Originally posted by Aeson
You switched your use of 'force'.
If they allowed 1 person of a seperate ethnicity to immigrate it would 'force' race mixing in the context of the second quote. I can't see how this has any bearing on the discussion as the only way to not 'force' race mixing would be to deport everyone not of one chosen race.
You switched your use of 'force'.
If they allowed 1 person of a seperate ethnicity to immigrate it would 'force' race mixing in the context of the second quote. I can't see how this has any bearing on the discussion as the only way to not 'force' race mixing would be to deport everyone not of one chosen race.
In the context of your first quote, no, the government is not forcing race mixing composition. The 1965 act decreased compositional standards on basis of race/ethnicity.
To claim that by removing national origin barriers they are promoting certain races over others is equally absurd.