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Anti-zionism is anti-semitism?

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  • The word "Jew" came from "Yehuda", which is a name for an Israelite tribe - an ethnic group.
    "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


    • Originally posted by Natan
      S. Kroeze:
      Yes, absolutely and 100%. And if every one of your ancestors was a Jew except for your mother's mother's mothers' etc. who was not Jewish, then you are not Jewish.
      Next question/task:
      Make a realistic valuation of the number of 'Jews' on this planet, using this definition!

      By the way, how do you know whether one of Sirotnikov's female ancestors in maternal line ever was a halakhah observing woman?

      A remark for Sirotnikov:
      I am an agnost and -unlike you- I have a religious nature. When I would be converted to some faith, I would try to observe its directions and not ridicule those who do.
      You want proof? Read your own posts!
      Jews have the Torah, Zionists have a State


      • S. Kroeze - basically I'm agnostic as well, with a rather spiritual nature.

        However, you do not know enough about judaism the religion, jewishness the nationality and jewishness (hebrew) as an ethnicity to judge.

        There are many people in the world who observe the Jewish faith. As you may know (or not) even in the BC era there were several movements within Judaism which interpreted the Torah in different ways. That is very natural. In the 17 centuries even more different ways arose.

        You however, read one site by neturei karta, who in their chutzpa claim to have the only true authority on judaism (as most different orthodox movements do) and think that you know judaism.

        Well you don't.

        While I accept the right of the orthodox to believe what they want, just like anyone else, and I still regard them as jews, I am not obliged in any way to accept their interpertation of judaism.

        Infact, I reject it, for reasons part of which I mentioned in the previous post.

        The part I ridiculed about orthodox judaism being the one and ony true judaism and existing for 1700 years deserves to be ridiculed. not only is it completely self-centered and not objective, it is also false, as the orthodox judaism as we know it only exists for 300 years or so.


        • btw, sorry I behaved like i did towards you. i was mad at you for being decisive in things which i beleived you know little about.

          i appologize.


          • Originally posted by Sirotnikov
            S. Kroeze - basically I'm agnostic as well, with a rather spiritual nature.

            However, you do not know enough about judaism the religion, jewishness the nationality and jewishness (hebrew) as an ethnicity to judge.

            There are many people in the world who observe the Jewish faith. As you may know (or not) even in the BC era there were several movements within Judaism which interpreted the Torah in different ways. That is very natural. In the 17 centuries even more different ways arose.

            You however, read one site by neturei karta, who in their chutzpa claim to have the only true authority on judaism (as most different orthodox movements do) and think that you know judaism.

            Well you don't.

            While I accept the right of the orthodox to believe what they want, just like anyone else, and I still regard them as jews(!), I am not obliged in any way to accept their interpertation of judaism.

            Infact, I reject it, for reasons part of which I mentioned in the previous post.
            Dear Sirotnikov,

            I do not claim to be an authority on Judaism. Yet you might have noticed that I am one of the few posters on Apolyton who often gives verbatim citations and also source references.
            I do not remember you ever doing so.

            Nor am I too lazy to go to the library and search for specialist literature. The parts I quoted verbatim came from 'The Oxford Dictionary of World Religions', ed J.Bowker,1997.

            I wouldn't draw conclusions in advance about what I have read or know, and have not read and don't know. It raises the suspicion that you are afraid to lose a debate on arguments.
            Nor does your habit of repeating your position that I do not know anything at all about Judaism -four times in one short post- strengthen your persuasiveness. Instead it raises the suspicion that you have run out of true arguments.

            I still think the quotation from is most appropriate in this thread. Most experts will admit they ARE Jews, yet they are vehemently anti-Zionist -you may remember that is what this thread is about. And they are small, but not that small: recently they organised a demonstration in Brooklyn attended by 20,000 Orthodox Jews.

            Just one question: do you consider the 'Torah' to be the word of the Creator/Supreme Being or is it just a book of fairy-tales?

            I will gladly accept your apologies!


