Hussein 'Abayat, a local leader of the tanzimat, was extrajudicially executed in Beit Sahur in the West Bank by a shell launched from an Israeli helicopter gunship which killed two women standing near his van and injured nine others. An IDF spokesperson admitted that Hussein 'Abayat had been targeted, allegedly because he was going to launch an attack on Gilo settlement.
The Tanzim armed militia took responsibility for many shooting terracts and among them shooting on Gilo. I would rather trust Israeli intelligence on him planning an attack than rely on Amnesty's neutral speculations.
Furthermore, he was not extrajudicially executed but rather eliminated like combatants are during a due process of armed conflict.
Furthermore, he was a combatant employing terror tactics, namely targeting innocent civilians, which made his elimination ever more urgent.
Israeli security services killed at least 300 and wounded more than 10,000 Palestinians. The majority of those killed and wounded were demonstrators throwing stones or using slings; at least 100 of those killed were children under 18.
Missing information:
"demonstrators" were actually rioters, as they threw stones and used slings against innocent people in Israeli territory, or against Israeli security forces who tried to contain the riot.
Israeli security forces aimed at those rioters possessing molotovs and rifles who took cover begin the stone throwers.
The Israeli police, border police, special patrol force and IDF used excessive lethal force, firing rubber-coated metal bullets and live ammunition including high-velocity bullets at demonstrators.
I don't get the high-velocity bullets part. Are there slower bullets?
Furthermore, the fire was not, as we are lead to believe "random" and "generally aimed" but rather aimed at armed militia men. Unfortunately, sometimes they missed.
However, it's important to stress the ease, in which an armed gun-man can lay down his gun and instantly become "an innocent demonstrator" for the cameras and observers.
Some Palestinians were deliberately targeted and extrajudicially executed.
I would guess it were those using hot-weapons and planning the attacks.
Seeing how they behaved like combatants in most means (other than following law prohibiting the targeting of civilians) it is only fair that they were treated appropriately.
The Israeli airforce and the navy used heavy weaponry, including helicopter gunships, tanks and naval vessels, to shell randomly Palestinian areas from where armed Palestinians had opened fire.
Now that's a complete misrepresentation.
How come the places are "random" if it is mentioned those are specific places from which fire had been opened?
They also used heavy weaponry to conduct punitive raids against PA facilities.
Which were and are used as a basis for planning of military and terror operations against Israel, and therefore become legtimate military targets.