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The Swedish and Belgian Commentators : "Do not vote for Israel".

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  • Originally posted by Kropotkin
    Maybe you should putt less cement in your cakes in the future Panang.
    hi ,

    it's them banana's ,............

    have a nice day
    - LEGIO PATRIA NOSTRA - one shot , one kill - freedom exists only in a book - everything you always wanted to know about special forces - everything you always wanted to know about Israel - what Dabur does in his free time , ... - in french - “Become an anti-Semitic teacher for 5 Euro only.”
    WHY DOES ISRAEL NEED A SECURITY FENCE --- join in an exceptional demo game > join here forum is now open ! - the new civ Conquest screenshots > go see them UPDATED 07.11.2003 ISRAEL > crisis or challenge ?


    • Originally posted by moominparatrooper

      Don't hold back, Kam! Tell us how you really feel. Of course SAP's powerless! It's ZOG, represented by Ericsson and Volvo, that rules SVT and Sweden, innit?

      In fact, the Swedish governments shamefully anti-Israeli stance is just a cover to deflect suspicion. It's all really run by the Jews and their hired corporate stooges!

      Good thing we got balanced and well-adjusted commies like you to expose all this hidden imperialism... or else we'd probably be part of NATO or some other Jewish conspiracy.

      With stalwart defenders of the proletariat such as yourself and all the working-class heores of SVT, how can we possivly fail?
      Damn, moomin. You´re almost funny
      I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


      • Originally posted by ZoboZeWarrior
        Why just europeans ? I wonder why you considere other judgement more fair ?
        Just messing with you. There's a grain of real message in the troll. I do think it's strange that all except you and me have forgotten that the issue is allowing the politics to enter into the judging. Not the ploitics in and of themselves. The rest of the discussion has ignored this point and proceeded directly to discussion of innocence or guilt of Israel for various national actions.

        Oh...and your countrymen CHEATED the Canadian figure skaters. But I like you Zobo...

        Oh...and it was pretty funny when we found out what the Swedes actually said. Give Eli credit for admitting that issue.


        • That's inevitable, given the topic. There's too many axes to grind.
          The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


          • Originally posted by Ned
            Panag, It seems to me that a lot of folks have grown up in Europe being taught a version of history that is more fantasy than fact. Rogan Josh's post is a very good example.
            Are you quite sane? Why do you think my post was a misrepresentation of history? Are you refering to the hypothetical discussion of Scottish nationalism? You do realise that I was being allegorical - the things I described have not actually happened.

            I hope that you were refering to my complaint that Israel has not exactly been the UK's friend (Stefu: we need a praying smilie). In that case, which bits do you disagree with? Perhaps the part about Jewish terrorism? Or maybe that the British fought in WWII? (I bet that one took you by surprise - this fact usually escapes US war movies. ) Or maybe that they were fighting against the Germans, rather then with them?

            But maybe you are right. Maybe my education is lacking, because I certainly can't make head nor tail out of panag's posts. They seem like the mad ramblings of a lunatic. Although, to be fair, with that spelling he obviously isn't a native English speaker so maybe he is just being incoherent due to his lack of language he American?

            If you really want to get involved in a pissing contest Ned, you will have to start by letting us in on your educational experience. How many years of highschool have you completed so far?


            • Originally posted by Rogan Josh
              Think of it this way.

              We could, of course, also look at the Israel situation from the point of view of the British. They fought a very bloody war in Europe for six years, freeing the Jewish people from their greatest persecutors, at the cost of millions of british lives. What thanks do they get from this? None whatsoever! In fact the freed Jews then start a terrorist campaign against the British, eventually forcing the Brits to set up a new country for them. Then, when anyone British so much as criticises the Israelis (not the Jews - the Israelis) they are branded as anti-semitic!
              Rogan Josh, The British effort in WWII had nothing to do with freeing the Jews. Compare the Civil War in the United States that had everything to do with freeing the slaves.

              If the British war effort had anything to do with freeing the Jews, its actions in Palestine are dramatically inconsistent with this. During the late 30's, during the war itself, and just after the war, Britain blocked Jewish immigration into Palestine exactly when it was most needed.

              Rather than being praised for its actions in regard to the Jews in that period, Britain deserves the world's utter, and total CONDEMNATION!

              As well, Britain actively opposed creating a Jewish state. It eventually turned the matter over to the UN when, as you said, when violence in Palestine against British troops had become unbearable.

              Your version of history paints the malicious British in too bright colors, IMHO.


              • Britain blocked Jewish immigration into Palestine exactly when it was most needed
                Why was Jewish immigration to Palestine "needed"?

                Was the area too Arabic for your liking?

                Or perhaps you think (I don't) that the Jews are safer in a tiny state, surrounded by enemies, refugee camps and oil wells, cleaving apart the Islamic world and two continents, sitting on the holy sites of several religions in an area that has been fought over throughout history?


                • Migration to Palestine was needed because no other countries let them in either! Damn it...


                  • Originally posted by Sandman
                    Why was Jewish immigration to Palestine "needed"?
                    Gee, I dont know.

                    "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                    • What's wrong with soemwhere less dangerous?


                      • Originally posted by Eli

                        Gee, I dont know.

                        They were not burned alive, were they? It´s not like they were witches after all...
                        I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


                        • Originally posted by Sandman
                          What's wrong with soemwhere less dangerous?

                          11 years ago, my family could've left to the US or Western Europe. Our economic situation wouldn't have been worse than in Israel and we would've been much safer.

                          But we left to Israel, knowing that in a week or two we could've all die if Saddam had used non conventional weapons. Knowing that the young generation will have to fight and maybe die, same goes for the next generation and the next and the next...

                          But there was no Jewish state in the US. It's here, the Jews who stand up and fight are here, Jerusalem is here.
                          "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                          • Because few countries accepted more than a trickle of jewish refugees. In Sweden for example, my tutor ( a authority in the field), has written about how jews were refused entry into the country as they where not persecuted for their political belives but for their culture and ethnicity. There's a lot more bull**** like that in the immigrationlaws of the 30s.


                            • Sandman, I am seeing a confirming pattern here from Britain. Just what were you taught about your history in this period?


                              • Originally posted by Eli

                                OK, so now it´s ideology? What happened to the jews historic right to the holy land as stated in the scriptures? Are you admitting that zionism is an ideology among other ideolgies and not a god given right to a piece of land you left 2000 years ago? Interesting...
                                I love being beaten by women - Lorizael