            S.Kroeze, probably an anti-Semite

            PS: By the way, I have some reason to believe that it were not the habits of the Orthodox that changed in Europe after ~1700. I have even heard that the designation 'Orthodox' was invented by their adversaries. I will do more reading before making a statement about it.
            Jews have the Torah, Zionists have a State


            • Originally posted by S. Kroeze
              Next question/task:
              Make a realistic valuation of the number of 'Jews' on this planet, using this definition!
              Hard to say for sure, although one could probably get a fairly decent rough estimate based on population growth in the relevant regions if you could agree on how many Jews there were at Sinai or at some other agreed upon starting point. How this is relevant, I don't know.
              By the way, how do you know whether one of Sirotnikov's female ancestors in maternal line ever was a halakhah observing woman?
              I can't prove it, but my guess is that someone in his family (a parent, a grandparent) can remember a religious matriarch, and if not that, then it's quite possible that synagogue records could prove it. Either way, people have traditionally been given the benefit of the doubt on this question.


              • Originally posted by Natan
                Hard to say for sure, although one could probably get a fairly decent rough estimate based on population growth in the relevant regions if you could agree on how many Jews there were at Sinai or at some other agreed upon starting point. How this is relevant, I don't know.
                Of course this is of the utmost importance! I am surprised you cast doubt on it.
                For those -like me- who define a Jew by the observing of halakhah it is irrelevant, but for those who do not, yet still lay claim to Palestine, it is of vital importance!

                Please try!

                About Sirotnikov: Remember, it should be his mother, or the mother of his mother, or the mother of the mother of his mother, or etc. ...The mother of his father will not do!
                Jews have the Torah, Zionists have a State


                • Originally posted by S. Kroeze
                  I do not claim to be an authority on Judaism. Yet you might have noticed that I am one of the few posters on Apolyton who often gives verbatim citations and also source references.
                  I do not remember you ever doing so.
                  I would, but I don't really remember all the things I read.

                  Mainly I read alot of things in school and out teachers tend to keep us updated on the current scientific research of the torah.

                  Also, I should note in advance I rely mostly on non-religious research.

                  I don't feel that an ultra religious person can reach an impartial view.

                  Nor am I too lazy to go to the library and search for specialist literature. The parts I quoted verbatim came from 'The Oxford Dictionary of World Religions', ed J.Bowker,1997.

                  I read my share of books from Israeli scholars about the bible. I was also taught about the bible's history and the history of the halacha and such in school for several years.

                  I wouldn't draw conclusions in advance about what I have read or know, and have not read and don't know. It raises the suspicion that you are afraid to lose a debate on arguments.

                  Not at all.

                  Simply, you seem to grasp judaism in a fashion limited to it's ultra-orthodox movement, and only in it's religious side.

                  This, in light of what I know, seems very inappropriate and I would imagine that to limit oneself to such a view, one would have to be either actually religious and self convinced, or not knowledgeable.

                  Nor does your habit of repeating your position that I do not know anything at all about Judaism -four times in one short post- strengthen your persuasiveness. Instead it raises the suspicion that you have run out of true arguments.

                  I was more angry than anything else.

                  I still think the quotation from is most appropriate in this thread. Most experts will admit they ARE Jews, yet they are vehemently anti-Zionist -you may remember that is what this thread is about. And they are small, but not that small: recently they organised a demonstration in Brooklyn attended by 20,000 Orthodox Jews.

                  Well, Israel has at least 3,000,000 Jews who would disagree.

                  In any case, as I said, they are still a minority among jews. They are even a minority among ultra-orthodox jews.

                  I don't think it's wise to base your view of the jewish faith only on them, as you have done quite often, especially in middle east threads.

                  Just one question: do you consider the 'Torah' to be the word of the Creator/Supreme Being or is it just a book of fairy-tales?


                  I consider it the work of many supreme beings- humans, who were divinely inspired, but still - human.

                  I will gladly accept your apologies!

                  If you will look at the post above, I'm sure you'll notice I beat you to it

                  I hope you accept.


                  S.Kroeze, probably an anti-Semite

                  oh, don't get all semantic and cry baby

                  i'm not as fast with the anti-semite label.

                  PS: By the way, I have some reason to believe that it were not the habits of the Orthodox that changed in Europe after ~1700. I have even heard that the designation 'Orthodox' was invented by their adversaries. I will do more reading before making a statement about it.

                  Well, look, mainly - it was a counter reformist movement.

                  True, it's closer to the mainstream religious - conservative judaism than the other movements, but still, I wouldn't think it be fair to call jews in the midieval times "orthodox".

                  Even then, several movements already existed.

