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Palestinians destroy Israeli tank

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  • #16

    Very good news, now Israel has to watch their backs as they escalate further.
    “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
    - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


    • #17
      Mark, the Merkava3 is NOT the world's best tank. It would get it's ass handed to it by an M1A2 or Leopard 3 - especially an M1A2 given the quality of US training and such.
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      • #18
        It has 3 capabilities in which it's superior to those :

        it can behave like an APC .
        it's better suited to desert terrain.
        a better protection of the crew. ( The engine is infront of the crew...)

        the last one don't work when the whole ****ing tank falls apart though....

        100kgs are a very HE charge.


        • #19
          Or Challenger II, T80U, maybe T90, and the new Cherny Oriol "black eagle" of course.
          But maybe this is not the topic.


          • #20
            While the US training is superior to the Israeli one in all issues, our soldiers have something you dont have. Combat experience.
            It's less significant in the tanks, because there were no wars lately but for stuff like special forces, I believe that even our mediocre SF units like Duvdevan or Egoz will kick the **** out of most of your SF, mainly because on average a Duvdevan team has one mission per 2-3 days. And even these units are nothing close to the Shayetet or 767.

            [/end of nationalistic bragging]
            "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


            • #21
              One Israeli citizen was murdered in a shooting teract near Bet El.
              "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


              • #22
                T-90s are weak. They are no match for Merkava III or Abrams. All they are is updated versions of the T-72's (more armor, lower profile a few new eletronic gadgets and a 910m2 missile). T-90s still cant Fire and move at the same time accurately and would probably have 4:1 ratio against Abrams.

                what Dalgetti says is true. But an Abrams could make short work of an Merkava. Depleted Uranium is way too much for most convential shells a medium range (90% denser than steel, plus a huge advantage with abrams is beig able to track 16 targets and have them all destroyed in less than 10 minutes)

                Wow...that was a big bomb. I wonder who made it for the palestinians?

                Question: Will this prevent Israeli incursions (or make them think twice)?


                • #23
                  I am also a bit happy they chose a tank and not a school bus.


                  • #24
                    "While the US training is superior to the Israeli one in all issues, our soldiers have something you dont have. Combat experience."

                    Well in the past that is true, but our SF and our fighter pilots are getting plenty of combat experience now. And your soldiers have experience with poice action, but not in full scale combat against a real army. And anyway, Iraq and the Taliban both had combat experience, but neither fared well against the USA.

                    In any case this is sad news, hopefully future such attacks can be prevented.
                    "I'm moving to the Left" - Lancer

                    "I imagine the neighbors on your right are estatic." - Slowwhand


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by faded glory
                      Question: Will this prevent Israeli incursions (or make them think twice)?
                      I dont think so.
                      A) The attack was during a routine operation and not incursion.
                      B) Such bombs were found and disarmed numerous times in the past. So it's just another threat we deal with.

                      But the Karmi-Netzarim road and the area around it will be widened so that IDF soldiers will be able to watch the area and detect people better. So you can expect more house demolitions in the next days.

                      I am also a bit happy they chose a tank and not a school bus.

                      I'm sure that it will come too.
                      "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                      • #26
                        The Russian tanks have also their highs and lows with the highs being their extremely high value per price(better than the west toys), and the sturdiness of the equipment due to the simplicity , or one might say the practicality of the equipment .The lows are the lacking tracking systems, and the resulting handicap if comparing a single armored unit compared to it's western

                        FG : Believe me , Israel has tracking systems that are at least not inferior to the american.

                        The armor itself : all is said on an AFAIK basis , but it seems that Israel has its armor in kevlar , but me not sertain.
                        (kevlar ...5 times more rigid than steel )

                        but if we go on comparing the weaponary of various nations we must take our hats off to the russian Kamov construction bureau that has created the best chopper in the world : the "Black Shark".... it's actually quite funny that the west , with all of it's pretence on being hi-tech , can't master the technology of using a double main prop , instread of the tail fin....
                        (end of nationalistic bragging.... )


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Shi Huangdi
                          Well in the past that is true, but our SF and our fighter pilots are getting plenty of combat experience now. And your soldiers have experience with poice action, but not in full scale combat against a real army.
                          Concerning the SF, yes. They get plenty of training in Afghanistan.
                          But your pilots dont do stuff more complicated than our pilots. Dropping bombs on structures is not that hard.

                          And anyway, Iraq and the Taliban both had combat experience, but neither fared well against the USA.
                          You never fought the Taliban.
                          "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Eli

                            I dont think so.
                            A) The attack was during a routine operation and not incursion.
                            B) Such bombs were found and disarmed numerous times in the past. So it's just another threat we deal with.

                            But the Karmi-Netzarim road and the area around it will be widened so that IDF soldiers will be able to watch the area and detect people better. So you can expect more house demolitions in the next days.
                            Ok then. I did not know B) or A). I think the response of hiting the Gaza compound again is a restrained response. I can tell Sharon is trying real hard not to go all out on these ******.

                            I'm sure that it will come too.
                            No doubt, but they would get more support if they attacked military targets and civilian ones.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Dalgetti
                              The Russian tanks have also their highs and lows with the highs being their extremely high value per price(better than the west toys), and the sturdiness of the equipment due to the simplicity , or one might say the practicality of the equipment .The lows are the lacking tracking systems, and the resulting handicap if comparing a single armored unit compared to it's western

                              Well, I have always been a fan of Russian equipment. Because it is alot cheaper. You can buy 5 T-90
                              s for the price of 1 abrams, and it is considered top quality "Generic" battlefield alternatives/matches. Also Russians are generally easier to produce and maintain. I mean, for christ sakes. Look at the T-55's and T-62's the Taliban and NA were using. Most probably hadnt seen a mechanic in 2 decades

                              So I know Russian Stuff is known for its cheap quantity, fair quality, and low maintence. Thats why they are the largest arms exporter to 90% of the worlds war zones and not USA or Europe arms producers.

                              Poor mans BlitzKrieg

                              Bt generally, most Russian equipment isnt up to par with ours. Tho marketed as an equal, the T-55 was no match for M60. And it wasnt until the T-62 and 72 models did Russia have its advantage over the M60.

                              Likewise with the abrams. T-80's and T-90's are marketed as cheap alternatives. But niether are probably much match.

                              I dont know about the Eagle tank. Never heard of it.


                              • #30
                                T-90 it is principally a relatively cheap tank adapted to exporting. Nevertheless do not forget that has a 125mm (all other weastern tanks have a 120mm cannon or less) and can shoot AT-11 missiles, a disagreeable surprise for any opponent. Because of it I said "maybe".
                                T80 is superior in many aspects to M1a1 Abrams, It is cheaper than the Abrams (which is an advantage), but it is not in any way a smplisct tank, The majority of the tank commanders who have proved both tanks, they have inclined for the Russian model. It is more rapid, better armed, and especially more reliable. . Even has a better frontal armour (double-layer reactive armour).
                                The same thing can be said for T80U and M2A2 .

