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The number of Jews in the world will fall by 33% by 2050

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  • #31
    Time to clarify

    First, who is a Jew according to the traditional definition still used today

    There are two ways to be Jewish. The first is to be born to a Jewish mother; the second is to convert. Conversion consists of having three Rabbis certify that you have been ritually bathed and circumcised, that you have learned the principles of Judaism, and are converting out of sincere belief. Generally, they issue a certificate so that you can prove that you are Jewish to whoever might need to know. So I reject Asher's accusation that Jews are somehow trying to create a master race; no one is turned down for conversion on racial grounds. There are people of every race and ethnicity who convert to Judaism, and actually, people in very surprising places who were born Jewish - Tribes of Kurdish Jews, Ethiopian Jews, Jews who've been on the Indian subcontinent for centuries if not millenia, etc.

    Now, I'll try to explain to the best of my knowledge the laws of the State of Israel in question.

    The main way of becoming an Israeli citizen, if not born in Israel (all born in Israel are citizens) is to be Jewish and immigrate under the Law of Return, a law which allows Jews to come to Israel. The definition of a Jew used for the Law of Return is different from the traditional one though, and includes people with Jewish relatives. Also, there was an Israeli supreme court case which ruled against a born Jew who had converted to Catholicism on the grounds that by converting, he had separated himself from the Jewish people. Converts however, are most certainly allowed in. New immigrants to Israel recieve certain benefits to aid in their integration into society. Help with the rent, free Hebrew lessons, etc. Israel has a rather generous welfare system though, and contrary to Guynemer's assertion, that system serves all of its citizens. In fact, a new law was recently passed with the help of the Arab parties in the Knesset which gave generous benefits to large families, that is, Orthodox Jews and Arabs - the mostly non-Orthodox public was outraged, but the law stands.

    Paiktis: My understanding is that the answer is no. If you married a Jewish woman and immigrated with her though, you would be let in.

    BS! They are American, and I'm glad that they are casting off the false nationality of Judaism to become truly Americans.
    I love this country and I'll defend it, but I love it because it gave my ancestors freedom to practice their religion and continues to extend that freedom to me. You seem to want America to be like Czarist Russia, always trying to crush any ethnicity or religion which is not "truly American."
    Don't you think that this ethnic seperation and ethnic purity is part (if not a lot) of the reason why Jews have been persecuted throughout the ages? Because they are different and want to be seperate from the rest of the society.
    Yet somehow, after so many of those societies have finished, we're still here, still different, but still practicing the same faith. Besides, I don't think you'd like it much if someone told you and your family to give up their Islamic identity because it was un-American and would make them targets of persecution.
    I'm actually happy that there will be less Jews. They are taking control of their lives and marrying who they wish and believing in what they wish instead of being brainwashed by a religion and a claim of ethnicity that doesn't exist.
    So if you believe in Judaism you're brainwashed but if you believe in anything else, that's just your choice? That seems like a double standard to me. When people talk this way about any religion, I cringe.


    • #32
      The number of Jews in the world will fall by 33% by 2050
      Thank Jehovah!

      Thank you, Jorg Hieder.

      Plus, what Natan said.

      Most people think that 'this is racist since only jews are allowed in' yet we allow both jews by ethnicity and religion in, and anyone can convert.

      Then they say 'it's rediculous that a person having nothing to do with jewish heritage could change his religion and immigrate'. Well it's not that simple. Before you are "certified" as a converted jew you have to prove knowledge of the religion and history, and so on and so forth. This is done to make sure that people who proclaim themselves jews, really mean it, and know what they're talking about.

      Judaism today is not only a religion and a semi-ethnicity, but also a nationality, part of which is always Israel and Jerusalem, whether you're a zionist or not.

      Most importantly Judaism is heritage, and that's what Jews are trying to preserve.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Sirotnikov
        Most people think that 'this is racist since only jews are allowed in' yet we allow both jews by ethnicity and religion in, and anyone can convert.
        Is it okay for me to make a country for Satan worshippers? Well, first we'd take the land by force and then claim it and only allow people in that worship Satan?

        Is it racist? No, not really.
        Is it wrong? Yes.
        Can we blame the Palestinians? Yes, they shouldn't resort to terrorism. But Israel's no angel either.

        Judaism today is not only a religion and a semi-ethnicity, but also a nationality, part of which is always Israel and Jerusalem, whether you're a zionist or not.
        Nationality should not be tied to religion.
        Separation of church and state.
        Hey, it's your country, do what you want. Just don't come crawling to others when people attack you.

        Most importantly Judaism is heritage, and that's what Jews are trying to preserve.
        What was Hitler trying to do with his SuperRace?
        "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
        Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


        • #34
          Re: Time to clarify

          Originally posted by Natan
          Israel has a rather generous welfare system though, and contrary to Guynemer's assertion, that system serves all of its citizens.
          I made no assertion. I was merely quoting Eli: "Btw, this goverment aid for new immigrants exists only in Israel, and only Jews deserve it. So if you got citizenship from some other reason, you'll have to work harder."

          And I stand by my judgment.
          "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
          "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


          • #35
            Originally posted by Asher
            Is it okay for me to make a country for Satan worshippers? Well, first we'd take the land by force and then claim it and only allow people in that worship Satan?

            Is it racist? No, not really.
            Is it wrong? Yes.
            Can we blame the Palestinians? Yes, they shouldn't resort to terrorism. But Israel's no angel either.
            Why are you turning this into an ME thread?


