Haha, as if the french arsenal mattered a jot in the calculations of the Russians. I'd put money on the ABM system they buuilt in the 60's to protect Moscow. Here's a hint, outside of the US and Russia, nobody has a big enough shlong to put MAD on the table, because only they can back it up.
Weelllllll, good for France and Germany. Do you have fields and fields of retired T80s to reactivate? Do youy have boomers cruising off the Russian coast? Do you have airforces that could survive the first 60 minutes of combat?
BTW, when do the French withdraw again so they don't risk breaking a nail, like they did from NATO?
Weelllllll, good for France and Germany. Do you have fields and fields of retired T80s to reactivate? Do youy have boomers cruising off the Russian coast? Do you have airforces that could survive the first 60 minutes of combat?
BTW, when do the French withdraw again so they don't risk breaking a nail, like they did from NATO?