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Which of the following weird dreams have you had?

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  • #61
    ... Provost, I actually thought of that right now myself... subconscious?

    what phisiological inevitabilities take place? sure , I remember myself "hard" , but that's not the moment the dream ended. It was clearly psychological.


    • #62
      It's worth looking into though Dalgetti, for every joke there is an element of truth there
      Speaking of Erith:

      "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


      • #63
        I often had profetic dreams

        Anyway, I once dreamt that I investigated and found out that Michael Jackson is not really Michael Jackson. Rather, the real, black Michael was killed (or murdered, don't recall) and the new white Michael was someone who was faking and assumed his identity and had fake face parts.

        I had a dream where I was sorta hulk hogan looking commando.

        I had plenty of dreams where I died, one scary one where everything just faded away after it... instead of palinly waking up.

        One recurring dream about being chased in a maze like shopping mall. I beat that by forcing myself to "win" and leave the mall.

        One dream where I forced myself to wake up from a dream within a dream and then kick some bad guy ass (they sedated me).


        • #64
          Originally posted by Dalgetti
          what phisiological inevitabilities take place? sure , I remember myself "hard" , but that's not the moment the dream ended. It was clearly psychological.
          What? You never get to the part where you wake up and hurry to the laundry machine or whatever the name of that forsaken thing that washes your clothes and get very, very busy?
          Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


          • #65
            My dreams seem... very Filmic by comparison to most peoples. I tend to dream I'm in some sort of action/adventure flick type setting, running away (successfully) from criminals in a huge department store of the near future, being a spy, being a pre-teen version of Indiana Jones, the aforementioned sci-fi setting, being part of a select few chosen placed in a space capsule to start a new race of superhumans when earth is wiped out by an asteroid (as a token Bisexual, no less).

            Another unusual recurring theme is Watching Television. Several times I've dreamt watching game shows, documentaries, home video footage from a trip to Midwestern with one of my childhood friends with me about 6 (in real life I've only ever been to NYC in the US, and never with a friend).

            OTOH I never have the kind of dreams most people have. I think I've had one sex dream ever. No nudity dreams. No nightmare since I was a child. Only one falling dream I can remember. Only one totally surreal dream I can remember.
            Världsstad - Dom lokala genrenas vän
            Mick102, 102,3 Umeå, Måndagar 20-21


            • #66
              I've might have missed it but what about the end of the world dream?? you know where it's starts raining brim stone and the signs start to happen and then BOOM everything just blows up and you can see it coming but you just stand there and hold you children in your arms and cry because you know this is it??

              I've also had the missing child dreams where one of my kids has disappeared and I am frantically searching for them
              The only reason I was gone for so long was because I hate you people!!!


              • #67
                Now falling dreams, I recall actually having quite a few of those at points, but only when reminded. Weird things, quite unpleasant when you wake up with a really sharp jolt.
                Speaking of Erith:

                "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Adalbertus
                  Just another two bits:
                  - In an uncomfortable dream, I'm able to realize that I'm dreaming (without waking up), a fact wich makes me rather curious - and the dream usually starts to get really wierd.

                  -Sometimes, I dream I forgot to do something I actually have to do the next day. Quite useful.
                  My experiences match yours exactly there.
                  "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

                  Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005


                  • #69
                    I was in the fifth grade at the time of the Cuban Missle Crisis. That week the school frantically organized several air raid drills. We were supposed to file out of the school then head home as rapidly as possible. I lived a mile away from school, up a steep hill. My dream was that I would start up the hill, then see over my shoulder a black speck flying across the sky. Having a bad feeling about the object I would begin to run up the hill. I would look back over my shoulder every few seconds and see the speck comimng closer and becoming more clearly a bomb. Making a last dash for the top of the hill the entire world would explode into a sheet of white light.
                    "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


                    • #70
                      Wow, I've had so many weird dreams.

                      I've had flying dreams, falling dreams, dreams (usually when I'm dozing in class) where I trip and then wake up with a jolt.

                      I had a "naughty" dream where I was just about to "get to the good part" when I was... ah, caught.

                      Had several dreams where I've been running from something that's chasing me and it usually ends with the thing killing me. The only one I can remember right now is being run down and eaten by wolves.

                      But I have three dreams that stand out in my memory (and a fourth that's too disgusting, even for Poly Off-topic).

                      One where for some unexplained reason I've returned to my middle or elementary school to take classes there. Usually (I've had this one several times) the school has been remodeled and I don't quite no where I am. The dream usually ends with me running home after having done something terrible that I can't remember.

                      Another one where I was in my house and there was this pounding on the walls that just wouldn't stop. It went on for days. Eventually I woke up... my dad had locked himself out and was knocking on the door.

                      And the one that takes the cake, my weirdest and most memorable dream of all: My small neighborhood is being attacked by giant (size of car) bumble bees that breathe fire and for some reason it is my job to save them. I find this little golden coin that allows me to fly and somehow this allows me to defeat the bumble bees.
                      Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
                      "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


                      • #71
                        A running nude in a public place dream- I've dreamt I was in an airport nude and at school nude.

                        A dream where an evil animal chases you- I saw this squirl and I tried to scare it away. But it wouldn't move. I knew it was rabid so I started to run in the house, but as I was running up the stairs of my porch, the squirl bit me on the heel. I've also had dreams about spiders and other things chasing me.

                        A naughty dream- I once had a dream I lost my virginity to Bobby Knight. I felt very dirty the next morning.
                        I've also had lucid dreams where I'd realize I was in a dream and try and get the object of my desire where I was.
                        The first time I had a dream like this, I was at a waterpark and I realized it was just a dream. I decided to call this person on the telephone and make them come over. The last thing I remember before I woke up was me looking up their phone number in the phone book.

                        A falling dream- I've had a dream where I fell at the end...

                        A dream where your greatest fear attacks you- Rabid squirls, huge spiders, and robbers have attacked/chased me in dreams.

                        A dream where aliens are attacking the world- I forgot to vote for this, but I did have a dream about aliens. I made them mad. Then they attacked me. Maybe earth too. I can't remember.

                        A dream where you are "in" a game you play- I also forgot to vote for this option. I kind of had a dream where I was riding this ostrich (a la "Swiss Family Robinson") but I was in a Donkey Kong kind of game. Kind of a mix between Donkey Kong and the Lion King for SNES. Everytime the ostrich hit a bump, I felt a terrible pain in my stomach. When I woke up, I had an awful stomach ache.
                        You're a man- you can be replaced.


                        • #72
                          It's worth looking into though Dalgetti, for every joke there is an element of truth there
                          you got any good shrinks you could recommend me?

                          kassiopeia :

                          PdC : oh, lucid dreams. they're sooo fun. my only real long one was me , walking down a street in my neighbourhood, then a couple of people went out of a parked BMW, with guns. I suddenly realized this was a dream , and then , drawn out a rifle and started shooting at them... then I started running real fast, and then I took off and flew over the city .


                          • #73
                            Now I had the dream about being in a game of civ, or actually it could have been AoE...quite strange.
                            Speaking of Erith:

                            "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


                            • #74
                              walking down a street in my neighbourhood, then a couple of people went out of a parked BMW, ... I suddenly ... drawn out a rifle and started shooting at them... then I started running real fast, and then I took off and flew over the city .

                              School Massacare!!!!



                              • #75
                                you little fool

                                I said "with guns".

                                well , maybe around your school , that quite unremarkable.

                                ( just kidding , everyone knows you're a geek , and you study in a geeky, rich boy, school )