            • #36
              Originally posted by Natan
              Why are you turning this into an ME thread?
              It already happened once the Israelis started spewing this "It's okay because we're an ethnic group" crap.
              "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
              Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


              • #37
                Re: Re: Time to clarify

                Originally posted by Guynemer

                I made no assertion. I was merely quoting Eli: "Btw, this goverment aid for new immigrants exists only in Israel, and only Jews deserve it. So if you got citizenship from some other reason, you'll have to work harder."

                And I stand by my judgment.
                It is quite obvious from what Eli said that the gov't program in question applies only to new immigrants. He's not talking welfare, food stamps, etc. He's talking about unemployment insurance for new immigrants.

                Did you purposely misread what he said?


                • #38
                  axi : (threadjack) does your name mean 'the worthy one' in greek?
                  No, you are confusing the letter ÃŽ "ksi" with the letter X "chi". "a-ks-i-o-s" means the worthy one, but that doesn't have anything to do with my handle. My first name is Achilles (Or "Achilleas" in new Greek or Achillefs" in ancient Greek, the one from the Iliad), which alot of people cut down to "Achi", which is written "AXI" in greek. It's exactly like the Jewish name "Abraham" which you usually reduce to "Avy".

                  I used this handle in arcade game hiscores, so it was the first thing that sprung to mind when I was registering, after "feanor" which was unfortunately taken, by some SOB who has only made 5 posts in Apolyton.
                  "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
                  George Orwell


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Asher
                    Is it okay for me to make a country for Satan worshippers? Well, first we'd take the land by force and then claim it and only allow people in that worship Satan?
                    If they really want to and there's enough people, then yes, I say give them their own country.

                    Is it racist? No, not really.
                    Is it wrong? Yes.
                    Can we blame the Palestinians? Yes, they shouldn't resort to terrorism. But Israel's no angel either.

                    I don't get how did you get palestinians in here.

                    We're talking about Zionist legitimacy, not Israeli actions etc.

                    Nationality should not be tied to religion.

                    Tell that to the northern irish.

                    Separation of church and state.

                    Which is your value which you shouldn't force others to share.

                    Hey, it's your country, do what you want. Just don't come crawling to others when people attack you.

                    So don't come crying to UN and EU when we crack you open and spill your guts out to teach you not to screw with us.

                    What was Hitler trying to do with his SuperRace?

                    The goal was honorable.
                    The means - destroying every single non arrian and enslaving semi-arians (slavs) was not honorable.

                    I don't have a problem with people trying to protect and defend their heritage, as long as they don't hurt others.

                    The conflict here didn't result in Zionist pre-meditated intentions to hurt any one, but rather in a conflict between Zionists plans to live here, and Arab plans to live here alone.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Asher
                      It already happened once the Israelis started spewing this "It's okay because we're an ethnic group" crap.
                      1) Jews being an ethnic group has nothing to do with the Palestinian conflict, but rather with the definitions of Judaism and Zionism.

                      2) It's impolite to say I'm spewing crap, esp. if I do that in a very civilized and rational manner.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Sirotnikov
                        Tell that to the northern irish.
                        What, you assume I don't?

                        Which is your value which you shouldn't force others to share.
                        Which is why I said it's your country,and you can do what you want, but don't be surprised when people get pissed off at you for it.

                        So don't come crying to UN and EU when we crack you open and spill your guts out to teach you not to screw with us.

                        The goal was honorable.
                        The means - destroying every single non arrian and enslaving semi-arians (slavs) was not honorable.
                        Umm...I'm sorry.
                        Could you repeat that?
                        Hitler's goal to create a SuperRace was honorable?

                        I don't have a problem with people trying to protect and defend their heritage, as long as they don't hurt others.
                        I'm very tempted to slip in a comment here on how Israel was formed and how people were hurt by that, but I'll refrain.

                        The conflict here didn't result in Zionist pre-meditated intentions to hurt any one, but rather in a conflict between Zionists plans to live here, and Arab plans to live here alone.
                        Arab plans to live there alone?
                        Aren't you the ones that only let Jews in your country?
                        "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                        Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Sirotnikov
                          1) Jews being an ethnic group has nothing to do with the Palestinian conflict, but rather with the definitions of Judaism and Zionism.

                          Right, that's absolutely right.

                          2) It's impolite to say I'm spewing crap, esp. if I do that in a very civilized and rational manner.
                          Civilized and rational? You just said Hitler's goal of a Master Race was "honorable".
                          "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                          Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                          • #43
                            Re: Re: Re: Time to clarify

                            Originally posted by JohnT

                            It is quite obvious from what Eli said that the gov't program in question applies only to new immigrants. He's not talking welfare, food stamps, etc. He's talking about unemployment insurance for new immigrants.

                            Did you purposely misread what he said?
                            What Eli said was that only Jews deserve that aid. I think I read that exactly the way it was written.
                            "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
                            "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


                            • #44
                              Eli, you completely butchered this

                              What the survey reffered to in the opening of the topic actually said was that there are 13.3 million Jews in the world today, and that in 2050, there will probably be between 12 and 18 million Jews in the world. So "Number of Jews in the world will increase by 33% by 2050" would have been more accurate.


                              • #45
                                Re: Eli, you completely butchered this

                                Originally posted by Natan
                                What the survey reffered to in the opening of the topic actually said was that there are 13.3 million Jews in the world today, and that in 2050, there will probably be between 12 and 18 million Jews in the world. So "Number of Jews in the world will increase by 33% by 2050" would have been more accurate.
                                ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

                                I was thinking that what he said was pretty screwy

                                ha ha ha ha ha hah ahahahaha ha ha ha

                                Jon Miller
                                Jon Miller-
                                I AM.CANADIAN
                                GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

