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EU should bomb Israel and tell americans to mind their own business

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  • #91
    Originally posted by faded glory

    Well where else would you have put a Jewish state

    (Besides what your probably thinking, back into concentrations camps )
    Oh, come on faded. This baiting has gone far enough. Next you'll be calling him a dirty commie.
    12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
    Stadtluft Macht Frei
    Killing it is the new killing it
    Ultima Ratio Regum


    • #92
      Well where else would you have put a Jewish state

      (Besides what your probably thinking, back into concentrations camps )
      I hope you're not serious, if you are, **** you.

      Outside of that, I'd prefer NO Jewish state. If they HAD to have one, I'd suggest an island out in the Pacific somewhere, preferably uninhabited. Or maybe the uninhabited part of Papua New Guinea.

      The fact that you even suggest the latter is very troubling.
      So you're telling me that the terrorist attacks on Israel AREN'T because Israel exists?
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      • #93
        Originally posted by KrazyHorse

        Oh, come on faded. This baiting has gone far enough. Next you'll be calling him a dirty commie.
        aww c'mon

        Im usaully on the recieving end of these attacks.

        Besides. His solution was (see above) proves he is probably a nazi


        • #94
          Not really. He's not suggesting forcibly moving those of Jewish extraction anywhere.
          12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
          Stadtluft Macht Frei
          Killing it is the new killing it
          Ultima Ratio Regum


          • #95
            Originally posted by David Floyd
            So you're telling me that the terrorist attacks on Israel AREN'T because Israel exists?
            No, your telling me that getting rid of Israel is the only solution? Rationally and obvouis thinking about getting rid of the terrorists?


            • #96
              My solution proves I'm a Nazi? You mean because I don't think we should give every oppressed people, or every religious group, there own nation, I'm a Nazi?? Whatever.
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              • #97
                No, your telling me that getting rid of Israel is the only solution? Rationally and obvouis thinking about getting rid of the terrorists?
                I'm saying they wouldn't have started in the first place if some stupid ass hadn't thought up the not-so-bright idea about creating a Jewish State, and then gone and done it.
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                • #98
                  Originally posted by David Floyd
                  My solution proves I'm a Nazi? You mean because I don't think we should give every oppressed people, or every religious group, there own nation, I'm a Nazi?? Whatever.
                  No.....your giving legitamacy to terrorists. Your writing the blueprint for future terrorist's fighting elsewhere. Your telling them You can win! look what we did to Israel

                  Must I remind you that Barak offered 90% of the west bank for a Palestinian state last summer? Should I also remind you that arafat rejected it, laughed in his face and told him that Jerusalem would be the capital of a Palestinian state.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by David Floyd

                    I'm saying they wouldn't have started in the first place if some stupid ass hadn't thought up the not-so-bright idea about creating a Jewish State, and then gone and done it.
                    Ok I get your drift.....

                    So you wish Israel was never there


                    • No.....your giving legitamacy to terrorists. Your writing the blueprint for future terrorist's fighting elsewhere. Your telling them You can win! look what we did to Israel

                      Must I remind you that Barak offered 90% of the west bank for a Palestinian state last summer? Should I also remind you that arafat rejected it, laughed in his face and told him that Jerusalem would be the capital of a Palestinian state.
                      Legitimacy to terrorists? No.

                      First off, I CAN see how a Palestinian terrorist could also be seen as a freedom fighter, but I can also see how he could be seen as a terrorist. I don't really care about that distinction.

                      My only point is that the Jews don't, and never have, deserved their own state. It makes no sense, and just created a bad situation.

                      BUT, if you HAVE to make a Jewish State, at least make it out in the middle of nowhere, like a deserted Pacific island, where they don't bother anyone and no one bothers them.
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                      • Actually that is a good idea. But it was the UN and british who decided where Israel goes...

                        Also: Must we remember that the Original Jewish state in 1948 was no bigger than long island? It was the arabs who declared war.....and tried to crush Israel. I have to think had the arabs not of declared war 6 hours after Israeli independence.....Israel would be nice and snug along the coast living in harmony with its neighbors?

