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What!! Guy goes on a rampage with a gun and no gun control thread yet?

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  • --"but if you include simple short term detention for indentification purposes..."

    Not sure they do. That number's from the FBI UCR, but I'm not sure what the methedology of the reporting is.

    --"That along with the nr of people actually in prison convicted on drug charges might give a better picture..."

    Best I could find was some 1996 data that showed 23.7% of the prison population in jail on drug offenses as their most serious charge (these are convictions only). 12.6% (again of the convicted population) had drug possession as their most serious offense. Considering there are over 2 million people in jail in the US, those are some pretty hefty numbers.

    There's also those idiotic three-strikes laws. Three minor possession convictions can get you put in jail for up to 99 years (no joke), with a pretty hefty minimum sentence that the judge is required to impose. Part of our problem is that we've got so many non-violent drug offenders in jail on mandatory sentences that we have to let the violent offenders out early. Another part is the plea-bargain system, which means if you name enough names you can get off easy. This just seems to result in the low and mid-level dealers getting off easy by turning in clients.

    --"So what stands against connecting arms ownership with training (in handling the gun, not in military discipline)?"

    I wouldn't be opposed to it, as long as it wasn't being used as an excuse to deny people purchases. In principle, there'd be nothing wrong, but it'd be too easy to make the classes cost too much, not run often enough, etc, and effectively bar anyone from getting a new weapon.

    I don't want children exposed to censorship - is there a chip for that?


    • Wraith, WRT conditions upon gun ownership, that is certainly not Constitutional.

      Article 1, Section 8 grants no power to the federal government to put a condition upon gun ownership, nor does the 2nd Amendment itself.

      If a State wanted to do that, I'd still be opposed, but not from a legal standpoint.
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      • There's also those idiotic three-strikes laws. Three minor possession convictions can get you put in jail for up to 99 years (no joke), with a pretty hefty minimum sentence that the judge is required to impose.
        I don't think it's necessarily the best system...but is the law idiotic, or the people that get busted three times? If I was convicted twice and knew a third could land me in prison for a long time, I would think that would be enough to deter me. Which is the point after all.

        I don't think putting someone in jail for life for dealing a little dope or smoking it is fair....but jeez, these people know what they're doing. They know the risks and possible consequences. So why do they continue to try the system???
        I see the world through bloodshot eyes
        Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


        • If I was convicted twice and knew a third could land me in prison for a long time, I would think that would be enough to deter me.
          It's called addiction. Hard to break.
          Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit


          • It's called addiction. Hard to break
            Then they belong in jail


            • They belong in jail for smoking weed??
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              • How sad, that someone wants to jail people for substance addictions. Next thing you know, we'll be tossin' 'em away for their religious beliefs...
                Delende est Ashcrofto


                • Newsflash: Man Addicted to Caffeine Gets Jailtime

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                  • "Not sure they do. That number's from the FBI UCR, but I'm not sure what the methedology of the reporting is."

                    I think the european drug information something has stats on drug arrests, but the legal definitions vary so widely it's quite pointless.

                    "Best I could find was some 1996 data that showed 23.7% of the prison population in jail on drug offenses as their most serious charge (these are convictions only). 12.6% (again of the convicted population) had drug possession as their most serious offense. Considering there are over 2 million people in jail in the US, those are some pretty hefty numbers."

                    So roughly 500.000 ?
                    I don't know our share, but the total prison population convicted of whatever is 5000 - population adjusted, less than 200.000.

                    Assuming it is the same share in nr of convicts as in convictions, would give ~7 % - so 15.000 vs 500.000 even after adjusting for population.

                    "There's also those idiotic three-strikes laws."

                    I still fail to understand how they can be upheld as constitutional.

                    "Another part is the plea-bargain system..."

                    Trial by plea-bargain instead of trial by jury. Not really a step forward...

