are the first person here to call you a Stalinist.
The problem is...the system you are describing is VASTLY different from what you say you believe.
If you are a big proponent of democracy, then how does all the strongarm tactics figure into that democratic equation?
Democratic societies are, by and large, OPEN societies. The one you propose to create will have neighbor turning in neighbor in a paranoia-fest.
By its very definition, you'll need layer upon layer of Watchers to watch the populace, and then more watchers to watch the watchers, and police to come steal my ideas (since thinking isn't work and all, so at least you're not exploiting me).
Then of course the central planning authority will need some muscle to keep them in power.....and to deal more swift and final blows to any NEW dissenters who crop up.
Forgive me for pointing out the obvious, but none of this is sounding terribly democratic to my ears.
Is it to you? Is it really?
The problem is...the system you are describing is VASTLY different from what you say you believe.
If you are a big proponent of democracy, then how does all the strongarm tactics figure into that democratic equation?
Democratic societies are, by and large, OPEN societies. The one you propose to create will have neighbor turning in neighbor in a paranoia-fest.
By its very definition, you'll need layer upon layer of Watchers to watch the populace, and then more watchers to watch the watchers, and police to come steal my ideas (since thinking isn't work and all, so at least you're not exploiting me).
Then of course the central planning authority will need some muscle to keep them in power.....and to deal more swift and final blows to any NEW dissenters who crop up.
Forgive me for pointing out the obvious, but none of this is sounding terribly democratic to my ears.
Is it to you? Is it really?