                        But you cant blame the Arabs for that one. Not the Israeli's. The only aggression by them was in 1967...even then it was completely justified. Eypgt and Syria were building a massive army. The likes of which had never been seen in the region. And that army had one purpose: Destruction of Israel.


                        • Greeks did kick the invader out of Hellas but the similarities with Israel are not a lot.

                          Greeks always lived in Greater Hellas or Hellas, they never abandoned flag or submited spirit while on their grounds.

                          Israel seems to be an artificial state. Were there Jews under captivity in that region?

                          Who can deny the monstrocity of the Holocaust?

                          But the idea that Israel should be formed just so Jews have a home of their own and are not the scapegoats of Europeans doesn't click.

                          It seems Israel is just a projection of western interests in the region. It also serves american interests and that's why it is so heavily protected and praised in US and UK? media.

                          Who's to say that these people deserve to have a state formed and those do not? : The interests big powers have.

                          However, these things are not important.

                          What is important is that Palestinians should be allowed to live free. I think they have proven (much more than the Israelis) their craving for freedom.

                          How can one be on the side of an armed to the theeth people and not on the side of the deprived and the enslaved?

                          That is why Israeli casualties take second place to Palestinian deaths. Israel has arms and the support of the world's remaining super power. What do the palestinians have?

                          With what weapons are they supposed to fight for their freedom?

                          Was there ever formed a palestinian state? No, because it is not in the interest of the big powers of today's world.

                          But these people keep on fighting against a whole world. And will keep on fighting untill the bitter end if need be, they have the flame of freedom.

                          Of course they are used as pawns too. And no one can guarantee that a free Palestine wouldn't fall back on dark regimes once it is truely independent. But it deserves a state.

                          How can I have sympathy for people dropping bombs with sophisticated weaponry and the others fighting back with rocks?

                          And Sharon having a clean hand to do whatever he pleases upon innocents. Who the hell does he think he is? If he ever visites an EU country he is to be arrested for crimes against humanity. And it is this man who leads Israel. And he is allowed to do so when people like Milosevic were taken care of. Why?


                          • I don't think it helps to consider what has come before. Everyone's been a jerk at some point or other; the wheel of retribution is eternal and pointless.

                            Is it impossible for there to be one state with two state-sponsored religions? Is it possible for the pals and the israelis to share the space that they both happen to inhabit? I think if you asked the average palestinian or israeli if they would prefer such a solution to continued conflict, they would say yes.

                            It does not look to me like anyone is any more entitled to the land than anyone else. Why can't there be an equal society that does not take into account race or religion in determining who gets what? Why can't you have one government with a representative body of appropriate numbers of israelis and palestinians?

                            At this stage in civilization, it is foolish to continue to support the notion that people are fundamentally different. We all desire the same things from life, and we all know that conflict is futile and is never a lasting solution for anything. I am tired of seeing these endless debates centering around minor points. Is the solution to this mess really so unattainable?
                            It is certain; my conviction gains infinitely the moment another soul chooses to believe in it.



                            • It has to do with culture

                              your asking for one culture to get absorbed by another

                              your asking for a smaller group to ask for a larger group to come in (and that larger group wants then elimination of the smaller group)

                              and so on

                              It would be like (imagine the Chinesse having been in a 50 year fight with Britain and lots of bad blood on both sides) Frace making every chinese person a member of Britain, the result is that Britain would no longer exist and china would just get larger (and the people of Britain would be persecuted and so on)

                              see while the palestians have been wronged by the Israelis, they have grown a lot faster than the Israelis and would dominate the government if they became citizens, then considering the efforts they go to kill Israelis now I doubt that the Israelis would last long

                              Jon Miller
                              Jon Miller-
                              I AM.CANADIAN
                              GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                              • Ok Paiktis own up, this is a piss take thread right?



                                "The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.

                                "The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton

