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What are the most powerful and influential countries?

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  • I said *I* would
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    • Originally posted by David Floyd

      The Germans beat the **** out of you in WW1. In WW2, they would have, except for American Lend Lease.
      oh sure.

      The Japanese won in the Russo-Japanese war.
      So what? We've return everything we lost in 1945.
      The British and French won the Crimean War.
      So what? This victory gave them nothing. Anyhow we kicked their asses after the revolution.
      The Finns inflicted hugely disproportionate casualties in the Winter War.
      But lost part of their territory.
      The Poles threw you out in the 1920s.

      I would, if the State of Alaska votes for secession.
      Very good, separatists of Alaska could be pleased by your decision.

      You implied that it was OK because of strategic reasons, and because Finland rejected Soviet offers to purchase Finnish property.
      I said this to explain the reasons of this war, not to justify this aggression.


      • oh sure.
        Chris62 will agree with me. Probably MtG as well. But if you want to start this argument, go ahead.

        So what? We've return everything we lost in 1945.
        So? You jumped in the war after they were already defeated and their Manchurian defenses were stripped to almost nothing effective.

        So what? This victory gave them nothing. Anyhow we kicked their asses after the revolution.
        They didn't exactly deploy for a real war.

        But lost part of their territory.
        Of course, they were heavily outnumbered. My point is the historical ****tiness of the Russian/Soviet military.

        95% of their troops were fighting the Germans. Of COURSE you won.

        I said this to explain the reasons of this war, not to justify this aggression.
        That was the implication I got - my apologies.
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        • Originally posted by Serb
          Why you didn’t just said nukes against cities?
          Because you didn't use nukes against cities.

          No one, never used a vacuum bombs against cities in Chechnya.

          I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
          For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


          • Where us Chris now? I just wrote him a PM as in response to the one he sent me, but it seems he has gone of after doing that so he never received my reply. I hope he hasn't done "the click" on me though, although there wouldn't be much of a need for that


            • Originally posted by David Floyd

              Chris62 will agree with me. Probably MtG as well.
              Sure. All of you are Americans. Millions of Russians will disagree with this, so what?
              So? You jumped in the war after they were already defeated and their Manchurian defenses were stripped to almost nothing effective.
              We've jumped in war because it we have an agreement to do so, agreement signed in Yalta. You are strange people Americans. First you ask to join the war, then you are saying that we are an opportunists.

              EDIT: Almost forget to mention. manchurian defences consisted of 900 000 troops of Quantun's army. If 900 000 soldiers is nothing for you, then your efforts in Normandy in 1944 is nothing too.

              They didn't exactly deploy for a real war.
              At this case Crim was not a war too. For as it was like military campaign, not big real war.
              Of course, they were heavily outnumbered. My point is the historical ****tiness of the Russian/Soviet military.
              Such point is simply do not exist, or exist in hardly damaged heads of ****ty kick boxers.


              • Sure. All of you are Americans. Millions of Russians will disagree with this, so what?
                Well, Chris62 has a masters in history and MtG is one of the smartest people on Poly - their opinion is much weightier than millions of Russians who have been spoonfed propaganda.

                We've jumped in war because it we have an agreement to do so, agreement signed in Yalta. You are strange people Americans. First you ask to join the war, then you are saying that we are an opportunists.
                No, what I'm saying was that there was no possible way for you to lose - Japan was already defeated.

                At this case Crim was not a war too. For as it was like military campaign, not big real war.
                Sure it was - the Brits/French threw you out of the Balkans, then defeated your army multiple times in the Crimea, before taking Sevastopol.

                Such point is simply do not exist, or exist in hardly damaged heads of ****ty kick boxers.
                You have to admit that almost every war Russia has ever won has been either with foreign support or weight of numbers, neither of which lend themselves to the conclusion that Russia's army has been anything other than large. And even that large army lost on many occasions.
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                • EDIT: Almost forget to mention. manchurian defences consisted of 900 000 troops of Quantun's army. If 900 000 soldiers is nothing for you, then your efforts in Normandy in 1944 is nothing too.
                  900,000 under-equipped, under-supplied soldiers with inferior weapons facing a larger Soviet force, with high morale, better equipment, and massive amounts of US supplies and transportation.
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                  • Originally posted by David Floyd

                    Well, Chris62 has a masters in history and MtG is one of the smartest people on Poly - their opinion is much weightier than millions of Russians who have been spoonfed propagana
                    How typical American it is to think so. Of course you are super nation, next step in human evolution, supermans.
                    *throw up*
                    The opinion of 3 Americans are weithier that millions of other people? You are insane.

                    You have to admit that almost every war Russia has ever won has been either with foreign support or weight of numbers, neither of which lend themselves to the conclusion that Russia's army has been anything other than large. And even that large army lost on many occasions.
                    Look who saying this. A citizen of the country, which always gather a wide coalition in their wars against even a 1000 times weaker enemy.

                    Sure it was - the Brits/French threw you out of the Balkans, then defeated your army multiple times in the Crimea, before taking Sevastopol.
                    That's why the Sevastopol is the British/French city now?


                    • How typical American it is to think so. Of course you are super nation, next step in human evolution, supermans.
                      *throw up*
                      The opinion of 3 Americans are weithier that millions of other people? You are insane.
                      Opinions backed by facts always out weigh opinions backed by propaganda, regardless of numbers.

                      Look who saying this. A citizen of the country, which always gather a wide coalition in their wars against even a 1000 times weaker enemy.
                      This shows we know how to win wars without losing hundreds of thousands of men. So what?

                      That's why the Sevastopol a British/French city now?
                      So you're saying what? Sevastopol didn't fall, or the Russian Army forced the Brits and French out?
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                      • Originally posted by David Floyd
                        900,000 under-equipped, under-supplied soldiers with inferior weapons facing a larger Soviet force, with high morale, better equipment,...
                        I can say the same about German forces in Normandy.
                        and massive amounts of US supplies and transportation.
                        Oh sure,
                        I guess you beleive that every third tank in Red army was a Sherman, every third pane was Cobra, every third gun was Thompson.


                        • I can say the same about German forces in Normandy.
                          Actually the initial landing force was outnumbered, and I'd say German armor was superior to Allied armor. Their 88s were nothing to sneeze at either.

                          I guess you beleive that every third tank in Red army was a Sherman, every third pane was Cobra, every third gun was Thompson.
                          No, although at the time of Operation Typhoon the Soviets had more Western tanks than Soviet tanks on the front.
                          But the Soviet Union also refused to go after Japan without massive amounts of Lend Lease, a lot of which was logistical-type stuff, including transportation.
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                          • Originally posted by David Floyd
                            Opinions backed by facts always out weigh opinions backed by propaganda, regardless of numbers.
                            Sure. If those opinions based on real facts, but not on ropaganda too.

                            This shows we know how to win wars without losing hundreds of thousands of men. So what?
                            Like Vietnam right?
                            So you're saying what? Sevastopol didn't fall, or the Russian Army forced the Brits and French out?
                            I'm saing that it gave them nothing.


                            • "And my d*ck is bigger than yours !"

                              (argument is enjoyable, but here it starts to looks a little childish from my own subjective point of view)
                              Science without conscience is the doom of the soul.


                              • Originally posted by David Floyd

                                The Germans beat the **** out of you in WW1. In WW2, they would have, except for American Lend Lease.

                                The Japanese won in the Russo-Japanese war.

                                The British and French won the Crimean War.

                                The Finns inflicted hugely disproportionate casualties in the Winter War.

                                The Poles threw you out in the 1920s.
                                David Floyd, Why didn't you mention Afghanistan? Ned

