You've yet to learn the balance of life. Don't worry, most of these people in here don't know about it either!
The balance is, on the other hand you have no control over things, right? ON the other hand, you have control over your things. It's a bit of a mush mash right there and a proper ding in a dangleboard.
Find the balance between those, and you have found yourself. First off, you must change your position on this spectrum like an juggler. When you feel down, you must gain that control. Do something that inspires you. What is it young man, what do you want to do! And then **** off and do it!
When you're about to take a risk or planning, then you move to the other side of the spectrum. Then you take into account you really don't have too much control over certain things.
So now what you need to do is shut up, sit down, eat a good meal, take a comfortable position on the couch and think what you want to do. You can do this for couple of days but you need to be ACTIVE on it. just breath in and out, if you know how to meditate, do that. IT's just simply concentrating, getting all the useless stuff out of your mind and then you have more clear picture of where you need to go.
So you get that picture first. And then you figure out a way to do it. Remember.. this is important... now listen; there's always a way. Always. There just is! If there's no way, it means you just haven't figured it out yet. So you need to keep thinking. Then you gain the confidence, and you go and *WHAM* success, glory, presents, happiness. That's it! It's simple.. keep it simple.
The balance is, on the other hand you have no control over things, right? ON the other hand, you have control over your things. It's a bit of a mush mash right there and a proper ding in a dangleboard.
Find the balance between those, and you have found yourself. First off, you must change your position on this spectrum like an juggler. When you feel down, you must gain that control. Do something that inspires you. What is it young man, what do you want to do! And then **** off and do it!
When you're about to take a risk or planning, then you move to the other side of the spectrum. Then you take into account you really don't have too much control over certain things.
So now what you need to do is shut up, sit down, eat a good meal, take a comfortable position on the couch and think what you want to do. You can do this for couple of days but you need to be ACTIVE on it. just breath in and out, if you know how to meditate, do that. IT's just simply concentrating, getting all the useless stuff out of your mind and then you have more clear picture of where you need to go.
So you get that picture first. And then you figure out a way to do it. Remember.. this is important... now listen; there's always a way. Always. There just is! If there's no way, it means you just haven't figured it out yet. So you need to keep thinking. Then you gain the confidence, and you go and *WHAM* success, glory, presents, happiness. That's it! It's simple.. keep it simple.