ME threads. I was warned to steer clear. Or at least I should've been.
Berzerker: I will grant you this. You could probably argue the paint off a wall, or at least you might try. However, leaping to ridiculous conclusions from other people's words to make your own argument is more like making straw men. I choose not to engage in debate based on straw men.
I will leave you with this.
I have never said that rights do not exist. I have tried to indicate that rights spring from agreements between people as to what are good and just and ethical ways to live. That is all.
To cut it all short. I believe that conscription does not violate the fundamental right to life that most societies recognize. The state is not killing it's own soldiers. The state is compelling its citizens to defend it and themselves. Most all of its citizens are potentially subject to this obligation as they mature and grow to be fit for the role. All age to the point where they would be of little assistance and therefore are exempt. It is an obligation of citizenship in any society from time to time due to circumstances.
Is it possible for you to imagine a situation where more people would die due to a state being overrun by its enemies than would have been killed as combatants on both sides if the state survived? Where do the rights to life for the dead figure into your equation?
You may answer or not, your choice. It is unlikely I will respond. I have enough things to argue endlessly. I am Canadian.
