smiting]
    Loin's sword-- attacking DK
    Giant Slug-- attacking DK
    Imran-- attacking
    Lorizael-- Melf's acid arrow, at DK
    UR-- attacking
    Kass-- attacking

    Wraiths (3)
    Wights (2)
    Skeletons (3)

    And Felch will get resurrected after the battle.
    oh god how did this get here I am not good with livejournal


    • dang, me and my big mouth. But I'll just Light-cure Sandman then. He seems to need it. And 10.30? But that'll take forever. (you mean apolyton time right?) But hey, reallife comes first I guess.
      Fire and ice and death awaiting. But he was steel, he was steel.


      • 10:30 EST (in other words, my time). I think that's 1530 GMT...
        oh god how did this get here I am not good with livejournal


        • hurrah... Death knight must die, Death Knight must die.

          And can't you keep your avatar stable for 5 seconds man I've been using this one since forever.
          Fire and ice and death awaiting. But he was steel, he was steel.


          • MurderDeathKill!

            I'd change to an FF avatar too, but haven't found a suitable one yet (then again my location field would suggest a B5 one).
            Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


            • If you want, I've got a lot of CC avatars...
              oh god how did this get here I am not good with livejournal


              • Chrono Cross? Haven't played, sorry. I haven't played CT, as a matter a fact, either, but I have full intentions to do so before school starts. Just finished my third round of FF VII.
                Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                • Hmm, perhaps we should create an Squaresoft Games thread in the other games forum so we don't clutter this thread up?
                  Fire and ice and death awaiting. But he was steel, he was steel.


                  • Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                    • What does Continual Flame do? If it does a fair amount of damage, then I'll cast it at the DK. If not, then I'll cast Blade Barrier. (I wish I had a PHB on me so I could see what priest spells I get).


                      Spell-Like Abilities: At will: aid, animate objects, commune, continual flame, dimensional anchor, greater dispelling, holy smite, imprisonment, improved invisibility (self only), lesser restoration, remove curse, remove disease, remove fear, resist elements, summon monster VII, and speak with dead; 3/day-blade barrier, earthquake, heal, permanency, resurrection, and shapechange; 1/day-greater restoration, mass charm, power word blind, power word kill, power word stun, prismatic spray, symbol (any), and wish. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 20th-level sorcerer (save DC 17 + spell level).

                      The following abilities are always active on the solar’s person, as the spells cast by a 20th-level sorcerer: detect evil, detect snares and pits, discern lies, see invisibility, and true seeing. They can be dispelled, but the solar can reactivate them as a free action.

                      Spells: Solars can cast divine spells from the cleric list and from the Air, Destruction, Good, Law, and War domains as 20th-level clerics (save DC 17 + spell level).

                      Celestial Qualities: Protective aura, fire resistance 20, tongues, electricity, cold, acid, and petrification immunity, +4 save against poison.

                      Information is off of this site, which seems to be an exact copy of the new MM.
                      <p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures </p>


                      • Kass goes on suspended animation, "Imran" so to speak... hang on fellas!
                        Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                        • Round 3

                          Rand-- 1
                          Che-- 7
                          Sandman-- 7
                          Loin-- 5
                          Loin's sword-- 6
                          GS-- 3
                          Imran-- 4
                          Lorizael-- 8
                          UR-- 6
                          Kass-- 4

                          DK-- 1
                          Wraiths-- 1/2/4
                          Wights-- 1/8
                          Skeletons-- 1/7/6

                          Wight 2 attacks Imran, misses
                          Lorizael casts Melf's Acid Arrow at DK, 3 dmg

                          Sandman attacks DK, rolls 20, critical! 30 dmg!
                          Che attacks Wraith 2, rolls 10, hits, 3 dmg
                          Skeleton 2 attacks Che, rolls 10, misses

                          Loin's sword attacks DK, rolls 20, critical! 17 dmg. It keels over. (It's technically not dead-- he has to be dispelled in order to "die". But it's out of combat.)
                          UR attacks wight 2, rolls 19, hits, 6 dmg
                          Skeleton 3 attacks Che, misses

                          Loin casts blade barrier; 5d6 dmg to all enemies. 18 damage to all enemies in area. Skeletons disposed of.

                          Imran attacks Wight 2. Rolls a 5, misses.
                          Kass attacks Wight 2. Rolls a 2, misses.
                          Wraith 3 attacks Che, misses

                          Giant slug attacks Wraith 3 using his acid attack. Wraith 3 saves vs. BW, takes 6 damage.

                          Wraith 1 attacks Rand, rolls 3, misses
                          Wight 1 attacks Imran, rolls 13, hits, 3 dmg, 1 level drained from Imran
                          Rand casts cure light wounds on Sandman, heals 10 damage.

                          Round 3 summary

                          Imran-- 3 dmg (+10=13 dmg), 1 level drained, down to 4th
                          Kass-- 0 dmg (+17=17 dmg), 1 level drained, down to 4th
                          Sandman-- -10 dmg (+21=11 dmg)
                          UR-- 0 dmg (+15=15 dmg)
                          Everyone else-- 0 dmg (+10 each=10 dmg each)
                          Felch-- Still dead

                          DK-- 50 dmg, out of combat
                          Wraiths-- 18/21/24 dmg
                          Wights-- 18/24 dmg
                          Skeletons-- 18/18/18 dmg, destroyed
                          Last edited by Vlad Antlerkov; June 25, 2002, 10:57.
                          oh god how did this get here I am not good with livejournal


                          • Well I guess I'll be curing Kall now then. Those wights and wraith shouldn't survive for long anymore.
                            Fire and ice and death awaiting. But he was steel, he was steel.


                            • So, actions for Round 4 are:

                              Rand: Cure Light Wounds on Kass
                              Che: attacking wraith 2
                              Kass: attacking wight 1
                              Sandman: attacking wight 1
                              Imran: attacking wight 2
                              Loin: [need new action]
                              Lorizael: Magic Missile at wraith 3
                              Loin's sword: attacking wraith 1
                              Giant Slug: biting wraith 2
                              UR: attacking wraith 1
                              oh god how did this get here I am not good with livejournal


                              • I'll cast Greater Dispelling, take care of that pesky DK. If the Wights and Wraiths survive the next round, then I'll start firing my +2 Composite Longbow at them. Once the battle's over I'll cast a few Lesser Restorations and restore everybody's lost levels.
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