After reading Imran's thread, I thought I'd resurrect this old thread. Basically just post what your platform would be if you dictatorial control of your own political party. And if we get as many reguritations of the Republican platform (or Demesos
) as last time the wrath of the squirrel of doom shall be felt 
The Left Libertarian Party
-Complete gutting of the Welfare State (including entitlements like social security) and repeal of the minimum wage.
-Overhaul of tax code so that income tax is negative at lower income levels (so that everyone will have enough to cover the basics) and the vast majority of exemptions etc. are eliminated.
-Incrased funding for education (perhaps a couple thousand per head subsidy for all accredited schools or expandeding the FAFSA system to primary and secondary schools).
-Liberalization of immigration (at least doubling immigration quotas).
-Legalization of all drugs (with necessary OUI etc. regulations) and make the bulk of perscription drugs legal for over the counter sale (with exceptions for antibiotics etc. due to the danger of antibiotic resistant strains).
-Legalization of prostitution.
-General regulation-smacking
-Get "In God We Trust" off our money and assorted silly things like "national day of prayer" gotten rid of (top priority
-Repeal of anti-union legislation such as the Taft-Hartley Act.
-Expand existing tradable pollution credit schemes for environmental protection and give them big sharp pointy teeth.
-General support for free trade (no Bush steel tarrif for example) but with basic environmental and labor standards so that we're not being undercut by slave labor.
-Large-scale cuts in the military/national security apparatus, including the disbanding of the Office for Homeland Security and at least a 50% reduction in military personnel.
-Elimination of military aid to undemocratic countries (inc. Israel due to occupied territories).
-Attempt to reform the IMF (and the WB and WTO while you're at it) so that they actually helps people in the third world instead of providing what often amounts to free insurance for investors, also push for debt-relief for newer democracies so they're not saddled with debts incurred by dictators.
-Ammend the Constitution to make the Senate elected via national Proportional Representation (keep congress as it at least for now
-Rollback the 20th century accumulation of Presidential power to, at the very least, Pre New Deal levels.
-Propgandize in favor of worker-owned companies, cooperatives, and voluntaristic libertarian socialism generally but no expropriation of the expropriators or anything

The Left Libertarian Party
-Complete gutting of the Welfare State (including entitlements like social security) and repeal of the minimum wage.
-Overhaul of tax code so that income tax is negative at lower income levels (so that everyone will have enough to cover the basics) and the vast majority of exemptions etc. are eliminated.
-Incrased funding for education (perhaps a couple thousand per head subsidy for all accredited schools or expandeding the FAFSA system to primary and secondary schools).
-Liberalization of immigration (at least doubling immigration quotas).
-Legalization of all drugs (with necessary OUI etc. regulations) and make the bulk of perscription drugs legal for over the counter sale (with exceptions for antibiotics etc. due to the danger of antibiotic resistant strains).
-Legalization of prostitution.
-General regulation-smacking

-Get "In God We Trust" off our money and assorted silly things like "national day of prayer" gotten rid of (top priority

-Repeal of anti-union legislation such as the Taft-Hartley Act.
-Expand existing tradable pollution credit schemes for environmental protection and give them big sharp pointy teeth.
-General support for free trade (no Bush steel tarrif for example) but with basic environmental and labor standards so that we're not being undercut by slave labor.
-Large-scale cuts in the military/national security apparatus, including the disbanding of the Office for Homeland Security and at least a 50% reduction in military personnel.
-Elimination of military aid to undemocratic countries (inc. Israel due to occupied territories).
-Attempt to reform the IMF (and the WB and WTO while you're at it) so that they actually helps people in the third world instead of providing what often amounts to free insurance for investors, also push for debt-relief for newer democracies so they're not saddled with debts incurred by dictators.
-Ammend the Constitution to make the Senate elected via national Proportional Representation (keep congress as it at least for now

-Rollback the 20th century accumulation of Presidential power to, at the very least, Pre New Deal levels.
-Propgandize in favor of worker-owned companies, cooperatives, and voluntaristic libertarian socialism generally but no expropriation of the expropriators or anything
