Originally posted by The Mad Monk
BTW, what happened to make you flip the script, player?
I don't remember you putting the hate on Bush earlier.
BTW, what happened to make you flip the script, player?
I don't remember you putting the hate on Bush earlier.
1) Alright so Bush seemed pretty dope so he had my support going into office
2) After getting in, he comes out and says that there are going to be supluses for the next 10 years and so let's drop a big tax cut on everyone. It doesn't matter if these projections are wrong in the future (which they were 6 months after it was passed), let's base these tax cuts on them anyway. And, let's give some nice breaks to rich people too. Okay, this just seems like common sense, you can't plan out for 10 years, stop spending money you don't have. BIG RED FLAG. And this one is often forgotten.
3) 9/11 happens. Bush kicks Taliban azz hard so Ted is back on his side and extremley impressed with his handling of the situation. Guantonimo and the silly Axis of Evil speech are forgiven since the War on Terror seems to be going well.
Man don't even get me started. If Bush had just said something to the effect of, "Saddam is a dumbass and we are going to kill him," now that would have worked out alright for me. So of course, playing the deal out through the UN, using suave to get the job done, not been such a unilateral ass, that would have been alright.
Ancyrean made a post in the Iran thread about how Iran should have been handled, through the UN. We would have gotten Saddam removed eventually, but without so much policital cost, and with all the backing we needed, if we had handled Iraq in the same we he is proposing to deal with Iran.
But key events that majorly piss me off:
- Taking advantage of Colin Powell, the greatest statesman in the entire world, and USING the guy to lie to the whole world, was disgraceful. Powell's influence is now marginal, his character, ruined. You don't waste your best guy like that, and on both a moral and practical level it's disgraceful
- Turning around and BLAMING the intelligence community for poor intelligence on Iraq, when in fact they were coercing them to provide information they did not have
- USING the 9/11 sympathy the world gave us and completely ruining it, by trying to make a connection between Al Queda and Saddam. I personally believe Saddam was on the backend of the 1993 Trade Center bombing but it cannot be proven for sure. This using the 9/11 attacks as an excuse to carry out the war is the most dispicable of all.
- Bush, who never served himself, landing on the carrier like somekind of 9 year old with his first cowboy suit. Prancing around egging on the terrorists to "bring it on." Pathetic.
5) Completely absent on the economy.
First of all the tax cuts coinciding with the war is a no brainer. Every 9th grade kid learns about guns and butter so I won't go over it. Absolutley wreckless. Asking Congress for a blank check for the war, while at the same time passing a tax cut. I am honestly suprised that the economy has recovered at all. Seems to me it is on life support from the tax cuts, and has grown IN SPITE of Bush's policies.
6) And the biggest reason of all -Cheney. This lying bastard has a one track mind -- FIGHTING. That's all this dumbass ever thinks about. He is stuck in 1983 Cold War policitcs, and has failed to adjust to the state of current affairs. It's like he's stuck in a time warp. It's not about how has the biggest anymore. You gotta be smart nowadays, do your homework, enjoy a little forepaly, and THEN pull it out at the right time.
The running theme with this administration is:
We have agendas A, B, and C, it doesn't matter if current events mean those plans suck, we are going to push our agenda anyway even if it makes absolutley no sense whatsover, and we don't care what anybody else thinks.