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What are the most powerful and influential countries?

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  • Over all times, Germany has always had some power position, probably because of its central position in Europe...


    • Germany was always some power only if You count Austria as German power. And my German friends and enemies always tend to separate from Austria.
      "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
      I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
      Middle East!


      • OK, hears how it goes. The formula for which country is the strongest is, according to neo-realist criterea, economy combined with military. Nothing else, form of government, land holdings, resources, matter unless they contribute to the above two things. Also, if has the above things but does not have strong mil + econ then there is way that they are strong. The reason for this is that all the non-important things (land holdings, resources, or what ever else you care to add to the list) can be gained through conquest. And in addition having all non-important things does not matter if one cannot defend them against agression.

        There are of course acceptions to this, known as the paradox of unrealized power. That is, when the weaker state wins. This can be chalked up to the will of the people. That is if the will of the people supports a leader, ideology, or other cause then that gives that player an edge.

        Therefore according to these variables the strongest natoins are
        1. USA
        2. China
        3. the Combined EU
        4. Japan
        5. Russia

        I do not know quite for certain that Japan and Russia should not be reversed however.
        My other signiture was to long...


        • Russia? Their conventional military would probably lose against Britain or Germany - maybe even France.
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          • The EU isn't a nation.
            I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
            For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


            • Serb, What do you make of the fact that so many Chechnians had joined al Qaida in Afghanistan? Ned
              Most of the mercenaries just returned to Afghanistan to defend their HQ. Chechnya was like a foreign office of Taliban while Afghanistan was a HQ of Taliban. Everyone who thinks that we oppress poor freedom fighters in Chechnya is just a brainwashed person. We fought there with the same guys you fight in Afghanistan- international terrorists. Well known, famous international terrorists, like arab Hattab who was eliminated not long ago by our Special forces in Chechnya, like Raduev who now in jail and remains there forever. The only remaining legendary leader of terrorists is Basaev, but soon will get him too. He already lost his leg when he runs with tail between his legs from our army. Those three bastards is responsible for innumerous terrorist acts, for death of thousands people. They have the same methods, about 2 years ago they bombed department civilian houses in Moscow and other Russian cities, hundreds of civilians were killed. At Sept. 11 they killed thousands of civilians in New York. The same terrorist school- the same terrorist methods.


              • peace in the end
                If we haven't imprisoned patriarch Filaret, his son wouldn't have gained popularity.
                If you turn it this way, then yes it because of you. Thanks.

                And is there a reason to injure an important fortress by a siege when You can take it easier way
                Actually you received very big casualties during siege, and capture it only when destroy one of the walls of the fortress. So, its received pretty big amount of damage.
                We do not send our soldiers to clear the minefield by running through it
                That’s because of our military spirit, mysterious Russian soul and Russian readiness to sacrifice their lives for Mother Russia.
                Again, no-one wanted a piece of Russia. They just wanted to rob You.
                Oh sure, robbing is such a nice goal.
                I know. Damn Putin.
                Putin RULES!!!
                Your spaceships... What was with Mir?
                So what was about it? This space station remains on orbit about 15 years, instead of planned 3 years. Then we sink it because it's becomes too old, every spaceship ends this day.

                You aren't worse. You just seem to be lazier. If any other nation had such potential as Russians,
                Perhaps we didn’t wanted to rule the World, but wait a minute; the history is not over yet.
                How You became so big? You had no-one to oppose You around You.
                You know that this is not true. What, Mongols were weak opponents? Why they are not occupied the same lands now? We have a lot of enemies through our history, and we weren’t always so big in terms of lands and population.
                W?odzimierz and other cities too.
                All those cities were independent city-states and no doubt gathering of Russian lands around Moscow was bloody conquest of those independent cities by Moscow’s prince.
                Why do You think everyone wanted to conquer You all?Lithuanians yes. But Mongols just wanted money from You, Turks wanted to
                get back Kaza? and Astracha? to Moslem world, Poland wanted to liberate
                Smole?sk and Czernichów of your hands, which are not Russian too,
                and to cut You from Baltic sea, as well as Sweden. ingria and Karelia
                weren't inhabited by You at this time too.
                I mean not to conquer entire Russia, but that Russia had a lot of enemies who attacked it through ages for purposes you’ve described.
                "Not quite, they knew that if they won't attack, they will be attacked by land-hungry Russians...

