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Price Gouging - Fair and balanced, or unfair

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  • are the first person here to call you a Stalinist.

    The problem is...the system you are describing is VASTLY different from what you say you believe.

    If you are a big proponent of democracy, then how does all the strongarm tactics figure into that democratic equation?

    Democratic societies are, by and large, OPEN societies. The one you propose to create will have neighbor turning in neighbor in a paranoia-fest.

    By its very definition, you'll need layer upon layer of Watchers to watch the populace, and then more watchers to watch the watchers, and police to come steal my ideas (since thinking isn't work and all, so at least you're not exploiting me).

    Then of course the central planning authority will need some muscle to keep them in power.....and to deal more swift and final blows to any NEW dissenters who crop up.

    Forgive me for pointing out the obvious, but none of this is sounding terribly democratic to my ears.

    Is it to you? Is it really?

    The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


    • Sorry, I think we're just trying to spam to 500 posts.

      And I really take back all the nasty stuff I said.
      Last edited by Kuciwalker; August 20, 2004, 22:06.


      • Originally posted by Velociryx
        Soon as I get this place fixed up and turned into party central, I'll see 'bout organizing a SE meet....that would rock! Hey, and sorry to hear about the recent bout with the un/under employment demons...UGH....tough stuff, but...good for you I guess...LOL

        Came through it into a MUCH better situation than before it happened, so blessings in disguise and stuff. Just let me know when and I'll bring beer.
        Solomwi is very wise. - Imran Siddiqui


        • Originally posted by Kuciwalker
          Sorry, I think we're just trying to spam to 500 posts.

          And I really take back all the nasty stuff I said.
          Don't even worry about it. The one on one is very enjoyable, even if people get frustrated.
          I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
          - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


          • Whooohooo! Go Solo! That's a very good thing!

            And yes yes! Looking forward to throwing a big bash here!

            The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


            • The one on one is very enjoyable, even if people get frustrated.

              People WILL express their individuality and they WILL buck the controllers.
              Like they do now?
              Only feebs vote.


              • yep....just like that.

                'cept that I don't have a member of the Party's Goose Stepping Squad looking over my shoulder, putting caps on my wages, telling me where to live, what to think, etc and so forth.

                But other than that....yep...just exactly like now.

                The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                • oops.
                  I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                  - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


                  • 'cept that I don't have a member of the Party's Goose Stepping Squad looking over my shoulder, putting caps on my wages, telling me where to live, what to think, etc and so forth.
                    What do you expect people to think Vel, when your "arguments" consist of 50s comic book paranoia interspersed with high school sarcasm?
                    Only feebs vote.


                    • Well geez Ag...I dunno. Read all about Kid's plan for our glorious future and then tell me if I'm wrong.

                      That'd be an excellent start.

                      The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                      • Oh dang...and I totally forgot.

                        You guys want a wholesale do-over, right?

                        We're just supposed to forget the failures of the Commie past and trust blindly that this time you'll find that magic combination and get it that how the line of thinking goes?

                        Cos if we look too deeply into Communism's oh-so-successful past...know what we find? Exactly what you said a minute ago.

                        But we're just supposed to pretend that's not out there, right?

                        Cos, you know, The Party, in its infinite wisdom and benevolence would NEVER do that again.

                        Uh huh.

                        An' I got some GREAT beachfront property in Nebraska, if you're interested.

                        The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                        • Well geez Ag...I dunno. Read all about Kid's plan for our glorious future and then tell me if I'm wrong.
                          Are you kidding? I largely avoid these threads in order to stay awake.

                          Of course you are wrong: just like everyone else who argues against a cartoon version of socialism.

                          I guess you should go live in Sweden, where the government watches you all the time, and having sex with gorgeous Nordic women is compulsory and state sponsored.
                          Only feebs vote.


                          • Isn't it amazing....if you repeat that mantra often enough, it almost starts to sound...believable.

                            Till you read the history of your own party, and the stuff you're espousing.

                            Then it gets a little...uncomfortable. Don't it?

                            So...we'll just gloss over all that.

                            I see.

                            The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                            • Which communist party? Of course, they're all the same, and any splits within the history of communism were Stalinist illusions. One might as well tar capitalists with the fascist stain, since they all ran like sheep to it when ordinary people got Bolshie.

                              Or, on the other hand, we could realize that there are many different kinds of communists/socialists. But that wouldn't make for the kind of pointless **** slinging that you prefer.
                              Only feebs vote.


                              •'s been the RED SIDE's assertion from the get go for global implementation....that wasn't me...that's all your team.

                                Now...I know I'm a bit slow on the uptake, but correct me here...we only got ONE globe, right?

                                And that would mean you only get ONE implementation? (I mean, that sorta follows, yes?)

                       doesn't really matter how you spin it. That's one shot.

                                Of course, the whole thing about naming the failures after the folks who spawned them really IS a masterful touch....makes it LOOK like it's all new and warm and fuzzy, but when you get down to particulars, it's the same song and dance with some other guy's name attached.

                                And THAT is the reality.

                                Last edited by Velociryx; August 21, 2004, 00:00.
                                The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.

