Why don't those no good anti-abortionists do this: Pool all your funds that would otherwise go to bombing clinics, threatening//killing doctors, and bribing politicians and create an organization that will take care of unwanted children. This organization would take care of all expenses of the mother of the unwanted child for carrying the child to term: medical fees and the naught. Then the organization would adopt the child. They would take care of it and try to find it a new family that will want it.
This way, anti-abortionists get their ~8 pounds of flesh, and the mother doesn't need to worry about it. However, if the mother were to suffer any health or mental problems as a result of the pregnancy, the anti-abortionist womem hater organization would be fully culpable. Afterall, they've removed all right of choice from the mother. So they would be responsible in compensating her for their decision.
This way, anti-abortionists get their ~8 pounds of flesh, and the mother doesn't need to worry about it. However, if the mother were to suffer any health or mental problems as a result of the pregnancy, the anti-abortionist womem hater organization would be fully culpable. Afterall, they've removed all right of choice from the mother. So they would be responsible in compensating her for their decision.