                This concept can easily justify any type of aggression.
                Don't exagerrate.
                I don’t. He was very cruel monster.
                Still I think they had no chance to stop You.
                If they thought so, then they never were involved in this. The French and Brits signed a secret agreement, by this agreements Russia was divided between them. Consider the international blockade of Soviet Russia and their support of White army. I think they thought that they will be successful in their goal.
                Just Moscow wanted to subdue them and if not Warsaw battle, it could have subdued all Europe perhaps.
                Yep. I think Germans should thank you. If not Warsaw’s battle, then Red army probably reached Berlin and helped German communists to establish a communist’s state.
                I diagree.
                It’s sad if you think so. They pillaged everything they can.

                The same. You lost them militarily in 1915, lawyally in 1918.
                It means that finally we’ve lost them in 1918.
                I don't!
                Or perhaps You are the traitors of Slavic Catholic brotherhood?
                We never were Catholics and I wonder if Serbs or Bulgarians ever were.
                We could find some common enemy. I point the rest of (not-Slavic) world.
                Perhaps Finland...?
                No, only not Finland, not anymore. We better bribe them somehow to put they on our side. We have many common with Finns, Russians love to jump in piles of snow after saunas too,
                But if ever a Slavic League shall be founded, it should have headquaters in Poland.
                Do you have store where we could buy vodka in big quantity near your house? If yes, then I’m agreed.


                • The reason for this is that all the non-important things (land holdings, resources, or what ever else you care to add to the list) can be gained through conquest. And in addition having all non-important things does not matter if one cannot defend them against agression.
                  Just explain to me please, how anyone can gain Russian lands or natural resources through conquest, if any aggression against Russia will be retaliated with nuclear strike against aggressor?


                  • Russia? Their conventional military would probably lose against Britain or Germany - maybe even France.
                    You’ve been hit in your head too often. You should abandon kickboxing as soon as possible before you become a complete idiot.
                    Last edited by Serb; May 6, 2002, 05:39.


                    • I can't believe anyone is discussing Russia as a "powerful nation". I just read earlier today that the Russian GDP is about equal to the amount of fraud in the US medicare system (two edges on that one...).

                      As for the Russian military, those who weren't sent packing by Chechnyan grannies armed with pitchforks were last seen panhandling around Red Square.
                      Last edited by mindseye; May 1, 2002, 05:45.
                      Official Homepage of the HiRes Graphics Patch for Civ2


                      • Originally posted by Serb

                        Perhaps you can explain why Vikings in their core land, in Scandinavia for taxes used word "poludye" the word of Slav's origine, originated from Slav's words "lud" which means "men" (btw, in modern Russian it have the same meaning) and word "po" in that case it have the meaning- "every". The word "Poludye" used by Slav's for taxes, why Vikings don't have the word for taxes and used Slav's word if they were much more advanced as you think.
                        There is a big difference between borrowing a word for a specific type of tax (a head tax) and borrowing a word to name your nation after.

                        Originally posted by Serb
                        At least you realize that Slavs are not decendents of Vikings.
                        As for influence, I do not deny it.

                        Oh really?
                        When Variags (that's how we call a Vikings) apeared, there were a dozen of big Slav's cities. We do not lived in forests as you try to portray us.
                        The Vikings had the ability to travel great distances, and they had superior military technology. The penetrated the river basins of the Baltic and of Lake Onega and traveled far into the interior of what is now Russia. By traveling along the rivers they came into contact with many groups of Slavs, and had a much greater understanding of just how large an area and how many Slavs existed. Very few if any Slavs had as much knowledge about their own people at this time. The Vikings were mostly traders, as the Slavs didn't have a lot of wealth to plunder in their cities, but provided valuable commodities such as furs, amber and slaves (note that the word slave comes from the word Slav). The Vikings became wealthy, and even their small numbers of fighters could be decisive in battle. Between their wealth, their knowledge of the neighborhood, and their military capabilities they managed to take control of city after city. Of course their numbers were small, too small to displace the Slavic languages, and in fairly short order these Viking Kings were indistinguishable from the people that they ruled. In the end Russia was left with stronger states with more military capabilities and more knowledge of the world around themselves than before the Vikings came. Novgorod in particular not only became a local trading nexus, but became a powerhouse that competed very successfully with Danish and Swedish traders for the fur trade.

