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The Swedish and Belgian Commentators : "Do not vote for Israel".

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  • #31
    Eli, in psychology terms what you just did is called 'projecting', i.e. assigning your own way of thinking to other people.

    I know you are for ethnic cleansing of arabs, so you assume that Europeans must be for ethnic cleansing of jews.

    It's hard to break out of a delusional state. I recommend therapy. In the meantime, try ondering the simple statement:
    European view: Ethnic cleansing = bad. Israel conducting ethnic cleansing = Israel bad.
    Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine


    • #32
      Re: The Swedish and Belgian Commentators : "Do not vote for Israel".

      Originally posted by Eli
      During the Eurovision :

      The Swedish commentator : "Israel shouldnt participate because what they do to the Palestinians...".
      After the song he said : "the song doesnt deserve any points, but I wouldnt have voted for him anyway because they are from Israel".

      In Belgium, the commentator also reccomended not to vote fo Israel.

      And then people wonder what we have against Europe.

      I just hope that the European Jewry will be smart enough to leave before they will have to publicaly condemn Israel or be sent to some Ghetto.
      Well they are entitled to an opinion, aren´t they? Do you want to take away the free speech, Eli? IIRC one of your main beefs with the arab states is that they´re not democracies and thus don´t have free speech.

      This is stupid, even for you Eli He didn´t say don´t vote for Israel ´cause they´re stinking jews and should be exterminated like roaches, did he? THAT is something to complain about.


      Oh, and if this is a troll you succeeded admirably...
      I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


      • #33
        Yeah, just cause Eli is a Zionist (A racist fascist), who'd be quite happy to see all the arabs ethnically cleansed out of 'Greater Israel' doesn't mean the rest of us who disagree with him want 'all Jews flung back into the sea...'

        besides you should be grateful for the fact that Israel is even allowed to participate - seeing as it's not even in Europe!
        Last edited by MOBIUS; May 26, 2002, 06:34.
        Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


        • #34
          Well done, Eli. Sharon's facing criticism, and some continental non-entities make daft comments in a crap music competition. You interpret this as Kristallnacht part 2. Place this thread atthe top of your list of "Stupidest things I've ever said".

          Sprayber- where exactly do you get your insights into Europe from? A man who drinks brake fluid while sitting in a pool of his own urine? Or the voices in your head?
          The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


          • #35
            I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


            • #36
              Cyber : You call to deliberately kill innocent civilians and then say that I support ethnic cleansing? Ok...
              "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


              • #37
                Can we talk about Ikea some more now?
                "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                • #38
                  Must we?


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Asher
                    Can we talk about Ikea some more now?
                    If you insist- here's a reprint.

                    "Ikea- Sweden's Revenge.

                    Step 1.

                    First you must take a vast expanse of inner-city land, preferably an area already used to provide unique and slightly off-the-wall public entertainment, such as a League football ground, or a dog track. This land must be bought up and then bulldozed flat to be replaced by car-parks, ensuring that another irreplaceable piece of urban leisure is destroyed and thereby contributing to the slow death of the inner cities and the creation of a car-less underclass.

                    Ideally this area should be situated right next to a major inner-city motorway junction. This will achieve the "double whammy" of ensuring that the site is seen by the maximum possible number of motorists, whilst also helping to achieve gridlock and locking up the local road network.
                    Now build a huge, vast, ****ing colossal warehouse on the site. Make it big. Make it ugly. Make it really, really ugly. Then, just in case anyone might still feel it still has some infinitesimal trace of aesthetic appeal left, paint it all bright blue.

                    Step 2.

                    Fill the warehouse with crap. Make some of the crap dirt-cheap pre-assembled furniture that will stun the cretinous and gullible with it's sheer affordability. This low price is achieved through having these items assembled out of balsa wood and stuck together with bogies by the under-12 inmates of special learning establishments for "God's Special Children with Challenges".

                    Make other items of crap horrifically tasteless, taste-raping monstrosities with arcane Scandinavian names, like "Cumgjargler". Ideally, paint them all in vile shades of puce or "Rancid pus yellow". The remainder of the warehouse can be filled with flat cardboard boxes containing slabs of chipboard thrown together at random by 2 acid casualties and an anti-social bastard.

