Well, not that this wasn't expected. I mean if you followed the French elections, you'd know that people were pissed at both Chirac and Jospin. First and foremost the fact that both delayed declaring they were running so they could get a political advantage closer to the election (even though everyone knew they would).
What happened is that Le Pen was the victor in all this and Jospin the loser. I mean, Jospin's allies had much more choice in the form of other parties. Chirac's supporters really didn't have much else except Chirac.
And this is why Socialists will not win, because they divide themselves waaaay too much
What happened is that Le Pen was the victor in all this and Jospin the loser. I mean, Jospin's allies had much more choice in the form of other parties. Chirac's supporters really didn't have much else except Chirac.
And this is why Socialists will not win, because they divide themselves waaaay too much