                  Several movements existed even in BC.

                  Think about Judea and Israel. They had different dates for holidays and slightly different rules. But both were Jews.


                  • Of course this is of the utmost importance! I am surprised you cast doubt on it.
                    For those -like me- who define a Jew by the observing of halakhah it is irrelevant
                    Tell me, what gives you the right to make up a definition of Jew different that used by almost all Jews, and especially all religious ones? As I already said, you're definition of a Jew is someone who believes in the wrong definition of Jewish identity.
                    but for those who do not, yet still lay claim to Palestine, it is of vital importance!
                    Why? There are about 13 million known Jews in the world, and probably tens of millions more unknown ones, but they're hardly likely to have their ancestry revealed in that detail, nor are they likely to care if it is, so what's the issue?
                    About Sirotnikov: Remember, it should be his mother, or the mother of his mother, or the mother of the mother of his mother, or etc. ...The mother of his father will not do!
                    Yes, thank you for repeating what I already told you.


                    • Originally posted by Ned

                      The Native Americans live on reservations and are supported by the United States. Other than that, they have their own self government.

                      It seems to be a mix of local tribal control and federal and even state. Remember the fight between California and the tribes over gambling? Yet they also sell cigarettes without federal or state taxes. I think the legal situation for reservations is complex. Its definitly not sovereign tribal territory or the Governor of California wouldn't have any say.


                      • Originally posted by Natan
                        Tell me, what gives you the right to make up a definition of Jew different that used by almost all Jews, and especially all religious ones? As I already said, you're definition of a Jew is someone who believes in the wrong definition of Jewish identity.

                        Why? There are about 13 million known Jews in the world, and probably tens of millions more unknown ones, but they're hardly likely to have their ancestry revealed in that detail, nor are they likely to care if it is, so what's the issue?
                        I prefer a discussion where words do actually mean something.
                        When following halakhah on this issue, there are millions of Jews on this planet -probably most of them living in the Middle East- who do not know they are Jews (nor wish to be considered so).

                        Assuming every year 400 Jewish women -of their own free will or under constraint- did adopt life as a gentile and married gentile husbands (a very cautious assumption), I arrived at a population size of Jews living today as gentiles of 30 million! 300 million is probably nearer to the truth!

                        As a result the notion 'Jew' becomes the equivalent of 'man'.
                        Everyone has at least 120 female ancestors in the female line living after 1000BC; one Jewish ancestor will do! Most Muslims in the Middle East would be 'Jews'.
                        Jews have the Torah, Zionists have a State


                        • Here's what I don't get - Israel is a democracy. It has civil rights and religious freedom; no one is stoned for violations of religious, the press is more or less free, women have equal rights, etc. Yet somehow people seem to fixate on Israel as somehow a roadblock to tolerance and democracy when it's neighbors and regional enemies are so clearly the greater threat.
                          Adding onto what Imran wrote with respect to Isreal being a relatively free society, I believe the fact that people are actually defending Israel, while no one but the lunatic fringe is defending the practices of the Arab states, has something to do with it.

                          Why is it that economic sanctions on Israel are good, but sanctions on Iraq and Syria are bad?
                          They're both bad. Economic sanctions, in most cases hurt only the people, while strengthening their states.
                          "Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "


                          • Originally posted by Ramo

                            Economic sanctions, in most cases hurt only the people, while strengthening their states.
                            Maybe, but the embargo FDR laid on Japan would have destroyed it had they not attacked.

                            I have no doubt that if the US and Europe place an embargo on Israel, it will collapse.
                            Last edited by Ned; May 23, 2002, 19:01.


                            • Maybe, but embargo FDR laid on Japan would have destroyed it had they not attacked.
                              Their imperial ambitions may have been severely limited, but I would not say that Japan would have fallen (provided the US never enters the war). In fact, I'd wager that the embargo increased the control Japan had over its people.

                              I have no doubt that if the US and Europe place an embargo on Israel, it will collapse.
                              I don't see why, short of foreign invasion. AFAIK, Israel has many of the resources it needs, and it could find other trading partners.

                              An embargo would only give the Israeli gov't license to use more extreme "solutions" with respect to the Palestinians, and of course cause the Isreali people to suffer.
                              "Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "


                              • Ramo, I do agree with you on Iraq. Sanctions have had no effect.