                    Make customer pathways through the warehouse that leave it impossible to make any trip into the store without making a 4-mile round trip through ever single area. Then crowd these pathways with "Care in the Community" patients stupefied with barbiturates and armed with trollies. If at any point the paths miraculously clear, use cattle prods to herd vast throngs of young children, their faces a raging torrent of glutinous strands of snot, across the pathways to bounce excitably on the furniture.

                    At the checkouts a special ambience is required. Therefore the entire area has been designed in homage to the queue for the soup kitchens in Belsen. Traumatised shoppers can then happily while away hours clinging to their packages of assorted crap, tat, garbage and trash in the gloom, whilst reading the signs declaring "Achtung! Don't lift anything over 50KG, you worthless scum!"

                    Step 3.

                    Take your "Cjocksukkr" flat-packed "patinised pine" dresser out of the store. Naturally this involves a four-hour wait in a howling gale for your other half to queue for a parking space in the pick-up area, unless you fancy carrying half a tonne of Sitka Pine a mile or so to where the carparks are so thoughtfully sited on the other side of the warehouse.

                    Next, attempt to assemble the ****er. Read the instructions promising that the item can be casually thrown together with just a Phillips Screwdriver and a hammer. Decide that the author of the instructions was probably brain-damaged and take the more realistic allocation of a stanley knife, a hacksaw, a large roll of gaffer tape, a torque wrench, a crowbar and several friends.

                    Put it together. Naturally, several vital screws of arcane design will be missing, so improvise with bent nails. Before starting, save yourself a few hours of heartache by letting the dog eat the instructions. They were only included in the pack to mess with you mind.

                    Assemble the dresser. The dowellings that are meant to fix it together may need gentle coaxing into their holes- I recommend a 16 lb sledgehammer and some vaseline for this job. Open completion of the task, admire your handiwork for a few moments before dismantling it to put several pieces back the right way up. Of course, at least one piece of wood in a prominently visible place will be split, splintered, or just plain missing. Improvise with putty.

                    Congratulations on purchasing your IKEA dresser. Now dry your tears, staunch the bleeding and contact a good lawyer."
                    The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Asher
                      Can we talk about Ikea some more now?
                      OK, it´s a well known fact that Ingvar Kamprad, the founder of IKEA, was a nazi during WWII. In fact the earliest IKEA furniture was made of jewish bones from Dachau and Bergen-Belsen. He had to start to use wood after WWII though, something he never quite got used to, even to this day.

                      Consider this when you go shopping at IKEA in Netanya, Eli!
                      I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


                      • #41
                        You forgot to castigate the food in the canteen. Otherwise

                        Edit: this comment was addressed at Bugs. Your post was rather tasteless Kamrat.


                        • #42
                          There is not something as the Belgian television, there is a Flemisch and a Wallon television.

                          On the Flemisch is all i heard about Israel something like(I only remember me it rougly): "many europeans think Israel isn't in the place to sing for peace" and "some people think Israel shouldn't be in eurosong"

                          This are both simply facts, just objective observations of facts. Just like the presenator talks about other curios things regarding songs of other nations. Just like he made the observation that many people of Estonia didn't applaud for the Russians because many still don't like them because of the past occupation, that's just an observation.

                          If I make the observation "Some people in Antwerp think the muslims should go back home" doesn't make that me racist it is just an observation. If I would say: "the muslism must go back home!" then am I a racist.

                          Btw, Belgium gaved Israel a few points(forgot how many).


                          • #43
                            That's nothing new, really. In Europe generally, and Scandinavia in particular the commies and socialists have always been anti-Israeli because Israel was and is the closest approximation to democracy there is in the Middle East.

                            The European stance on world politics is difficult to understand for outsiders unless you understand the basic tenet of the European left - democracy is bad, especially for people in the Third World, while "enlighted" dictatorship is all right, again especially for people in the Third World.

                            In Mao and Pot they put their trust, and now that these icons of real progressiveness have fallen Saddam and Arafat will have to do.

                            All you Israelis can relax - the day Israeli democracy finally succumbs to the onslaught of terrorism and religeous fundamentalism Europe will fall in line behind you in no time.

                            You might even get Eurovision votes.
                            "The number of political murders was a little under one million (800,000 - 900,000)." - chegitz guevara on the history of the USSR.
                            "I think the real figures probably are about a million or less." - David Irving on the number of Holocaust victims.


                            • #44
                              Too many i'm sure....


                              • #45
                                I happen to like IKEA...

                                No matter how much I try to break from it's grips, I always end up coming back for more...

                                *Dons asbestos raincoat*


                                Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?

