Wrapping it up
Market capitalism already went to hell when the US and EU added subsidies. You have to stay competitive for the sake of those provinces who rely on agriculture. It sucks, but it's necessary for now.
Anyway, I've had my fill of Canadian politics for a while.
Tingkai brought up some good points and I learned quite a bit from this thread, but I still firmly believe that the majority government has too much power in Canada right now.
Perhaps a US-style senate isn't the best way to go, and perhaps a Senate based upon population via proportional representation would be best.
Either way, it's not going to happen. Most of Canada is content, and that's all that matters in Canada. No point in staying and trying to change a system most people are happy with. Those of us unhappy with it can just move a couple hundred kilometers south and quit our whining. And that's what I'll do.
Asher, I thought you were in favour of market capitalism?
Anyway, I've had my fill of Canadian politics for a while.
Tingkai brought up some good points and I learned quite a bit from this thread, but I still firmly believe that the majority government has too much power in Canada right now.
Perhaps a US-style senate isn't the best way to go, and perhaps a Senate based upon population via proportional representation would be best.
Either way, it's not going to happen. Most of Canada is content, and that's all that matters in Canada. No point in staying and trying to change a system most people are happy with. Those of us unhappy with it can just move a couple hundred kilometers south and quit our whining. And that's what I'll do.