                        The knowledge of the greater Slavic nation in Russia was critical to the formation of Russia and it's survival after the Mongols came. Whether or not this would have been possible without the early contact with the Vikings is an open question, but considering just how close Russia came to destruction during that period I think it is safe to say that the Russians owe a debt of gratitude to the Vikings for helping them establish themselves in strength in what is now Russia / Ukraine.
                        He's got the Midas touch.
                        But he touched it too much!
                        Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


                        • Originally posted by mindseye
                          I can't believe anyone is discussing Russia as a "powerful nation". I just read earlier today that the Russian GDP is about equal to the amount of fraud in the US medicare system (two edges on that one...). (
                          That's not for a long time. Do you have any idea what type of disaster is it, to survive a devastation of entire country? The Soviet Union's economy was destroyed when it's collapsed. All economical ties were broken with new currencies, etc. The fact that we survived this and now growing is say about a lot. We'll recover from this disaster soon.

                          As for the Russian military, those who weren't sent packing by Chechnyan grannies armed with pitchforks were last seen panhandling around Red Square. :
                          Keep dreaming.
                          You are not a military expert. You know nothing about our army.
                          But living today in China may be you can ask yourself- why your precious Chinese buy their military equipment from us.


                          • Originally posted by Sikander

                            There is a big difference between borrowing a word for a specific type of tax (a head tax) and borrowing a word to name your nation after.
                            This is not a specific type of tax, but a general taxation system.
                            The question is about- you said that Slavs didn’t have their own state. I dare to say that they have such state and were more advanced in social life then Vikings. The fact that Vikings don’t know anything about taxation system and took that system from Slavs is prove a lot.
                            The Vikings had the ability to travel great distances, and they had superior military technology. The penetrated the river basins of the Baltic and of Lake Onega and traveled far into the interior of what is now Russia. By traveling along the rivers they came into contact with many groups of Slavs, and had a much greater understanding of just how large an area and how many Slavs existed. Very few if any Slavs had as much knowledge about their own people at this time.
                            Do you realize that you saying nonsense? Slavs don’t know about other Slavs, but Vikings known that the tribes they found are Slavs. It’s insane. How they didn't know about each other if they spoke on the same langauge?

                            The Vikings were mostly traders, as the Slavs didn't have a lot of wealth to plunder in their cities, but provided valuable commodities such as furs, amber and slaves (note that the word slave comes from the word Slav).
                            The Vikings were not traders, I don’t know where you get this, they were pillagers and bandits.
                            The originate of word slave it’s your own theory and it’s has nothing common with true.

                            The Vikings became wealthy, and even their small numbers of fighters could be decisive in battle.
                            So what?
                            In that case there was mentions in historical documents about invasion of Vikings. There was no ANY mention that Vikings conquered Slavs.
                            The knowledge of the greater Slavic nation in Russia was critical to the formation of Russia and it's survival after the Mongols came. Whether or not this would have been possible without the early contact with the Vikings is an open question, but considering just how close Russia came to destruction during that period I think it is safe to say that the Russians owe a debt of gratitude to the Vikings for helping them establish themselves in strength in what is now Russia / Ukraine.
                            The first Russian Tsar was a Variag by it's nationality, so what? It means that we have no state when he was elected as prince of Novgorod?

                            As for influence show my one nation in Europe which was not influeced by Vikings.


                            • Originally posted by Serb
                              The originate of word slave it’s your own theory and it’s has nothing common with true.
                              I don't know about the rest, but the link between the word "slave" about the people and the word "slave" about the situation exists.
                              I THINK (not sure) it comes from the Roman Empire where the slavic where considered barbarians and only bringed in the empire under slavery.
                              Science without conscience is the doom of the soul.


                              • Do you have any idea what type of disaster is it, to survive a devastation of entire country

                                Actually, I do have an idea. I live in a place where that happened more than once recently.

                                But living today in China may be you can ask yourself- why your precious Chinese buy their military equipment from us.

                                Unfortunately, Chinese businessmen still often place too much importance on price and too little on quality. But they are learning quickly.
                                Official Homepage of the HiRes Graphics Patch for Civ2

