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Anti-zionism is anti-semitism?

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  • Without sanctions Iraq would clearly would have rearmed. With more modern weaponry at that. Sanctions have definetly effected Hussein's ambitions. Just because he is still there is no indication the the sanctions haven't helped the others living in the region. The Iraquis had no problems with trying to steal from Iran and Kuwait so now they can live with the results or get rid of Hussein.


    • With regards to sanctions on Iraq, how far do they actually extend? Do they only apply to military stuff, or to 'dual-use' stuff, or to everything?


      • Do they only apply to military stuff, or to 'dual-use' stuff, or to everything?
        I think its nearly everything. They aren't allowed to sell oil except in measured amounts. They are only supposed to spend that money on food and medical. They seem to smuggle a lot instead.

        The key item is that Iraqs main item of trade is oil. They did much of their trade via a pipeline to Europe that runs through Turkey and another through Jordan. Ships have to go out the Gulf and that is patrolled. Its the lack of an ability to sell that is really hampering the Iraquis.


        • The ONLY question that needs to be answered is whether the sanctions are or will be effective in preventing Sadaam from acquiring WoMD.


          • Well a lack of money is certainly going to make it hard to buy stuff. It will hamper building home grown stuff as well. I doubt that Hussein has a easy time getting bright people to work for his weapons industry. He is too dangerous to the people around him.

            I don't think that he can be stopped from manufacturing chemical weapons. Its the delivery systems that would be difficult without money.

