I knew this would come. I KNEW IT! Made several arguments about this a looong time ago and saw it as the grand plan, and it's starting to be executed soon.
Of course NATO is not a threat to EUrope. That's just silly. A big part of NATO IS European. This is anti-US babblings and a pipe dream. But it's a pipe dream that can become reality, I mean I think the plan is realistic. But is it a good thing, that I don't think it is.
I told earlier a long time ago time and again, that the EU wants to have a nice military alliance going on. Nothing wrong in that, in fact it is necessary. But calling NATO obsolete right after the building of this military .. the discrediting of NATO and calling it a threat, which it isn't to Europe, is part of plan. I thought they'd be more descreet about it though. As in vetoing everything in NATO, so the alliance wouldn't work really well. This way, the EU has the ONLY working bigger alliance. US would remain the biggest military force of course, but the only real alliance would be the EU, as NATO would become crippled by vetoing. THe next step is to get US out of EUrope, because EU is able to handle the region. And that's when EU has the only working real alliance, thus lifting it's importance into a new level and more shoulder to shoulder with the US..
People, you can deny this all you want, but I predicted this plan a long time ago, and it's happening right now. First you deny, then you laugh, and then you will attack me, but the fact remains.
US forces getting out of Europe
(no need for them to be in here)
EU getting new miltiary
EU scrambling NATO
NATO becoming crippled
EU having the only real alliance

Basically I don't see the need for crippling NATO. There's just no need.
I knew this would come. I KNEW IT! Made several arguments about this a looong time ago and saw it as the grand plan, and it's starting to be executed soon.
Of course NATO is not a threat to EUrope. That's just silly. A big part of NATO IS European. This is anti-US babblings and a pipe dream. But it's a pipe dream that can become reality, I mean I think the plan is realistic. But is it a good thing, that I don't think it is.
I told earlier a long time ago time and again, that the EU wants to have a nice military alliance going on. Nothing wrong in that, in fact it is necessary. But calling NATO obsolete right after the building of this military .. the discrediting of NATO and calling it a threat, which it isn't to Europe, is part of plan. I thought they'd be more descreet about it though. As in vetoing everything in NATO, so the alliance wouldn't work really well. This way, the EU has the ONLY working bigger alliance. US would remain the biggest military force of course, but the only real alliance would be the EU, as NATO would become crippled by vetoing. THe next step is to get US out of EUrope, because EU is able to handle the region. And that's when EU has the only working real alliance, thus lifting it's importance into a new level and more shoulder to shoulder with the US..
People, you can deny this all you want, but I predicted this plan a long time ago, and it's happening right now. First you deny, then you laugh, and then you will attack me, but the fact remains.
US forces getting out of Europe

EU getting new miltiary

EU scrambling NATO

NATO becoming crippled

EU having the only real alliance

Basically I don't see the need for crippling NATO. There's just no need.